Chapter 65

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"I'm sorry, for pushing you away. I have nothing against you, or even you being into guys, I've just had my heart broken before and I'm terrified that it will happen again," I said, staring out over the park, refusing to meet Sam's eye for fear that he would be judging me, or giving me pity.

I wanted to tell him everything. I wanted to tell him about how many times we had fallen in love, how many times Sam left me for Jess, how many times I believed that it would be different this time, but I couldn't. I didn't want Sam thinking that I'd lost my mind, or to pity me if, for whatever reason, he believed the stories.

"What happened?" he asked gently, aware that I may not want to share.

"I fell for this guy. He was handsome, perfect in every way. He was so sweet, kind, and very loving. It was gradual and he had started falling for me after his girlfriend moved to another school downtown. We were so happy, but then his girlfriend came back and he left me for her and I couldn't take it. I loved him more than anyone in my entire life and he left for her. I'm terrified it's going to happen again," I answered, still refusing to look at Sam.

"That's horrible!" he nearly shouted, outraged.

I wanted to laugh at the irony of it. Of course Sam would think it was horrible. He was such a good person. If only he knew that he was the one I was talking about.

The Ferris Wheel stopped at the top, to let the others onto the ride.

Sam turned towards me, a fire burning in his eyes, his leg brushing against mine because of how small the carts were. "You deserve much better than him, Gabe," he said and I swallowed thickly, feeling the need to cry because he seemed so genuine.

I didn't say anything, only looking back out over the park. "It's so beautiful," I whisper, staring at the rides, all lit up and lighting the night sky.

"It is," Sam whispered, but he wasn't looking out at the park like I was. He was staring at me.

I blushed deeply, shoving him lightly as I chuckled. "You're so corny," I told him, stomach fluttering as Sam barks a laugh before turning to look at the park with me.

I turn to him staring.

What if this time really was different?

It never was, though. Would it be worth the heartbreak?

I think back to all the lovely evening with Sam in the previous lifetimes, all the arguing and avoiding this time. He made my heart soar and my face glow and I decided that it probably was worth the pain.

"I could never hurt you like that," Sam claimed, startling me from my thoughts. It was like he could read my mind. "I like you too much," he whispered the last part, so quiet that I almost didn't hear him.

Sam didn't look away from the park, but he wasn't really seeing it either, eyes clouded over with thought. I knew that he was serious.

Instinctively, I reached forward, pulling him towards me, pressing my lips against his.

My heart fluttered, blood roaring in my veins as I kissed him. I hadn't realized how much I missed this.

Then, I realized that he wasn't moving, wasn't kissing back. I pulled back wearily, suddenly aware of how long we've been at the top. Maybe the ride was broken.

The ride was broken and I screwed up, majorly.


As I pull away, Sam's hand shoots up, pulling me back, closer, brushing his fingers through the hairs at the nape of my neck.

I can't help the smile that spreads across my face as he kisses me back, both of us laughing, making it nearly impossible to kiss.

When we pull apart for breath, both of us are smiling wide, foreheads resting against each other, flushes painting our cheeks.

Sam pulls away from me and suddenly looks very nervous and my stomach started doing flips.

It was happening. We didn't even get to date this time.

I'm so stupid, thinking it was going to be different.

"I love you," he professed, twiddling his fingers nervously, eyes not looking at me and a breath, I didn't know I was holding, left me as I relaxed.

"Are you sure?" I asked, nervous still.

"Yes. No joking, no pranks, no jealousy. I mean it, not in a brotherly manner either. I love you and it hurt to see you pull away from me because I've loved you since the moment you first arrived at our school,"

I laughed, tears in my eyes, as I pulled him in for another kiss, knocking heads with him as the ride started moving again.

We pulled apart, laughing, finally happy.


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