Chapter 49: So Over This

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Over the next few days I read about Adriano and I getting close when I was 14. I read about my depression and my suicide attempt at 15. I read about my first time with Dante, for two weeks. I spent that summer with Lucia and Sergio while everyone else was away. I read about my dad's cancer treatments. I read about him dying. I read about moving in with Vince when I was 17 and getting pregnant after. I ran away, meet Enzo Montorini. I read about my pregnancy with Matthias and the Montorinis kidnapping me. I read about Enzo saving me and starting my job with Mark right before my twenty third birthday. I read about falling in love with him and Matt. I read about the month I spent with Vince at our home. I read about my dad and Lucia's false deaths. I read about killing Matteo Benedetti and marrying Sandro.
I filled in most of what my mind was missing, but I still wasn't finished reading. I'd barely spoken to anyone since I started reading. After I finished a page I'd throw it in the fire place and burn it.
It had been almost a week since I spoke to Vince about getting me out of here. I was hoping it would happen soon. As much as I liked Daniel, as special as I though he was, I wanted to go home I wanted to see my family again. I wanted to take care of everything I need to take care of and get back to being me.
Night had fallen and I was sitting in the living room on the couch reading the last of what I'd printed. Several of the girls were watching movies and talking. Daniel, Ron, And the guards were playing cards in the dining room with a direct line of sight to the girls.
A small flash across my eyes made me glance up at the window. I got up and stretched and walked over to it.
"Ana, be careful when you walk around please. The cuts on your feet could still open back up." Ron said loudly.
"I know I'm being careful." I said.
I caught sight of the cause of the flash in the darkness and I smiled at him. My brother smiled at me from across the dark yard. He nodded and gave me a small wave. I did a quick scan of the tree line. I saw everyone, Diego, Sandro, Enzo, Dante, Antonio, Francis, Paul, Tommy, Simon, Stefano, Joey, Steven, Raoul, Ryder, Uri, Henry, Max, Alejandro, everyone but the Benedettis that is.
I turned and walked in the kitchen where the guys were playing cards and went to Daniel. I wrapped my arms around him and whispered in his ear.
"Can I go upstairs to bed without you?" I put my hands on Daniel's shoulders and begin rubbing out the places he'd complained of pain earlier that day.
"Can you wait for ten minutes?" He said back quietly.
"I have a migraine and I want to go where it's dark and quiet."
"I want you to wait Ana. It's quieter in here than it is in the living room. So stay in here with us and we can go after I finish playing this hand."
I sighed annoyed. I knew any minute my brother would come in the house and I could finally go home. I was ready. I wanted to see my family again.
One of the guards lit a cigarette. The smell instantly made me nauseous. I gagged the vomit back and ran through the room. Vomit spewed from my mouth as I rounded to counter just making it to the sink. Daniel came up behind me setting his hand on my back to let me know he was there before he pulled my hair back and setting a bottle of water on the counter next to me.
"Are you okay?" He asked in a hushed tone.
"I don't know what happened." I said. "I felt fine outside of my migraine not five minutes ago."
The smoke from the cigarette wafted across the kitchen as I took a sip from the water bottle and rinsed my mouth out. As soon as I smelt it again I puked again.
"Byron, take that fucking thing outside." Daniel said before turning to speak quietly to me. "Ana, I think you may be pregnant."
I almost sprayed water out my nose.
"What?" I coughed.
"I've had you with me for about six weeks." He said pushing his hands in his pockets and leaning on the counter next to me talking so only I could hear. "You should have had a period by now. The migraine, the nausea, the fatigue, and mood swings. I mean everything fits."
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I can't be pregnant." I said burying my face in my hands.
"It's not a bad thing." He said pulling me against his chest.
"I don't want anymore kids." I said putting my hands on hips. "I can't be pregnant."
"I'm sorry to say this but I'm pretty positive you are. We have sex three or four times a day. When you fuck that often with no protection it's bound to happen. Do you want to take a test?"
"Yes. No. I want to know but I don't want to know."
"Regardless of if you want to know or not, I want to know." He smiled at me.
"Your actually happy about the idea of me being pregnant aren't you?"
"You have no idea. I love babies."
"Your kinda a sissy under all this muscle."
"I wouldn't say it like that."
"No? How would you say it?" I asked.
"I'm a family man. I love having a family and increasing the size of that family. You are my family Ana. I would do anything for you. I love you so much."
"I love you too but that doesn't change the fact that I don't want anymore babies."
"If you are pregnant there's nothing you can do about it. I'm not going to terminate the pregnancy. You will carry my child and every other that I choose to have."
I pulled away from him and pushed him back.
"You can't force me to be your bitch."
"I can and I will."
I slapped him hard. After seeing his eyes go dark I realized my mistake. I turned quickly away from him quickly jumping on the counter then the floor on the other side. I sprinted as fast as my legs could carry me toward the front door, toward my family, toward safety.
