Chapter 81: Justice

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My childhood version, thank you very much. And also, before anything and everything...

This series brought us Mark Hamill's best Joker laugh. Fight me, I dare you.

3:09 A.M. Sayori's POV

"Dammit, not again..." I hear Natty groan, and I open an eye.

"If there's tacos, I'm waking up..." I mutter, and Natty grabs my sides, making me yelp, completely awake.

"I wouldn't embarrass us right now, Sayori..." Natty whispers.

"Why?" I ask quietly.

"Where are we right now?" Natty asks.

I look around. It looks... really high-tech. The windows show that it's nighttime.

"...a tecchie's dream?" I ask.

"The Watchtower, you dingus!" Natty mutters through grit teeth, and I beam.

"The--" I exclaim before Natty covers my mouth.

"Shh." Natty shushes before pointing behind her with her thumb.

I look, and someone is at a chair, looking at different events.

"If you wanna stay alive, I recommend we stay quiet." Natty whispers.

I nod. Natty puts her hand off of my mouth.

"Where's Monika and Yuri? Or... anyone for that matter." I ask.

Natty points behind me, and Monika, Yuri, Zoe, Shantae and Rotty are unconscious.

"How does this keep happening?" I whisper, and Natty shrugs.

"I think it has to do with Banzai." Natty responds, and I put my hands over my mouth in horror.

"You don't think he could be doing this to screw with us, do you?" Sayori asks, and Natty sighs quietly.

"I dunno. But we better wake those lugs up and try to get back home without anyone spotting us." Natty responds, and I nod, purring the tiniest bit before the person at the desk stands up.

It's. The goddamn. Batman.

"...Natty? We're already found." I whisper.

"What makes you say that?" Natty asks.

"...Batman is the one at the desk." I say, almost completely silent as Natty's ears flatten.

"...fucking hell..." Natty groans quietly, and she moves an inch closer to me, and when I look back to check if he saw us, he's gone.

I prepare for the worst, but I stand up and turn around. Nothing. My ears flatten as I back up, and I bump into someone, so I reflexively jump, making Natty stand up and look at me.

"You gotta be kidding me..." Natty mutters, putting a hand on her forehead.

I turn around, and it's only Zoe wearing the cloak, making me laugh as Zoe takes the thing off and rubs my head.

"G'die, mite!" Zoe exclaims.

"We actually thought you were Batman for a second!" I exclaim.

"Nao wohroys. If he shaows up and wahnts answahs, he's gawnna hahve t' geh' through me t' geh' t' anyone else." Zoe explains.

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