Chapter 5

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"Would you mind if we go back to my place and talk? If the paparazzi come back and spot us together, you'll be in even more trouble." Am I dreaming?  "Only if you want to talk, of course."

"O-of course"
I mentally face palmed upon realising I'm stuttering in front of the man I loved, being gravely disappointed in myself.

I wasn't like this, most people would describe me as confident and charming yet somehow, surprises tends to have this effect on me, leaving me speechless and astonished.

Perhaps that's what came over me last night, the surprise of Mystery man being Zayn.

Harry looked even better in person.

Short hair, full lips, breath-taking eyes which were the nicest shade of heaven, he had the sunglasses he wore earlier above his head, giving his hair a gorgeous shape as he rocked black skinny jeans with a 'treat people with kindness' hoodie which was previously used to cover his hair and face to avoid being recognised.
And as always, the set was completed with Gucci shoes and a Gucci belt.

At least there's still a sun outside for the sunglasses to be directed at, I observed.

We walked out the door, looking at the ground to ensure no one can recognise us,

It was weird to say us, firstly because imagine being known enough to need to cover up, and secondly because me and Harry were now an us. Well for now we were.

We hopped in the back seat of the window-tinted car as the driver drove off.

I looked at him with confusion. "Why do you care to be here." I mumbled, shocked by my own bluntness.

"What do you mean?" He responded. I was hoping he didn't hear my easily misinterpret-able comment but all hopes of that came crashing down when he continued,

"I didn't approve of Zayn's actions. I wouldn't have come to talk if they didn't find you, and now that they did, I know you're gonna be struggling for a long time, this might even be permanent damage for you, and what kind of person would I be if I didn't come to help an 18-year-old who spends their time appreciating me." He smiled.

I was full on blushing by now. What is happening. I'm in a car. With Harry styles. Blushing out of control. More in love than ever.

This is so not like you, Lia, my subconscious reminded me.

"We're here" He announced "go in, don't be shy." He smiled.

"This is overwhelming. There is no way in hell I'd ever expect to be in your freaking house!" I exploded in excitement.

What happened to cool and feisty Aurelia? Where'd she go? the nagging voice in my head continued.

As we sat down, he jumped straight to the point. "Story time. Tell me what happened. Don't leave anything out, trust me I'm here to help you."

This was where I started telling him everything, from how paparazzi was now at my work place,

to how I was gonna be kicked out of my house tonight because of a stupid deal I made years ago, to how much hate I've received

"Look, from experience, it's best if you move work places. Posting anything will only make it a bigger deal. As for your sister, I'm sorry." He said, hinting that I would after all be spending the next 2 nights on the streets.

I could never comprehend why he repeatedly mentioned something about Zayn going back to his old ways being dangerous for us all, but I took note attentively regardless.

"It's okay. You're amazing. I wish we didn't meet under these circumstances, you must think I'm a total slut." I sighed.

"I've been with fans before, and I've seen faces which would shoot me on any other day in my bed." He sweetly responded.

Harry was 20, so naturally, he wasn't really as sweet as he was letting on, But I understood the act as I'm sure he believed I was in a fragile state.

"I really don't wanna leave, but I have to get going before my sister gets enough time to make up and exaggerate the story."

We hugged upon my request and I said goodbye, knowing that this was probably the best worst day of my life.

It was weird though. You wouldn't expect your first encounter with the love of your life to be so... depressing.


This chapter was slow.... I swear I'll make it more interesting

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