Chapter 6: Break up

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Sandro's not going to tell them what's going on. I'm going to have to do it. I already know that because my husband is as stubborn as I am and he never asks for help even when he needs it. He likes to be the one in charge and if he's already got a plan then who would argue with him.
We showered together and he went back downstairs. I am naked in the closet deciding what to wear. I decide on business rather than pleasure.
I put on a suit Sandro had made for me in Italy with the same tailor that makes his. It matches his but was cut for me. I also pull my sniper rifle and hand gun out of the safe in our closet.
The hand gun had been a gift from Dante. The handle had an ivory inlay of all four of the families crests all mashed together to make a new crest that would represent every family I belonged to. He'd sent it with Leo a couple years after I'd seen him last. It was the same gun he'd taught me with all those years ago. The gun I'd shot Matteo Benedetti with.
I'd decided to stir the pot a little. There is a panel in our entry way that is to small for a person to fit through. It's only eight inches across and four inches high. Its also twenty feet off the ground. The only way for me to get to it is to swing on the chandelier. I'm going to cause chaos outside.
I go to the third floor balcony and climb over the banister. I jump and catch the chandelier. The glass pieces clink together.
"What the hell are you doing?" Leo asks from the floor.
"Causing problems." I answer.
I swing the fixture so I can catch the ledge. I pull the panel open and take aim at Matt's car. I shoot a few rounds at the tires and windshield.
I watch people scatter and pull out their guns.
"Morons." I laugh and pick off a few of them.
Diego Montorini comes into the entryway.
"It's Ana." He hollers back into the living room.
I hear Dante's voice but I can't make out the words.
"What?" I ask.
"He said you should blow up a car. It would be faster then shooting individual people." Diego answers.
I aim at the gas tanks of several SUVs I watch the gas leak on the ground. Then I shoot at the puddles of fuel. It takes a minute to hit it just right, but finally I spark it and the gas catches fire. I duck down just in case something flies just right. I hear the explosion and feel the heat. I look back out the window and watch the men shoot at my house.
"Down!" I yell.
I lose my balance and fall backward.
"Ahh." I scream.
I don't hit the floor. Someone catches me. I don't have time to look up and see who it is before he flips me around him and pushes me to the floor.
"Everyone downstairs!" Sandro yells over me.
Slowly everyone moves toward the staircase.
Once everyone is inside the panic room Sandro closes the door.
"What the fuck Annie." He said looking more pissed than I've ever seen.
"I thought our house was safe." I say kind of pissed.
"Our house is safe! Why did you do that?"
"I didn't want to sit and do nothing!" I yelled back.
"Why do you have to do the exact opposite of what I tell you every fucking time!" He yell at me.
"I don't do the opposite every time."
"Pretty damn close."
"I was trying to help."
"You just helped them find out they can get in."
"So your impenetrable fort isn't as safe as you thought after all?" I ask.
"Why do you have to be such a bitch when you don't get your way?" Sandro yells.
"What do you have to be such a controlling asshole when you don't get yours." I yell back.
"I don't understand why you have to cause problems I have to fix all the damn time."
"I didn't ask you to fix them."
"I don't have a choice. I want to keep my kids safe."
"They aren't all yours. You don't see most of them half the time anyway. Your always gone!"
"I'm running businesses Ana. I can't be here every time you break a finger nail!"
"I can't spend my life being babysat by your best friend. It would be nice if I could have a life too!"
"I can't change anything until after I clean up the mess you and your son made!"
"Leave Luca out of it." I growl.
"He wouldn't have been able to add fuel to the fire if you would have let me discipline him like I told you we should. But you had to baby your bastard son and let him do whatever he wanted!" Sandro said angrily.
That last sentence was enough to make me lose my shit. I'd never hit Sandro before but I swung my hand up and it made contact with his face. He wasn't expecting it, if he was he would have blocked it.
"Do not speak about my son like that. You have no right to be an ass to him when your own son was born the same way!"
I was less ready for Sandro to hit me then he was when I hit him. His hand made contact with my cheek. Sandro's eyes were almost black now. His face bright red. His fists were clenched at his sides. There was silence in the room for a moment. I tasted the blood in my mouth then I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.
"Ana I'm sorry." Sandro said with hurt in his voice realizing what he'd done.
"I'm done." I said. "I want a divorce."
"Ana please. I'm sorry." He said and reached for my hand.
"No. Don't touch me." I said pulling away. "I'm done. I told you if you ever hit me we'd be over. Stay away."