Daniel grabbed my hand stopping me dead in my tracks. He knocked me to the floor and pinned me down holding my hands against my lower back and pressing my face to the floor with a fist of my hair. He put his weight on me and leaned down over me.
"I've been very lenient with you Ana." He whispered to me. "But you can't disrespect me in front of my men. Now I have to punish you Ana. I have to force myself on you to show them I still have authority."
"No! Daniel please don't, I'm sorry!" I screamed. "I won't do it again. I'm so sorry. Daniel please!"
My hands were bound quickly and he pulled me to my feet dragging me to the couch.
"On your knees Ana." He said pushing me forward pressing my face against the back of the couch. "Don't fight me. I'll hurt you if you do."
"No Daniel, please." I begged.
His belt jingled as he pulled himself out and pushed my skirt up. He hooked his fingers in my panties and pushed them to the side pressing himself in. He started in slow until it was lubricated then he fucked me hard and fast until he came inside me.
"I'm sorry Ana." He whispered to me.
Tears stung my face as I lay there silently. I was angry with him for making a display of it. If he really loved me he wouldn't have done what he did. My family was here, why hadn't they tried to stop him. What were they waiting for?
Daniel untied my hands and moved off of me. I turned and pushed his hands away from me. I looked up at him not bothering to hide the hurt on me face.
"Get away from me." I said breathing heavy.
I got off the couch quickly running to the stairs. If my family wasn't going to come inside then I would go to them. I wasn't going to stay inside another a minute longer than I had to.
"Ana!" Daniel said angrily. "Where the fuck are you going?"
He followed me up the stairs. I ran as fast as I could going in the closet and locking the door behind me. I pulled my dress off and pulled on a pair of his track pants and a T-shirt. He pounded on the door.
"Ana open the door." He said.
"No!" I yelled as I pulled on some socks and a pair of shoes.
I took me less than five minutes to change into something I could runaway in. I got down on the floor and watched him pace. Then he sat on the bed and laid back.
"Come our Ana. I won't hurt you."
I quietly stood turned the lock slowly. I took a deep breath, and then another. Then I flung the door open and ran as fast as I could. By the time Daniel realized I was running I was already halfway down the hall.
"Ana Stop!" Daniel yelled chasing after me.
I didn't try to run down the stairs the quicker alternative was sliding down the railing, which I did.
"Stop her!" Daniel yelled down the stairs.
I spun off the rail seeing the guards running toward me. Mark at the front of the pack.
"Grab her!" Mark yelled.
I looked at Matt as he grabbed my wrist and drew his gun pushed me behind him and began shooting the other guards.
"Ana go! Front door now!" He said walking backward until we were outside.
Matt turned taking my hand and ran with me to the trees. As we ran across the yard my family stepped out of the tree line and opened fire on the guards behind us.
"This way." I said to Matt pulling him toward Sandro as fast as I could.
I let go of Matt's hand as my body collided with my husband's. I wrapped my arms around him tightly.
"I'm sorry." I said overwhelmed with emotions. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Sandy."
Sandro pushed me behind him as he fired his gun at the guards running out of the house.
I cried against his back while he defend me feeling the terrible person I was. Vince slid down rope that was in the tree above Sandro with a rifle over his shoulder. He turned quickly to Matt a pointed a gun at him.
"Vinny no!" I yelled letting go of Sandro and quickly running between Vince and Matt.
I turn my back to Matt to face Vince. I held my hand up. My back was pressed to Matt's chest. I could feel his quick breaths on the back of my neck.
"He just helped me get out of there. He helped save me. Don't kill him." I said.
"Vince knock it off. We need to get my sister out of here!" Leo yelled.
"Fall back, let's go!" Sandro yelled. "Vince, take Ana with you!"
We all ran quickly to the cars and got inside. I pushed Matt in Vince's car and climbed in on his lap.
"Is this okay?" I asked him.
"It's fine Ana." He said quietly, dropping his head back against the seat and sighing.
"Are you okay?" I asked sensing the tension in him.
"I just shot my brother for you. I killed my only family to save your life." He said sadly.
"I'm sorry Matt. I didn't realize that you..."
"It's fine Ana. I don't want to talk about it. I haven't even processed it yet. I need to get rid of some of my stuff. I don't want them tracking us."
"You should probably get rid of all your clothes. The Russians like to hide tracking devices in the seams. Anything the gave you needs to go." Vince said. "There's a black bag behind your seat with clothes in it. Ana sit with me while he changes."
I climbed over the center console wrapping my arms around Vince's neck and sat on his lap with my back to his door. I cuddled in to him and laid my head on his shoulder. I'd missed my teddy bear for such a long time.
"Hi Vinny." I smiled at him.
"Hi Piccola." He smiled back at me.
"I missed you." I closed my eyes and relaxed against him.
"I missed you too baby." Vince said leaning his cheek against my head.
Matt grabbed the bag and stripped down. He quickly pulled Vince's clothes on and threw his own out the window with a handful of other things.
I relaxed against Vince smelling his cologne and drifted in to the blackness.

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