Chapter 90: Eye For An Eye...

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And this time, a certain green-eyed individual is his target as well as a silver-eyed one. Per to Salem's instructions, of course.

7:09 A.M. Monika's POV

I wake up in a chair, my hands and legs bound together. I try to read Yuri's mind, but she isn't here.

"...alright, then. At least I can enjoy this while it lasts." I state before I hear maniacal cackling all around me.

My bunny ears droop when I hear it.

"Who's there?! I have a yandere wife on speed dial!" I exclaim, and a pale man with a KILLER braided rat tail wearing a white sleeveless jacket with leather belts strapped to it, along with white pants walks out of the shadows, revealing some gold-colored eyes that quickly flash purple for a second.

His arms are covered with purple bandages and leather vambraces. He also wears leather boots covering his entire shin with knee guards. On each earlobe is a silver, ring-shaped earring, and near the top of his left ear is another matching earring. His jacket is also open, revealing his chest... for some reason.

"...excuse me, but... who's this Heath Ledger lookalike?" I ask.

He looks a bit confused.

"Who?" He asks.

"Nevermind. Kinda shocked you don't know him, considering he voiced the Joker and all... also kinda shocked I'm making small talk with my captor." I explain.

He giggles creepily and... well, insanely.

"Well, I suppose that's a tad ironic." He explains.

"Also, who are you? And can you please let me out?" I ask.

He scoffs, although his smile doesn't leave his face.

"Why, friend, my name is Tyrian. And I'm afraid that is not possible. My assignment from Her Grace was to retrieve you and the Rose. So, that is what I must do. One does not upset the Queen." Tyrian explains.

I stay silent and look around. It's completely pitch black except for the dim light above me and the insane man before me.

"Question." I state.

"Answer." Tyrian responds.

"Are you a Faunus?" I ask.

"But indeed!" Tyrian exclaims, revealing his metal tail.

"Scorpion. Faaantastic." I mutter, and he looks shocked.

"I sense annoyance!" Tyrian exclaims.

"You do. I'm not really a fan of bugs. Kinda creepy. Of course, I'm not saying you are, but your laughing is kinda unnerving and kinda wants to make me smile for the oddest of reasons." I explain.

"That's a first, but it isn't unwelcomed! After all, it's nice to be happy when you're serving Her Grace's cause!" Tyrian exclaims.

"And by 'Her Grace', you mean Cinder, right?" I ask.

He bursts out into pure laughter, insulting me a little.

"...was it something I said?" I ask, laughing a small bit.

"You, you haven't the slightest clue, do you? Oh, how exciting this must be! The Fall Maiden couldn't come CLOSE to what Her Grace is! And plus, Cinder's dead, so..." Tyrian explains.

With my code, I free my hands and reach for my phone's voicemail, and I dial Yuri's number.

"Then, could you mean Salem? I mean, no disrespect if it is, but... just spitballing here." I explain, and he actually slaps me across the face, his expression now pissed.

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