Chapter 28: Secrets or lies

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I don't know when I fell asleep. After Roman and Igor left, Daniel bandaged my wrists. I was covered with a blanket when I woke up and Daniel was nowhere in sight. My wrists hurt from how tightly the rope had pulled on them earlier and my ankle ached from when I tired to run from Daniel. I sat up trying to get my eyes to focus.
"What did you do to Daniel?" A boy's voice said from the doorway?
"What?" I asked still half asleep.
"What did you do to piss my brother off? He trashed half the house when he came upstairs."
"Nothing." I said a little lost.
"Your family does nothing to piss people off more frequently than any other I know."
The boy walked in the room picking up the stool and came to sit next to me. I felt like I knew this boy.
"Who are you and how do you know my family?" I asked him.
"Nicholas Petrovich, I go to school with your son. You know that. Don't try and play me lady."
"I'm not playing you. Did you just get home from school?" I asked gesturing to the crest on his blazer.
He nodded. "Yeah but I don't live here. Your idiot son, Luca, is so worried about you. Did you know that with you missing all of your kids have to live with their fathers. So all the little brats that belong to the Vasquez's are now living with them."
"I've only been gone for a day." I said. "That couldn't have happened this quickly."
"No you haven't. Mark has been putting in requests to change custody and you haven't shown up for weeks. The judge ruled that Mark will take custody of them until you are found. Sandro was arrested because how could you not know where your spouse is for as long as you've been gone. He's on a 72 hour hold right now. Aldo's dad is MIA. Luca's dad is in the hospital."
"Why is Vince in the hospital?" I interrupted.
"Car accident. He's in the ICU on a ventilator. He probably won't make it." Nick shrugged.
My heart started pounding hard. I felt dizzy and nauseous. He was the only person that knows where I am. What was I suppose to do now? I was going to be sold like an animal. Worse than that, my kids had no parents at the moment. They would all be put in group homes or foster care. The room started to spin as panic set in. Was any of this even true?
"Nicolas, what the fuck do you think you're doing in here. Little twerp, get the fuck out." Daniel said.
Daniel wasn't wearing the same clothes as earlier. He was wearing army green jogging pants and a black T-shirt. He came in the room grabbing the back of Nicolas's shirt collar and dragging him out of the room. Another man closed the door behind them.
I could hear Daniel yelling at his brother in the hall in Russian. I wonder if they know I am fluent in their native tongue?
"You little asshole, what did you tell her?" Daniel yelled.
"I told her that no one is looking for her and her family was torn apart by this countries legal system."
"You shouldn't even be down here. You ruin everything. She is suppose to believe all is well at home. Now you've given her motivation to escape. Ana is a mother. Mother's do anything they have to too protect their children. You are a real piece of shit little brother. You better hope she doesn't believe your lies. If I find you down here again I swear I will put you in one of the other cells and you will be bound and gagged. Got it?"
"I'm sorry Danny. I didn't know."
"You don't get to come in my house and disrespect me. You know the rules. The basement is off limits. I'm telling Roman and he can decide your punishment."
"No Danny! I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I swear. Please don't tell dad."
"It's already done Nick. Get upstairs."
The door opened and Daniel walked in the room.
"Did he touch you or hurt you?" He asked from the doorway.
"No." I answered.
"Good." He said turning to leave.
"Daniel, wait." I said quickly to get him to stop.
"What is it Ana?"
"Will you stay with me for a while? I don't like being alone."
"I like knowing that you trust me enough to want me to stay here but I can't Ana. I have some things to take care of." Daniel replied.
"I'm sorry for earlier, but I have more reasons not to trust you. I'm scared and I don't like to be alone. Please stay with me." I cried.
"I can't right now love. I'll be back in less that an hour. Surely you can wait that long."
"You promise you'll be back soon?" I asked.
"I swear I'll be back as quick as I can."
He closed the door behind him. I listened to his footsteps fade and everything once again was quiet.
If what Nicholas said was true, then there was almost no chance of me being rescued. I would have to build Daniel's trust and escape on my own. I would have to do things that would put guilt in my soul.

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