Chapter 64: All Living Things Kneel Before Your Master

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The true overlord. Metal Sonic.

6:09 A.M. Tails's POV

As I finally manage to get Penny's upgrades done, she sits up from the table, and she smiles at me.

"Thank you, Tails!" Penny exclaims, and I scratch behind my head, smirking.

"It's no big deal, Penny. It's my pleasure!" I respond, and Penny giggles.

"How long must I stay here until the upgrades are done pending?" Penny asks.

I look at the computer. 1/3,000 applications.

"...a long time, depending on how much you don't do anything for." I explain, and Penny smiles before reaching her arms out to me, so I walk over to her and hug her.

"You're welcome, Penny." I respond, and I walk out of the room before yawning, but there's no time to be tired, because an explosion sounds outside, making the house rumble, and it wakes everyone up.

"What was that?!" Sonic asks, and we all look out the window to see that a group of baddies are outside, attempting to look menacing and failing.

There are two that stand out among the rest, and it's two robots I never thought I would see again.


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" that a chicken?" Ruby asks.

"Indeed it is." Retro responds, grinning his head off.

"What's up with you?" Yang asks.

"I just love those two over there; the chicken and the thing with the drill-arms. Platonically. The chicken's name is Scratch, and the other one is Grounder. They're complete and utter dumbasses, with Scratch's I.Q. being 40 and Grounder's being 25, but they have the logic of a 90's animated show on their side." Retro explains.

"...and that means..?" Calamar asks.

"That means that literally anything can happen to them, and they won't die. And that anything can happen to us, but they won't win. So, it's a guaranteed win for us." Retro explains.

"I think I've seen them before! The green one can make his arms into anything he wants!" Mei exclaims, pointing to Grounder.

"So, they're idiots with the most advanced tech of the 90's? If that wasn't genius, I would destroy them right now... but I can't regardless." Raven responds.

"Sonic, you've interacted with them before. How are they in terms of combat?" Shadow asks.

"They're horrible at everything. They're a couple of dumbbots." Sonic explains, and I sigh.

"It feels nice hearing you say that again... like a wave of nostalgia..." I explain, and Sonic smirks.

"Who're the other ones?" Cadabra asks as we look at them.

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