Chapter 78: Left 4 Doki Doki Dead

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Because I can.

??:?? ?? Sayori's POV

"Hey, I think she's waking up!" I hear a muffled Natty exclaim, and I roll over, rubbing my eyes.

"Juss' five moar minutes..." I whine, pulling the blanket over me.

"We don't have time for this. Wake up, Sayori." Natty orders in a serious voice, making me groan before someone rips the blanket off of me, making my eyes open widely, and I yelp, covering myself before I realize I'm in clothes, and Natty, the culprit of the blanket-rippage, tosses the blanket at my face.

"I'm up, I'm up..!" I exclaim, and I take the blanket off of my face to show that we're in an abandoned mall with Yuri, Monika and Zoe unconscious.

"What happened?!" I ask, standing up.

"I dunno. I woke up, and I'm on a rooftop in a flaming city, so I had to drag all of you to the mall. Also, there are guns and ammo over there on the table along with an axe. Dunno why." Natty explains.

"Maybe it's for the 𝖟𝖔𝖒𝖇𝖎𝖊 𝖎𝖓𝖛𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓..." I snarl, holding my hands out and growling as Natty giggles, trying to hold me back.

"Sayori, cut it ou-ho-hout!" Natty laughs, and I bite her collarbone before stopping, and I look to the others.

"Geez... they're really out cold..." I mutter, walking to Zoe and sitting down.

"Y'know, it's nice to see Zoe calm like this. Normally, she's always smiling, frowning or angry, but... it's nice to see just a calm Zoe." I explain, brushing her left cheek with the back of my hand.

Zoe giggles in her sleep and grabs my hand, squeezing it. I smile before kissing her forehead, and an eye opens slightly.

"Suyyori..? Wheah am Oy? And whoy is thiies baed sao fuckin steeff..?" Zoe asks, hitting what's underneath her, and she winces, having hit the ground.

"We're in an abandoned mall. I don't know what the heck's going on..." I respond, and Zoe sits up before looking around.

"Hello." Natty greets, smiling, and Zoe waves a small bit before standing up.

"WHAHT THE HAELL'S GAOWIN' ON?!?" Zoe asks, making Monika and Yuri jolt awake.

"A-Awake now..!" Yuri exclaims, and Monika stands up before looking around.

"Hm. And why does it look like the day after tomorrow was yesterday?" Monika asks.

"Good question. Maybe we can ask the burning hellscape around us." Natty retorts.

"Oooh~, ahh those guns ovah theah?" Zoe asks, pointing to the pistols and AK-47 on the table.

"Looks like it." Yuri responds.

"We're not gonna need 'em." I respond.

"Juuuuuuuuust in cuyse..." Zoe responds, taking a pistol and spinning it around her finger before sheathing it in her pocket.

"Holy shit, Zoe..." Natty mutters.

"How are you so good at using guns?" I ask.

"Aftah Oy was saent awhy frawm Monika, thighnks t' moy adawpted fuymily, Oy was saent t' the Austruylian Moilitaray faw taen yeahs because thy saw moy eahs and thaw' thy could be usaeful. Buh' one die... someone shawt a payce of moy ear off. Thaht's the missin' biieh' roigh' up heah, y'see?" Zoe asks, pointing to the lack of tip of rabbit ear on her left ear.

"Thaht's whoy Oy was saent bahck t' school. And you mie ask; thaen haow weah yah heah faw ooll of school? Whoy do yah theenk Oy wahsn't at school durin the weentah? Hoibuhnuytion? Seeckness? The snaow bein' too theeck? Oy'll geeve yah the rayl answah. Oy was hahd at wehk, trinein' at thaht fuckin' cahmp ooll of moy loife until thaht fuytaeful day. And seence thaht day, moy loife hahs bayn a leeving haell faw me in the weentah, because Oy hahve t' kayp moy figooah up. And Oy cahn steell heah moy old colonel shoutin' in moy ear t' thiies very day." Zoe explains, tearing up.

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