Chapter 47: The Heartthrob Force's Biggest Challenges Yet

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Supervillains. Yay me, amirite?

6:00 A.M. Monika's POV

I heard a noise, so I shake Yuri awake gently, and she comes to, yawning softly.

"What-" Yuri asks before I cover her mouth and point to Anne.

Then, I point to the clock. Yuri nods and we head to Natsuki and Sayori's room. I hear growling in the room, so I open the door slightly, and I see Eliza looking over them protectively, growling at the window. I look to Yuri, and she nods, silently heading into the room. She taps Eliza's shoulder, who turns around suddenly, only to see Yuri's smiling face.

"Auntie Yuri? But... I saw you outside..." Eliza explains, and I walk in.

"Not possible. I literally just woke us up." I explain.

"Well... it wasn't exactly... 'her'. She had a lot of blood on her, and I felt really angry towards her, unlike the real Auntie Yuri." Eliza explains, her tail wagging.

Her tail ends up waking up Sayori and Natsuki. Sayori smiles when she sees us, and she looks at Eliza, making me nod. Sayori hugs Eliza tightly.

"I'm so proud of yooou!!!~" Sayori squeals, making Eliza's ears flatten.

"Ears... ears..." Eliza whimpers, and Sayori purrs softly.

I head over to the window, and I open the blinds slightly, and I see that Yuri impersonator filing her nails to pass the time, and I knock on the window, making her jump and fall off as I wave goodbye.

"What? What happened?" Natsuki asks.

"Eh, just some idiot dressed like Yuri who fell off the roof." I explain before putting two and two together.

"THAT BITCH!!!" I shout before teleporting outside, catching her before she fell and teleporting right back into the room.

I quickly spawn some handcuffs and put some around her arms and legs as Eliza and Sayori growl {or in Sayori's case, hiss} at her.

"Блин... план провалился." She mutters.
Translation; Damn... the plan failed.

I look to Yuri, and she nods. Yuri kneels down to her.

"Каков план?" Yuri asks, surprising the girl.
Translation; What's the plan?

She thinks before smirking.

"Antag att du inte vet vad jag säger nu, hm?" The girl asks, and Yuri crosses her arms.
Translation; I suppose you don't know what I'm saying now, hm?

"Åh, men jag gör det." Yuri retorts, and the girl thinks again.
Translation; Oh, but I do.

"И сада? Јасно, не можете ме разумети." The girl explains.
Translation; And now? Of course, you can't understand me.

"Бити вишејезични неће вас спасити од мог бескрајног беса. Сада говорите. Ко си ти? Шта желите од нас?" Yuri asks, and the girl groans.
Translation; Being multilingual will not save you from my boundless fury. Now start talking. Who are you? What do you want from us?

"Fine. I'll speak. My name is Violet." Violet states.

She has a Russian accent, meaning that Russian must have been her first accent.

"What do you want from us?" Yuri asks.

"My comrades and I are going to expose you. I know that you are The Heartthrob Force. Anyone with a brain can see that. And since you finally snapped and left the news without answering questions, we have taken it upon ourselves to ruin your good names before you have any good names, to begin with." Violet explains.

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