Chapter 37: Old Friends

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I walked out of Daniel's office with his arm wrapped around me. As much as I wanted to go with him I knew I couldn't. I couldn't be in the way. He'd been right to tell me to go with Alastair. But it didn't change the fact I didn't trust Alastair.
Alastair had pulled me to a living space on one of the upper levels. It was a giant space with more people than I was comfortable with. Most of the girls were cuddle with each other on the couch watching a movie. The guys were playing cards and pool.
"Are you going to stay in here." Alastair asked leaning in so he was closer to me.
"Probably not but I'll let you know when I'm bored." I said.
I wondered over where the girls were watching a movie. They were watching some action romance I'd never seen.
"You can sit and watch with us." A bubbly blond girl said. "My name is Candice. You can call me Candy. What's your name?"
"Come sit with me Ana." She smiled.
I sat on the couch next to her and turned my eyes to the screen. I didn't realize how focused I was on the screen until Candy tried talking to me again.
"Your Daniel's right?"
"I guess so." I answered.
"How is he? I've heard he's a real nightmare."
"What do you mean?" I asked her.
"Well when Tiffany had him she would always tell us how mean he was to her."
"Daniel isn't mean to me."
"Has he choked you?" Another girl asked.
"Hit you?" A second said.
"Pulled your hair, like really hard and drug you around the room?" Candy asked.
"No, god that would be awful." I said.
"Has he tied you down and fucked you tell you bled?" The second one asked.
"That's not something I see him doing." I said. "He's never hurt me or even yelled at me. I don't think you are talking about my Daniel."
"Tiffany use to have bruises all the time. Every time I'd see her she had a new injury." The first said.
"She just got a cast off right before he brought you upstairs." The second said.
"Yeah, he was a real asshole to her." Candy said.
"I'm sorry excuse me for just a minute." I said standing up.
I walk to the other side of the room and stood in the corner until I spotted Alastair playing poker. I quickly made my way to him.
"We need to go." I said.
"Not until I win my money back." He said.
"Is it your turn?" I asked him.
He nodded.
I quickly rearranged his cards and played his hand over his shoulder. We went around the table several times.
"$5000." I said throwing Alastair's money in the center.
The man across the table smiled at me said. "I'll take that bet. All in."
He put all his cash in the middle. I picked up the remainder of Alastair's and threw it in.
"Whatcha got?" I ask.
"Full house." He said.
"Well that's sad." I say laying down Alastair's cards. "For you. Royal flush."
I quickly rake all the money over so I could reach it around Alistair and picked it up off the table before I started walking away.
"Ana!" Alastair said as he started after me a couple minutes later. "Ana wait."
He grabbed my arm.
"Where did you learn to play cards like that?" He asked. "He always wins."
"My husband taught me when I was a child. Let's go."
"What's your rush to leave?" He asked. "They will deal you in if you want to play."
"No I'd rather just go." I begged. "Please."
"What happened?"
"Nothing. I just want to go." I said, trying to walk away.
"Ana." He said holding my wrist tighter. "I can't fix it if you don't tell me."
"The girls were saying things about Daniel that I don't believe."
"He an abusive asshole."
"Which girls?"
"Candy and the two girls she is talking to" I said looking over at them.
"Don't move." Alastair said going to the other side of the room and getting three guys attention.
The men all looked furious. They walked over to the girls and pulled them up hauling them from the room.
"What's going to happen to them?" I asked Alastair, who had walked up behind me and placed his hand on my back.
"They're grounded. They lost their social time for a couple days."
"Ok mom, does the same thing happen when they don't do the chores."
"None of these girls clean. We pay people for that. Now that the girls are gone do you want to stay? Come play cards with the guys."
"I don't want to. Can we just go, please? I'm tired."
"Okay babe, let me grab my jacket and we can go." He said. "Please wait for me."
I stood by the door and waited for Alastair to come back. The group of guys he was playing poker with followed him as he walked toward me. Each of them called the name of a girl who stood and followed obediently.
I looked at Alistair curiously. He saw the concern and frustration on my face.
"Poker is coming with us." He said wrapping his arm around my shoulders, pushing me toward the door.
"Fine but all these stupid little bitches better leave me alone." I said to him quietly letting the irritation come out.
"Be nice." He said with a smirk on his face.
They followed us to Daniel's room. The five guys that followed us went to the couches and set the game up. The girl stood in a group close together by the door.
"Does Daniel keep liquor in here?" I asked Alistair.
"Yes, but the cabinet is locked and I don't know the combination." He replied.
"Were is it?"
"Over in his desk. The door to the right."
