Chapter 46- extra, Zayns mother

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Harry's POV— flashback

I walked in to the dark room, seeing nothing but mist and fog.

What kind of villain's lair is this?

We had been planning this attack for months, nothing can go wrong. Nothing should go wrong. Our lives depend on it, so does Louis's. Aurelia was counting on me and I just couldn't lose this.

Through all the haze and fog, I saw little movements from across the hall. The moves were planned and strategic, all signs of an incoming attack.

I pulled my gun out slowly, making sure my plan went unnoticed. My men were in the main room, taking care of Zayn and Louis while I was here on the lookout.

The last draw for me was when I heard the safety of a gun be removed. This was definitely an attack.

I used the haze as cover while I ran towards the attacker, leaving no room for surprises.

I signalled my men to let them know we've been caught, but I knew it would take them far too long to get here.

As I got closer, I could tell it was a women figure. She seemed buff and prepared and I was in no way planning to hurt a lady.

Suddenly, as I was getting closer, a loud gunshot echoed the hall along with the whimpers of Jude, one of our best men.

In shock and in a moment of sheer confusion, I forgot completely that I had already removed the safety and shot the woman.

Not long later, Zayn ran out of the room, along with his men.

I was too worried to go see if the woman's dead for myself, so I was thankful when Zayn did the job for me.

"You killed her. You little bastard" he roared, running towards me with a knife.

I had no idea why he was so furious, of course I felt shame and guilt but our men get killed in battles all the time. It wasn't until I got closer in an attempt to run away from Zayn that I realised it was Mrs.Malik I shot.

I shot Zayn's mother.

I felt guilt in every inch of my body, throwing me off my game. Zayn easily captured me then, throwing me in a room and locking me in alone, leaving me with my thoughts and a dark empty room.

Zayn's POV

I've always considered Harry a somewhat friend, but at this moment, he proved he was everything but.

I grieved my mother in my own way, going on a killing spree, throwing a rampage but it was no use. I still felt the hurt.

I saw it all happen in slow motion; Harry was shocked and pulled the trigger, immediately having the look of regret after the shot was fired.

I could tell he didn't realise who he was shooting to begin with, but that didn't take away from the fact that Harry styles shot my mother.

Apologies may fix little wounds, but this one cut deep.

This bullet cut deep.

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