Chapter 58: Sophia Bormio

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I'd just told Ana about Sophia Bormio. The look on her face as I left the bedroom was nothing short of being crushed. I'd hurt my beautiful girl like I did when I disappeared from her life when she was eight. She gave me the look she'd given me in the treehouse when she was thirteen and I'd told her no. I'm not sure if she'd talk to me again after this. She seemed rather pissed at me.

I'd hoped she would be happy for me when I told her. I hoped she would be excited to met her. But she wasn't, she was devastated.

I walked down to the kitchen Vance, Enzo, Joey, Leo, Matt, Antonio, and Adriano sat playing cards. I dropped myself in the chair at the end grabbing the glass of scotch that Vance was drinking from in front of him and downing it before he could protest.

"What the fuck?" He said not looking at me.

"Who died?" Adriano asked.

"I just told Ana about Sophia." I said grabbing the bottle and filling the glass again.

"Shit." Vance chuckled. "How did she take it?"

"I'm fairly certain she hates me." I say killing the glass again.

"Who is Sophia?" Joey asked.

"Vince's girlfriend." Adriano answered for me.

"Oh fuck!" Leo said. "Why didn't I know you were seeing someone?"

"It's a new relationship. I met her six months ago but we've only been together three."

"Did you sleep with her yet?" Enzo asked.

"Sophia? Yes but I didn't tell Ana that. I didn't want to give her another reason to be mad at me."

"Ana may kill this girl, do you know that?" Matt asks.

"I'm not looking forward to them meeting. Not after seeing how angry Ana got just now." I said.

"Thats crazy." Joey laughed.

"No you don't understand. Sophia is at my mom's. She and Ana will get to meet tomorrow." I said leaning forward set my elbows on the table.

"Your so fucked." Antonio laughed.

"What the fuck did you do to my wife Vince!" Sandro asked loudly as he walked in the kitchen. "She's up there locked in the bathroom, crying her fucking eyes out and won't talk to me."

Just then Ana's scream echoed through the kitchen.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know she'd be so devastated when I told her I have a girlfriend." I said turning to face him, feeling her hurt.

"Your fucking stupid Vincenzo. Why couldn't you wait until we were back in New York? Now she's going to push everyone out and it puts her in more danger."

"Well then what I'm going to say next is really going to piss you off." I said. "My girlfriend is with my dad at my mom's house. So everyone gets to met her tomorrow."

Another scream.

"I'm going to fucking kill you one day Vince. I'm not going to make it look like an accident, it's going to look like you spontaneously combusted. The cleaner I use is going to have to pick you up in a billion fucking pieces." Sandro stormed off before I could ask him to do it.

Ana screamed again. The guilt I was feeling was overwhelming. Every time she screamed you could hear how hurt she was.

Everyone sat staring at me. The room was silent which made it worse. With the room so quite we could hear her sobbing through the floor. She sobbed and sang our song to herself.

"I don't know what all of you think I can do. She doesn't want to talk to me either." I say.

They all go back to their game and I sit there hating myself and drinking. Once the game is finished everyone stands and leaves silently leaving me alone in the kitchen with Vance.

"What am I going to do?" I asked my brother. "Do I break up with Sophia."

"You shouldn't have to sacrifice your happiness for someone who can't be with you Vince. I love Ana. I always saw her as my little sister. She loves our family. I promise you, give her time and she will warm up to the idea of you being happy with someone else."

"What if she doesn't?"

"Then she stays angry. She hadn't spoken to you in seven years Vince. She was happy that whole time when you were miserable and scheming on how to steal her from Sandro. I promise you, you don't need her the way you think you do."

"She's my best friend Van. I wanted to spend my life with her."

"I'm sorry but you need to accept the fact that she's gone. She chose and she didn't choose you. You need to move on. Let her know that you still wanna be her friend and you're there for her if she needs you. You can still support her even though she's pushed you away. I know you love her, but you need to let her go bud."

"I don't know if I can."

"You don't have a choice." Vance said.

We sat together finishing the bottle of scotch, listening to Ana cry through the floor until she suddenly stopped. My guess was she'd finally managed to cry herself to sleep. My brother stood biding me good night and telling me to get some sleep as he exited the kitchen almost an hour later. I eventually got up and stumbled to the couch and draped myself a crossed it. I felt terrible. I hated making her sad. I hated having her mad at me. I hate myself for pushing her away. I laid there with my thoughts and feel asleep.

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