Chapter 22: Escape

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40 minutes later I was sitting in the front seat of Grayson's Tahoe. Uri and Ian sat behind us. There was silence in the car and had been since we left fifteen minutes before. Ian had done well getting us all out  without being seen.
My mind was on my husband. I was thinking of how hurt he would be when he found me gone. I kept thinking of how he would lock himself in his office and bury himself behind his desk until he found a solution to our problem and found me agian. I was happy that I'd left him a letter telling him I would be safe and I had asked Ian to get me away. I told him Uri was with me as well. I told him I wanted to be out of the way and safe while he took care of the Vasquez's. I hope he understood I didn't want to be a distraction.
I'd left letters for Dante and Vince as well. In Vince's I told him I'd reach out when I was ready. I told him that I would go with him and disappear if I had no other choice. I told Vince that if there was any danger, he'd be my first call.
The letters I'd left Vince and Sandro were a couple pages long. The one I'd left Dante was much shorter and was only a single word. 'Run.' I hoped he'd leave after he found me gone. I hoped that he didn't tell Sandro I was gone and he just left.
"So," Gray said breaking the silence. "You can't walk. You look like you've been deprived of food. There are grey circles and bags around your eyes. I can see your bones under your skin Ana. And the belly. You look like hell. Like a pregnant zombie raccoon."
"Is there a question here?" I asked him.
"What happened to you?"
"It's a long story." I answer.
"It's going to be a long drive darlin'." He said.
"Where are we going?"
"Buffalo." He said with a shrug.
"That's where I live. No one would look there. Not at first. We will stay there tonight and we will leave by dawn. Everyone will be looking for you by morning."
"Leaving? Where?" I asked.
"To my house in Ireland. You've been there before when we were kids. Will you tell me what happened to you Ann."
"I don't remember." I say and look down.
"What, did you get amnesia or somethin'?"
"Yeah, I did actually. I don't remember what happened, all I know is I hit my head hard enough to make me forget over half of my life. When I woke up I could remember everything up to the age of 12 and nothing after that. I woke up and I didn't know my family or my friends and I had a giant pregnant belly. All the stress cause the babies to come early. There was so much blood and it hurt so bad. They took the babies by C-section because a natural birth would have literally killed me. Whatever happened, was enough to make my husband think I need to be hidden. It wasn't going to happen the way my husband wanted. It turns out the babies belong to Dante and he wanted to take me and disappear. But if he took me I don't know that I would ever come back. If I went with Vince like my husband wanted I don't know that I would want to come back. I started remembering bits and pieces. Random things that happened to me. Then you went across my mind.  You and that phone. And I remembered where it hid it. Then I decided it was the best option and here we are."
"Hmm, okay." Grayson stammered as he tried to comprehend my story. "So who's your husband? I thought surely you were married Vincenzo."
"I'm married to Sandro Montorini."
"I'm pretty sure I heard stories about him being shot. Didn't he die?" Gray asked confused.
"He was shot. I was told he faked his death but I don't remember the details as to why."
"You really don't remember anything?" Gray asked.
"I remember a few things but I don't really remember, remember. You know?"
"How did you cheat on your husband?"
"We were at my house. There should have been security everywhere, but this time there wasn't. Sandro had taken most of our guys with him to do a job. I don't know how it happened, I just know it did and I feel guilty because of it. I'd really rather not discuss the details Grayson. I just want to rest."
"Okay, just close your eyes then love. We will be there before you wake up."

When The Wrong One Loves You Right 3: Forever And Alwaysजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें