Chapter 39

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NOTE: Hey guys, I am so very sorry. I know that I said I was going to update regularly, but I have been busy and then when I wasn't I had writers block and it was a huge mess. So I'm sorry, especially since this is just a fluff chapter because I'm still brain dead. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it anyway. -Captain


"Can we go get some food first? I'm starving."

"Sure. Come on." I grabbed Gabe's hand, eagerly dragging him towards the many food trucks that dotted the carnival. My mouth was already beginning to water just thinking about all of the food that I could eat. "What are you in the mood for?"

"I don't know. It all looks so good." He shrugged. "How about you pick."

"Okay," I muttered nervously. Thinking about all the good foods, I tried to come up with a specific one. We could always go for the ice cream, or the nachos. "Oooh. How about Funnel cake?"

"Funnel cake?" he asked.

"You don't know what funnel cake is?" I gasped, watching as he shook his head. "You have got to try it! It is amazing!" I grabbed his hand, dragging him towards the funnel cakes, asking for one hungrily.

"Are you not going to eat any?"

"No, I will. I got one in case you don't like it, even though I know you will, but also because the funnel cakes here are huge and are hard to eat by yourself, so we can share."

Thankfully, the chef already had one cooking so it only took a few minutes to get it to us and I couldn't help but chuckle as I watched Gabe eye it hungrily. "Come on. Let's go find a seat."

 We sat down, watching as a few kids raced each other across the lot. I extended the funnel cake to him, watching him carefully, wanting to see his reaction to the dessert. I sat in silence, waiting for him to say something.

"This is really good," he muttered, grabbing another bite and I chuckled, taking my fork and began eating the other half of the cake. We ate the food slowly, enjoying the treat, watching as people ran around, played games, and kissed.

"Sorry that Jess isn't here."

"It's fine. I don't have to spend every moment of my life with her, so I can still enjoy myself."

"Yeah. Hey, come on. Let's go play some carnival games." I nodded, agreeing as he led me over to the rows of carnie booths. "What first?"

"Anything but the ducks."

"Why?" he furrowed his brows. 

"They are impossible to beat," I stated, watching as he grinned. "What?"

"Let's go play that game then."

"What! Why?"

He didn't listen, just walked towards the game, grinning almost as wide as the Carnie was. "Do you know how to play?" he asked and Gabe shook his head. "There is a whole pond of ducks. They hall have stickers on the bottom. One of them has a green one, all of the other ones are red. Get the green one, and you get a prize, get the red one, and you get nothing. Do you want to play?"

"Sure." Gabe handed over 50 cents and stared at the ducks. I was beginning to wonder what he was doing when he reached in and pulled up a duck, flipping it over. "Green," he stated, grinning happily. Both the Carnie and I were staring at him in shock. Gabe just pointed out a stuffed giraffe and chuckled when it was handed over.

"How did you... I've never seen..."

"I don't know. I just did," he shrugged.

"You have to do that again," I mumbled and he shrugged heading back over to the Carnie, handing him another 50 cents. 

It was quicker this time. He just looked at it for a few seconds before picking up a duck. "Green."

"You had to have seen him put it down and followed it. There's no way you did it twice," I said when he came back over to me, a tiger in his hands.

"I didn't. I swear."

"Alright... we'll do this one more time, but I'm going to put it down and you have to be facing away." Both the Carnie and Gabe agreed to it and we watched intently as he turned and stared at the ducks for a few seconds. Then he plucked up a random duck and flipped it over. 

"Still green," he grinned, chuckling at the look of shock on our faces.

"It's just beginners luck man. What do you want?"

"I don't care," I mumbled grumpily. This game was so impossible, and yet, Gabe had succeeded in it 3 times, in a row. I have never seen a green sticker. I thought there wasn't one, and they were just scamming us out of our money.

Clearly the Carnie was just as surprised as I was. "Did the duck look different or something? Did it float differently? How could you have gotten it three times in a row?"

"I don't know. I've never played it before, assuming that it was too easy to beat, but when Sam told me it was impossible, I thought I'd try. It doesn't look any different or float any different. I just picked up the one I felt was it."

"That's... unbelievable. Good job, young man." Gabe nodded in thanks, walking away awkwardly.

"Seriously, Gabe. That is amazing. I have never seen one before, and you just got it three times. You have some kind of magical powers or something."

"Nope. Just luck," he chuckled, slugging me in the arm before dragging me towards some of the other games.

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