Chapter 65: Ruby's Hidden Potential and The Better Uchiha Brother

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Basically, to shorten it, y'know how Yang has her Semblance? Ruby has that. And it's not because of a crazy theory I have that "because they're sisters, Ruby must have two Semblances!", but because I was bored, the idea came to mind, and the fanart of Super Saiyan Rosé Ruby Rose gave me the idea. And fuck off if you don't like it, because my chapter. My story. My rules. Also, there may be a use of Silver Eyes here.

6:59 A.M. Ruby's POV

When Yang swings at me again, I dodge it and swing at her, managing to get her right in the chest, and she holds her chest in pain before smiling.

"I'm so proud of you." Yang explains, making me giggle nervously.

"I know that." I respond cockily.

"Oh ho ho!~ Don't get too cocky, Ruby Rose!" Yang exclaims, reminding me of, strangely enough, Wolf, before she smirks and charges at me again, but I block her punch again.

I growl as she rapidly punches me, and I get a surge of energy while blocking all of her punches, much to her surprise. She throws a kick, only for me to duck to avoid it and backflip, kicking her chin in the process.

"Oww..! Ruby, what the hell?!" Yang asks, and I put my hands up like she does.

"C'mon! Let's do this!!" I exclaim, and Yang's hair flows a little, but doesn't glow.

"Where'd all this come from, Ruby?" Yang asks, and I smile.

"Less talky, more fighty!" I exclaim before rushing at her, using my Semblance before she swings at me, and I dodge it before punching her in the gut, making her Aura flash and blood come out of her mouth.

"That's it, Ruby!!! No more fucking around!!!" Yang shouts before she socks me across the face, making me tear up and hold the side of my face.

I suddenly get pissed at Yang, and I growl before facing her, and I put my hands up in a fighting stance, and Yang looks either shocked or proud.

"R-Ruby... what in the..?" Yang asks before I growl more at her and dash at her.

Yang sighs before punching me as hard as she can, and I fly back into the house, my Aura flashing before I fall to the ground on my hands and knees. Yang rushes over to me and helps me up as I rub both my back and my gut.

"Owwwww... why did you do that, Yaaang..?" I whine.

"You were charging at me when I needed your attention!" Yang responds, and I sigh.

"Sorry... anyways, what is it?" I ask, and Yang points to my hair.

"Your hair and your eyes! It was glowing pink, like mine glows golden when I activate my Semblance!" Yang exclaims, and I gasp in surprise.

"Really?! I wanna see!!!" I exclaim.

"Well, I can't now. Your hair's back to normal!" Yang responds, rubbing her knuckles on my head, making me giggle.

"Yang, stooopp!!!" I laugh before Yang laughs and sighs.

She puts her hands on her hips.

"C'mon. Let's head inside and see this for ourselves." Yang explains, and I nod before we head inside, and Monika notices my injuries, healing them as I smile at her, and we head upstairs and to the bathroom, where we both look in the mirror.

I look to Yang.

"What now?" I ask, and Yang thinks.

"Well, I'm not gonna punch you, and I'm pretty sure you don't care about your hair like I do, so... what do I do to make you pissed?" Yang asks.

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