Kapitel 56: Das Blutrauschen des Majors

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Ha. You can't read German. Haaa.

6:59 A.M. The Major's POV

I instantly smile wider at the news of Kaguya's death. It's like a stimulant, only it's constantly being injected for every good news given.

"Major? You're up. There are only two of us left. Make this count." Eggman orders, and I clap my hands giddily before grabbing my phone and dialing a number.

"Herr Doktor? Send the troops here. Jetzt." I order.
Translation; Sir Doctor? Send the troops here. Now.

"Right away, Major." He responds before I hang up and wait, my arms behind my back.

"...what are you--"

"Shh-sh-sh. Listen."

"Listen for what?"

I smile widely.

"Can you not hear them?"

"Hear who?"

A rumbling is heard on the ground, and Eggman looks outside, seeing my massive army of 1,000 vampires, and he smiles, laughing evilly.

"I must say, Major; for a crazed Nazi hellbent on taking over the world, this is an impressive army." Eggman states.

"Dankeschön, Doktor. Now then, I must go. If I don't make it, at least I'll have fun doing it!" I exclaim before I simply walk out of the Egg Carrier and drop before I'm caught by my army and brought to the front of them all next to Herr Doktor, Luke and Jan Valentine.
Translation; Thank you,

"Gentleman? Now is the time we finally attack the main headquarters of our enemy!" I announce, making everyone cheer and clap.

"Wait, waitwaitwait. Hold up. I thought Hellsing was our enemy." Jan states.

"Aah, Jan, but we have a new enemy! Hellsing and this house!" I respond.

"What's so special 'bout a fuckin' house?" Jan asks.

"What's so special about this house is that this is the house of who has slaughtered CEFKOMS except for Dr. Eggman and yours truly. They are a force to be reckoned with." I explain.

"Yeah, but I still don't get how a bunch of fuckwads who think they're hot shit can just kill whatever Frieza is, a literal god and whoever that Cinder chick was." Jan argues.

"They have the main character card." Luke responds.

"Well, that's a load of bullshit." Jan pouts.

"Jan, Jan, Jan... you get too ahead of yourself. This time will be different. This isn't just a kill everyone mission. This is a retrieval mission. Ex-Warrant Officer Schrödinger has been noted to be in this very house. We must get him back." I explain.

"Why? The bastard walked out on us." Jan argues.

"Because, Jan, if we wish to keep our immortality, then we must have more of his blood. His omnipresent blood is our only way of maintaining our immortality." Herr Doktor responds.

"...how the fuck does that work?" Jan asks.

"Explain." I order.

"Like, if we have immortality we shouldn't be able to run out of how many times we can't die." Jan explains.

"...your logic astounds me." I simply respond.

10:29 A.M. Summer's POV

"So then I said; 'Infinite, why the fuck did you do that?!' And he responded with; 'Because I haven't seen Titanic in two days.'!!!" Zilch jokes, making us die laughing.

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