Chapter 57

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Cas and I fell onto the couch, the door swinging shut behind us, shopping bags littering the floor around us.

We had just finished our Christmas shopping and because it was Christmas Eve, all the stores were hectic. People were literally shoving us out of the way, snatching gifts off the shelves before other people could reach them, and shouting across the store.

We had the gifts wrapped by one of those booths found at the entrances to stores and we set them under the tree.

My phone started buzzing and I quickly answered it, utterly exhausted.


"Hey! Is Cas with you?" Sam asked.


"Excellent. Can you put me on speaker?" I shrugged and did as he asked.

"Hey, Sam!" Cas called.

"Hey, Cas. Dean and I were wondering if you wanted to hang out some time tomorrow?"

"I don't see why not," I stated.

"Chuck won't be here anyways, so sure," Cas added.

"Wait! Chuck won't be there for Christmas?"

"No. He had some meeting out of town. Super urgent. It's just Cas and I."

"What about Anna?"

"We don't see her much anymore. I think she's staying at a friend's house for the night... again. She practically lives over there at this point," Cas replied.

"Hold on," Sam said. The line was silent for a few minutes and then he came back. "My mom says that you two are more than welcome to spend the night here and celebrate the holidays with us."

"No. It's alright. We don't want to impose," Cas stated.

"Oh! You wouldn't be imposing, dear. No one should have to spend the holidays alone. Come on over," Mary replied.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I am certain. I hope to see you two soon," she said sweetly before hanging up.

I glanced at Cas, a similar look of surprise on my own face. "I guess we are spending Christmas with them."

"I guess," he replied shrugging. I shook my head, pulling out my phone.

Me: Hey. Cas and I got invited over to Sam's house for a sleepover tonight. I just thought I'd let you know in case you got home early.

The Almighty Dork: Alright! Thanks for letting me know. Have fun.

I sighed, turning my phone off and throwing it on the couch beside me.

"Hurry up and pack, Gabe!" Cas yelled.

"I'm coming!"


"Wake up!" I whisper shouted at Cas. I was always excited to open presents. We had been welcomed warmly last night. It hadn't felt like we were intruding in the slightest.

"Shut up, Gabe," Cas whined, pulling the blankets over his head. "It's too early."

"It's 9:00 O'Clock. Get up," I argued, pushing him. Cas merely groaned and rolled over a bit, so I crawled into the bed.

"Get off, Gabe," he whined again.

"Not until you get up," I countered.

"Fine," Cas mumbled and I thought I had won until he just rolled over and closed his eyes. I huffed, figuring I'd have to do this the hard way.

I shuffled, pressing my back against the wall, firmly planting my feet on Cas' back. With a deep breath, I started pushing at his back, slowly rolling him until I managed to push him off the bed.

"What the hell, Gabe!" he shouted.

"You wouldn't get up, so I did it for you." I shrugged.

"So you pushed me off the bed?" he asked angrily.

"It got you up, didn't it?"

"Boys, if you quit screaming, I've made breakfast," Mary called up the stairs. Cas stopped pushing me, perking up and I couldn't help but grin as he rushed downstairs to grab breakfast. He acted like he was a starving man on the brink of death.

"Thank you kindly," Cas said as Mary placed a plate of bacon, eggs, and pancakes in front of him.

"You are very welcome." She smiled at him, placing another plate in front of me. This one was loaded with bacon and eggs as well, but toast instead of pancakes. I couldn't help but grin.

"Thank you," I murmured.

"You're welcome. As soon as you two finish we can start opening gifts."

Cas and I scarfed out food, thanking Mary once again, before plopping next to Sam and Dean in front of the, fully decorated, Christmas tree.

"I'm sorry we don't have any gifts for you or John," Cas apologized.

"Oh, don't worry. It's no big deal. So long as you can forgive John and I for not having anything for you," she replied.

Cas smiled warmly before digging through the gifts he'd bought, giving them to us.

Sam opened his first and grinned proudly, showing off his Gryffindor banner. "I thought you were a Ravenclaw," Dean stated.

"I am. But I'm also a Gryffindor," Sam replied.

He also received a bunch of Classic Rock discs from Dean, laughing when he came across Carry on my Wayward Son. He had gotten into an argument with Dean about whether or not it was a classic.

I didn't really know what to get Sam, but I knew he liked to read, so I got him a Barnes & Noble gift card. "Thanks, Gabe," he whispered and I turned away blushing.

Dean didn't want to know what anyone thought about going next. He grabbed Sam's gift to him and tore open the wrapping. Sam gave him a bunch of Star Wars figurines, which I thought was great. He was definitely the geekier of the two brothers. He got candy and a teddy bear from Cas, which I knew would always sit on his bedside table.

My stomach turned as I watched him open my gift. He opened the box and froze.

"What is it, Dean?" Sam asked.

"It's... awesome!" he shouted, showing off his brand new Swiss Army Knife.

A rush of air left me when I realized how excited he was about the gift.

Cas went next. He got a few posters from me, some Pop Figurines from Sam, and The Mortal Instruments from Dean.

Finally it was my turn to go.

I glanced at the gifts, unsure of which one to pick first. I grabbed Dean's, glad to find it full of candy, which I started eating immediately.

Cas gave me his and I opened it, squealing when I saw what was inside. I've wanted a Gameboy Advanced for years, after I had lost my first one when I was seven. "Thank you, Cas."

He just nodded in response.

Finally, Sam handed me his gift. He was nervous, biting his lip, watching me carefully.

I opened the small package and took in a short breath. I held, in my hand, a beautiful necklace. There was a blue gem wrapped in a silk black cord.

I slid it around my neck, loosening it so that it rested on my chest and pulled Sam into a hug.

"It's beautiful. Thank you."

He hugged me back tightly as Dean took a picture of us and I knew I would keep it forever.

Nothing could go wrong.

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