Chapter 62

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I met up with Charlie, frustrated once again.

Sam had decided that I was the person he could complain to, and at first it didn't bother me all that much, but he complains a lot. I just wanted to punch him in the face sometimes, the turn him about, and send him on his merry way to go make up, or make out, with Gabe.

Anyone with eyes, blind or not, could see that they wanted to talk to each other, but they wouldn't and it was so frustrating.

It was getting to be too much.

Breakfast was split between talking to Sam until Gabe showed up and then to Gabe until the bell rang so that neither of them were left out. It was awkward, but thank God they arrived at different times, otherwise it would be like lunch.

The rest of the cafeteria would be extremely loud, students arguing with each other over some stupid thing, or joking around.

Our table, however, was silent.

Dead silent.

You could hear silverware clinking and sips being taken from straws. The air was always so tense and any time anyone would try to ask either of them a question, they would only get a short response back. Or if someone tried to start a conversation, they would be met with silence.

It was very unsettling.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Charlie asked, plopping into the seat next to me.

"Nothing much. Just how aggravating Sam and Gabe are being."

"Oh," Charlie muttered, face falling.

"I'm sorry, but I am so tired of hearing Sam complain to me about how rocky his relationship with Gabe is. It's all, 'Why did he react that way?' and 'I want to apologize, but he won't even talk to me.' I'm tired of it," Jess explained, breathing harshly.

"I'm sorry," she muttered a moment later, understanding that Charlie probably doesn't want to hear it either.

"I know!" Charlie nearly shouted, surprising me. "Gabe keeps talking to me, telling me he wants to apologize for running off, but he's too nervous to look at him in the eye. He feels guilty and doesn't believe that he deserves another chance, but I understand his reaction."

"Yeah, I suppose it makes sense if he's gone through it before, but he should know that I want nothing to do with Sam in that sense."

"He does, and that's why he feels guilty, because he knows this time is different, but he still acted the same way, hurting Sam the same way Sam has hurt him before."

"They just need to get over this," I sighed.

"It's affecting band too. They ignore each other, and I know the teacher finds it weird."

I slumped in my seat.

They both really loved band. They were always talking about it, excited about the opportunities presented through it, but if they don't talk, it makes the class awkward, one they don't want to go to anymore.

I want to tell Sam about everything, but I know that he won't believe me. It will just be some excuse to make him forgive Gabe, even if it's the truth. I also promised Dean, Charlie, and Gabe that I wouldn't say anything, but still, I really wanted to.

"What are we gonna do, Charlie? We can't just sit idly by and watch as they destroy everything that they've worked for."

"I don't know, Jess. The nest thing we could do is let them figure it out, talk it out, themselves."

"But they won't talk to each other. Sam thinks Gabe can't stand him anymore, and Gabe feels so guilty, believing Sam must hate him."

"Well, then," Charlie started, pausing to think a moment. "Maybe, we could just give them a little push."

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