Chapter 55: Stop him

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Ana's POV

Enzo was right. Sandro was right. Leo was right. Vince was right. They were all right.

What Enzo said rolled around in my mind while I ate. Everyone resume talking but they were quiet conversations. Vince sat across the table watching me, but didn't speak.

"Annie you need to stop playing with your food and eat." Paul said not looking up from his plate.

"Yes dad." I said pushing the food around the plate with my fork as tears formed in my eyes once again.

"Ana." Paul said looking up at me.

I shook my head and feel my lips start to quiver. Paul put his fork down and walked around the table wrapping his arms around me. As soon as he made contact with me I lost it. I threw my arms around him and let everything out, sobbing on his shoulder.

"Shh Princess. It's okay. You have a lot happening right now and I am willing to bet that you're confused." He consoled. "This is what we are going to do OK? I'm gonna sit with you until you eat part of your dinner, and then we're going to have a movie date. You, me, and Ian; OK? We are going to sit together and forget everything that's making my baby sister so incredibly sad. If you don't want to leave with everyone else tomorrow we don't have to. We can go somewhere where you can be safe and relax to wrap your mind around what has happened recently. No Montorini's, no Benedetti's, no Franzese's. Just you and your brothers with no distractions. Would you like that?"

"Can I bring some of them?" I asked tearfully.

"No, all your toys need to go home." He said calmly.

"Just one?" I asked. "Just for a day?"

"Who?" Paul asked.


"Is there a reason?"


"And that would be?" He smiled.

"I'd rather not say." I answered.

"Francis, what are you doing tomorrow?" Paul asked him.

"Going somewhere relaxing with Ana. He said not looking out from his phone.

"Do you know why she wants to bring you?" Paul asks.

"Yep." Francis responds.

"Are you going to share?" Paul asked sound a little annoyed.

"Nope. It's her business is your not mine." Francis said.

"Fine, but he's the only one." Paul said turning his attention back to me.

"Where exactly do you think you're going?" Leo asked.

"To my dad's." Paul answered.

"No. Absolutely not." Leo said defensively.

"It's happening Leo, whether you like it or not." Paul said sternly.

"What's the problem with your father?" Adriano asked from somewhere behind me.

"He is an asshole with huge ego and he's very abusive." Dante answered Adriano before turning back to Paul. "You're not taking her there."

"She will be safe there." Paul said. "She'll have time to relax and get her mind off of what happened. She needs to process and make some decisions away from all of you and your manipulations."

"Yeah, our dad isn't that bad." Steven said.

"No." Leo said. "It's A bad idea. Your dad and mine hate each other. Your dad used to beat the shit out of me because he could. I refuse to let you take my sister anywhere near him. If he touched her I would kill him and then all of you would be so pissed at me we probably would never speak again."

"He's not like that anymore." Tommy said. "He's changed a lot since you saw him last. He got his shit together and focus on way to cope with his anger."

"I don't care." Leo said through clenched teeth. "We just got her back. I'm not letting you put her in danger again."

"Leo, She's our sister." Paul said.

Leo quickly cut him off. "No, she's MY sister and I'm not letting her leave with you."

Leo and Paul stood less then 4 feet away from each other now. I let go of Paul and he turned away from me. I'm sure this was going to end with a fist fight and I didn't want to be in the middle of it. I looked to my right at Sergio who had been sitting next to me through dinner.

"Can you get me out of here before they start fighting." I whispered.

He nodded and we both stood slowly. Sergio turned his back to me and I wrap my arms around his shoulders. I jumped on his back holding him between my legs so he could carry me out of the kitchen. I almost slipped but Antonio caught me. I gave him a silent thank you. He nodded and helped with me on to Sergio's back. Slowly we left the kitchen being sure to be silent.

"Sergio, Run away with me." I said leaning my head against his will he walked through the living room.

"I don't have to tell you how many people will try to kill me if that happened." He said with a chuckle.

"I want to disappear. I've caused so many problems for everyone." I sighed.

"You need to stop being so negative." Sergio said.

"I can't help it."

"Why don't we have a movie date and fall asleep watching cartoons like we used to his kids." He said climbing the stairs to the room we stayed in when we'd come here the first time.

"I vote yes." I said squeezing him tighter.

"I missed you." He said. "For you it's been a couple of weeks but for me it's been almost a year."

"I'm glad this grew back." I said brushing his chin with the back of my hand.

"I'm glad that my favorite girl is back." He smiled at me as he open the door and walked in the bedroom to the bed.

He sat on the edge of the bed and lean back pushing me Back as he laid down. He laid with his back to my belly and his head on my chest. I giggled at him as we lay there together staring at the ceiling in silence.

"What?" Sergio asked.

"I missed you." I said running my hands through his hair.

"What's on your mind." He asked looking up to meet my eyes.

"Do you want to help me stop Sandro?" I asked. "I don't want him to leave angry."

"Yeah, I'll help. What's the plan?"

"I want to make him talk to me."

"He's leaving Annie. You'd have to steal his keys and hide them."

"That's genius." I said. "If I steal his keys I'll bet I can run to the barn and hide them. If he wants to leave he'd have to look for them. He'd follow me and I can make him talk to me."

"You should throw them to me and I can swap them for some spare keys Kurt has downstairs that don't go to anything, I can throw them in the loft of the barn. That we were not searching for his keys later."

"I don't want him to be angry at you." I said. "If you're part of this, you need to run after you throw the key in the loft. I don't want Sandro hurting you because you helped me."

"Believe me, I'll disappear pretty quickly but you're gonna have to help me. You're gonna have to walk by yourself. It's going to hurt a lot and you may re-injure your feet." Sergio said.

"Will you see if I still have shoes in the closet?" I asked him.

Sergio stood and walked to closet opening the door. He pulled out a pair of shoes that I'd worn the last time we were here four years earlier. He walked back to me and quickly helped me put them on.

"Let's stop him." I said smiling softly at him.

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