I pushed past everyone and opened the door to the vault. I was done with this conversation. We clearly both needed to cool down. Uri and Ryder followed me as I ran down the hall.
"Leave me alone!" I yelled at them slamming the door to the gym behind me.
They ignored me. Go figure. I just need to be alone. How to get away?
I ran through the gym to the hall where the elevator was. I got in and closed the door before Uri and Ryder could catch me. I sent it down to the seventh floors. As soon as the doors opened I sprinted to the other end of the hall and got in the second elevator. I went back up to the floor I'd started on. I went to Sandro and I's bedroom. I really just wanted to be alone to cry.
I crawled on the bed and sobbed. The whole fight was my fault. I'm so stupid. I really though I could help if I started taking guys out. I thought it might cause an argument between Diego and Roman. Then maybe they'd kill each other. Instead I caused a fight between me and my husband. I possibly ended my marriage over my own stupidity.
It was several hours later when I heard the bedroom door open. I was almost asleep. I'd expect it to be Sandro or Vince, but it was neither. I would have never expected who I saw walk in the room to check on me. Diego Montorini.
"Hey, How are you doing?" He asked sitting on the bed.
"I don't know." I answered honestly.
"My brother is tearing the whole place apart looking for you." Diego said typing on his phone.
"Yeah? Are you texting him?" I asked.
"He's in a bad place Ana. He didn't mean to hit you."
"It was my fault. I provoked him when I slapped him."
"Are you ready to talk to him?"
"No." I said. "I think I ended my marriage. I'm not ready to face that yet."
"Sandro wouldn't leave you. He loves you to much to let you go that easily."
"I think I broke his heart." I said stating to cry again.
"You did, but he's not leaving you. He will die fighting for you. I've never seen someone love another person like Sandro loves you."
"I don't know what to do. I'm so confused." I say sobbing again.
Diego rubbed my back trying to comfort me. A few minutes passed and the door opened again. This time several people walked in. Diego's older brother Simon and the one younger, Stefano, Dante's younger brothers Frances, Joey, and Antonio. And Vince's brothers, Issac and Dominic. Only two of them were people  I trusted. Those two were Antonio and Isaac. The rest I didn't really know. When I saw Tony I cried harder.
"Come here babes." He said holding up his arms at the end of the bed."
I crawled over to him on my knees. He put his arms around me tightly.
"I'm so stupid Tony." I cried.
"It will be okay babes. He didn't mean to do what he did. He feels terrible."
"He's going to hate me. I asked him for a divorce." I cried.
"You both lost your minds. It happens when you're married. It doesn't mean he doesn't love you or you don't love him."
"That the first big fight we've ever really had. He's never yelled at me before."
"It will be okay babes." Antonio said kissing my forehead.
"I don't know what to do." I said.
"I think you should spend the night apart and you can talk in the morning. You can both use the time to cool off."
"I don't want to sleep alone."
"You don't have to. You have a room full of people checking to see if your okay. Take your pick babes. I'm sure everyone of us would stay if you asked us to. Is that what you want?"
"No." I answer quietly.
"Who do you want with you?" Tony asks.
"You, and... Diego." I said sounding unsure.
"Are you sure? If you want Vince and Dante I'll go get them, just say the word."
"No. You and Diego." I repeated.
"Okay." Antonio said looking up at Diego. "Do you want the others to leave?"
"No they can stay if they want."
"And your okay? None of us need to kick the crap out of your husband?" Antonio asked.
"No. The whole fight was my fault."
"Are you ready to go to sleep?"
I nod against his chest.
"Sergio will be in after Lexi falls asleep. He wanted to check on you too." Issac said. "All of my brothers did, but they have wives to worry about."
"What about Victoria?"
"She told me to come check on you. She's as worried as the rest. She's still convinced you'll be sisters one day." Issac smiles.
"They'd only be sisters if she left you for me." Stefano laughs.
"Oh snap." Dominic said jokingly.
The group chuckles.
"Your supposed to be on my side." Issac said to his younger brother.
"Yeah, thanks to Ana, it doesn't actually matter. We are all one family. She built herself an army when she started controlling the generals." Antonio said.
"Wait you just lost me." Joey said looking confused.
"We all do what our oldest brother tells us. Our brothers do what she tells them. Ana is the queen controlling the generals." Antonio says climbing on the bed.
I reach for Diego's hand and pull him closer so his body is fitted to the curve of mine, then I set his hand on my hip. I cuddle into Antonio's chest and fall asleep between them.

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