I walked to the bed grabbing his bag of medical supplies from underneath. Then I went to his desk opening the door and sat on the floor. I pulled the stethoscope from the bag set it against the safe door listening for the clicks as I turned the dial and making mental notes about the numbers for later.
I smiled satisfied as I heard the final click and opened the safe. I quickly spotted a bottle of my preferred alcohol and grabbed it before I shut the door. I stood tossing the lid on the desk and taking a swig from the full bottle. I pulled open the desk drawers until I found a blank note pad and a pen. I noticed that everyone was watching me but I just kept doing what I was. I watched Alastair smile as I walked passed the couches.
I walked past the bed tossing the note pad on it and went in the closet. I when through the clothes on both sides drinking from the bottle as I went. I stripped dropping my clothes on the floor. I pulled a pair of Daniel's jogging pants out and pulled them on. Then I grabbed one of his t-shirts and pulled it on. Satisfied I went back out into the bedroom and climbed on the bed.
I glanced at the clock as I grabbed the note pad and began quickly scratching out my recollection of everything since I'd woken up. Everyone left me alone. The girls sat with the guys but stayed awkwardly silent.
"Ana, do you want to win my money back again?" Alastair asked from across the room.
I reluctantly walked over to where they were playing. Alistair pulled me in front of him and set his hands on my hips pulling me down on his lap. He took the bottle from my hand and took a swig. He pushed his hips up underneath me as he adjusted himself to lay back on the couch. I could fill how hard he was but I tried not to pay attention to it.
I heard the liquid splash in the bottle as he finished it slowly while I played his hand. He leaned forward sliding his hand around my him and over my thigh. His fingers were tucked between my legs uncomfortably high. My heart pounded in my chest.
Where was Daniel?
I finished another hand winning close the ten thousand dollars. I stacked the money leaving it on the table and stood quickly. I had to get Alastair's hands off of me. I walked in the bathroom and swung the door shut. I heard it hit something solid and turned.
"What are you doing?" Alastair asked.
"I have to go to the bathroom. Get out." I said.
"No. Last time you disappeared when you said that."
"I'm not taking my clothes off with you in the room. So if your not leaving then let me out."
He took a step to the side. I walked back in the bedroom to find it empty.
I walked quickly toward the door to open it. I didn't want to be alone with Alastair with the door closed.
He grabbed my arm as I reached the door and pushed me against the wall.
"What does my little brother see in you?" He asked.
I remained silent with a clenched jaw. Alastair pressed against me and brought his hand up to my breast while he continued to hold my arm tight.
"Let go." I said pushing him off and opening the door quickly.
I walked out in the hall going quickly to the railing.
"Daniel!" I yelled.
Alastair grabbed my arm and tried to pull me back to the bedroom.
"Daniel!" I screamed.
I punched Alastair as hard as I could and took off down the stairs. I rounded the bottom of the stairs with Alastair right behind me. He jumped the railing landing close enough to knock me to the floor and climbed over me.
"Daniel!" I screamed as I fell.
The door to the dining room opened and Daniel ran out with his father. Elias and his three brothers were right there on their heels.
Maximus quickly walked over as I fought with Alastair.
"Get off of her!" He commanded grabbing Alastair's arm and pulling up.
Daniel scooped me up and pulled me away quickly taking me in his office. Elias and his family right behind us.
"Joshua close the door." Elias said sitting by me on the couch. "Ana, are you okay?"
"Did he hurt you?" Daniel asked sitting next to me, trying to quickly check me to make sure I was okay.
"He followed me in the bathroom and when I tried to leave the bedroom he through me against the wall and started touching me." I said as I started to hyperventilate and cry. "Then he chased me down the stairs."
Daniel pulled me against his chest. I shook as I put my arms around him and began sobbing against his chest.
"It's okay baby. I've got you." Daniel said.
I could hear Daniel's heart pounding in his chest. I curled up against him and let him hold me.
"You really do care about her, don't you?" Elias said to Daniel.
"I'm ready to kill my own brother for her. What does that tell you?" Daniel said angrily.
"I know she's not here of her will. I don't know what kind of position it would put you in Daniel, but you should really rethink keeping her here. Let us take her home. She needs to be kept away from this and if she stays in this house she's going to keep getting hurt."
"I can't let you take her alone. If she goes, I go."
"Does Roman have his hand in this?" Elias asked.
"Yes. If he finds out I let you take her, he will kill me."
"Then come with me." I said. "Take me home. You can stay with us."
"Sandro and Vince would kill me if I stepped foot in your house." Daniel said.
"Sandro won't touch you if Ana tells him not to." Elias said. "You know that's the safest place for her."
"Fine. But Ana goes with me." Daniel said after a long pause.

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