Chapter 67: His hands

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I woke up with Vince asleep next to me. His face was relaxed and all his features were soft. He sighed and pulled me closer to him. I cuddled to his chest with a small smile on my face. I love him so much. I know he knows that.

When did my life get so confusing? Why did the Russo's have to come back in my life again? Everyone would be in for a bit of a shock if Vito or Noah decided share my secret. I wonder how Vito had explained Noah. Maybe I'd get the chance to ask him.

My lower abdomen throbbed. The pain was enough that I started to cry. I curled up closer to Vince trying to breath through the it.

"Piccola, what's wrong?" Vince said sleepily.

"It hurts." I cried. "Is Francis still here?"

"I don't know baby. I can go downstairs and see if I can find him. Do you want me to?"

"Yes, but also no. I want you to stay here."

"I can't do both baby." He said rubbing my back. "What would help you more?"

"Can't you call him?" I sniffled.

"My phone is dead Ana."

"Can you use mine?" I asked.

"No. It's down in my dad's office. Maliki brought it to me after you disappeared."

A sharp pain causes me to wince and curl up in a ball squeaking a scream.

"That's it, I'm gonna go get him."

"No Vince. I'll be okay." I said in whine, breathing heavily.

"No, I'm gonna go get him. I'm not going to sit here and do nothing while you're in pain."

Vince say up and stood off the bed walking quickly to the bedroom door leaving it open as he left the room.

"If you can't find him you can just bring a gun back and shoot me." I yelled.

"There's zero chance of me ever doing that." He yells back as The click of his shoes disappear down the hall.

I listen for Vince to come back whilst trying to rub the pain away. I whine to myself and have a mini tantrum slapping the bed. It doesn't help the pain but it makes me feel a little better. I lay flat on my back and stare at the ceiling breathing and listening for Vince.

Finally after what feels like forever but in all reality was probably only 10 minutes, I hear a single set of shoes walking down the hall towards my room. Part of me hopes that it's Vince coming back, the other part of me hopes it's Francis. Much to my disappointment it's neither. Franco jr. Turns the corner coming in the room.

"What's wrong Gia?" He asks walk to the bed.

"It hurts." I answer, staring at the ceiling.



I placed my hands between my hips.

"Why?" He asked, putting his hands in his pockets.

"I had Francis take Daniel's baby out."

"Did he give you anything for the pain?"

"Yes, at the time. But it's not working anymore."

"Does it hurt more in your back or in you stomach?"

"Both, about the same." I answered.

"Do you have a heating pad?"

"I don't know. If I have one it's in the bathroom." I answer.

Franco turned from me walking in the bathroom. I listen to him ransacking the cupboards and drawer before finally walking back to me. He was hold a small box of single use heating patches. He pushed my shirt up slightly before opening the box and pulling out a stack of them. He tore the packages open and place three of them on my stomach, lining them up so there were no gaps between them.

When The Wrong One Loves You Right 3: Forever And AlwaysМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя