Chapter 40- finale

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"Ma'am" the words felt bitter coming from his lips. I remember the man responsible for all these shenanigans once calling me that, "Madam?"

I finally looked up, showing the doctor the tears in my eyes and the tear stains on my face.

"I'm so sorry. We did everything we could, but the bullet had went into his bloodstream and traveled to his heart. I'm sorry, but your friend is dead." My heart shattered, I prepared myself for the worst as i asked the next question,

"Which one of them?" I said, sobbing.

"Zayn Malik."

I was now full on crying like a child. Thank god.
"And Harry?"

"Harry is still in surgery, you brought him in just in time, you may had just saved his life." The doctor ensured.

Everything around me stilled. He was okay. I didn't kill him.

I can no longer say I'm no murderer though. Not anymore.

The police could never know, but I should be charged with first degree murder.

The adrenaline had been keeping me numb, and just as the doctor ensured me that Harry may just be fine, the adrenaline faded.

I fainted immediately, the room spinning and darkening slowly.

"Dehydration! Get the girl some water and an IV bag" I heard voices around me but I couldn't move, I couldn't feel.

I woke up an hour later, feeling dizzy and weak.

I looked around to see an IV attached to my arm and I no longer felt thirsty.

I quickly remembered Harry and called for a nurse, needing at least some news. Good news preferably.

"Hi, you're awake... Harry is Fine, he's in the icu right now and in a medically induced coma until his body heals from the damage. He will be staying here for about a week and will be out of the coma by tomorrow night." The doctor announced.

Tears were threatening my eyes again. Tears of joy. Tears of happiness.

I mumbled a thank you, knowing I can't get up to hug him with the IV still in my arms.

While laying down, I decided to watch some TV, and as expected, Harry was on every single news outlet.

"Actor and singer Harry Styles shot and in critical condition, hear all about it on BBC"

"Harry Styles and Zayn Malik found shot in the woods by Malik's ex girlfriend. Catch up in an hour, only on CNN"

Girlfriend? Excuse me?

"Zayn Malik, dead from gunshot wound, officials hunting down shooter."

Well that's just great.

I hadn't gotten any sleep in more than 30 hours, excluding the hour of fainting, so I slowly dozed off while hearing Harry and Zayn's name repeatedly on the television.


I must've been asleep for 20 hours, because I woke up to the sound of the doctor letting me know Harry is awake.

I wasted no time and took out the IV, ignoring the nagging doctor as I ran towards Harry's room.

"Butera?" Harry said softly.

Tears filled my eyes. God bless.

I ran towards him and hugged him tightly, "Zayn's dead" I whispered.

"No more drama. Just me and you" he hummed back.

Harry was more upset than he would ever let on. He obviously cared for Zayn deeply and was grieving, but I couldn't help but feel relieved as those words left his lips.

"I love you" I admitted.

"I love you too, Aurelia Butera Heart." He said lowly as my smile grew wider.

I sat on the little bed with him as he patted the spot next to him, signalling me to lay down instead.

I laid down on the tiny bed and held his hand, the one without a blood bag and IV attached of course.

All night, we whispered promises to each other, knowing there's no one to separate us anymore.

I could tell I have PTSD, but I didn't want to ruin our moment by discussing it with the doctor so I decided to leave that for later.

Harry felt the need to take to Instagram that he's alright to make sure his fans don't worry about him, simply because he's Harry, and I love him even more for it.

To my surprise, he also took the liberty of telling the world he now has 'a beautiful girlfriend named Aurelia'.

"Beautiful girlfriend huh? What if I say no" I smirked, teasing him.

"Well then I'd have to ask you out until you say yes" he smiled, immediately making me swoon.

"Hm that sounds fun, I might just say no for the sake of it"

"Cut it gorgeous, you're already mine regardless." He said sweetly, earning a kiss which soon turned into a full on make out session once again.

"I love you" I said in between kisses.

"And I love you" he hummed, sending vibrations through my body.

I love one man, and he is the most perfect man on earth.

For a second, I hoped my first love will be my last, that one day he could truly be mine and mine only, and that one day, we'd have mini Harry's running around the house.

For a second, it was all perfect, it was just absolutely perfect.

This was my rainbow, the light at the end of my tunnel.

Revengeful lust ✔️ H.S Where stories live. Discover now