Chapter 7: Save her

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Dante's POV

I heard my daughter's scream echo down the hall. I'd just woken up and stepped out of the bedroom I'd slept in. Chances were her brother scared her again.
"Help! Dad! Help." I heard Aldo's pained yell from the kitchen.
His tone didn't sound good and coupled with Rose's scream tells me it something bad. I run to the room not sure what to expect. I take a deep breath before I open the door drawing my gun. What I see almost floors me. I expected danger or possibly something stupid like a spider. I run to him and drop to my knees in front of Ana's still pale body.
"Leo!" I yell to Ana's brother. "Leo, I need your help now!"
Then I turn my sights to my son.
"Aldo go find Sandro and grandpa. Rosie go get Uncle Frances and as many towels as you can find. Go, now!"
Rosie moves instantly and runs from the room crying. Aldo doesn't move. He sits in a pool of his mother's blood and holds her head in his hands. Her blood is soaking into his jeans and is smeared halfway up his arms.
"Mom. Mom please wake up." My child shakes and sobs as he whispered his pleas to his mother. 
"Aldo." I say calmly reaching over and grabbing his head between my hands. "Go get Sandro and Grandpa. Tell them we need another doctor."
"Okay." He mumbles crying and gives me a small nod.
He gets up and quickly stumbles out of the room pale faced and wide eyed. Leo runs passed him. His first thought was that my son was hurt. He was, after all, covered in a lot of his mothers blood.
"Aldo are you okay?" Leo asks.
"Mom." He said quietly and points toward her.
I watch Leo's heart shatter seeing his sister like this again.
"Leo. I need you to help me control the bleeding." I say calm holding a kitchen towel tightly over one of Ana's wrists even though I'm freaking out.
Leo runs over and drops beside his sister grabbing the second towel off the cabinet and wraps her wrist tight.
"Fuck," Leo said angrily. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. What the fuck happened?"
"I don't know. She was on the floor when I got in here. Aldo and Rose found her." I answer. "I need you to hold both wrists. I need to check and see if she is still alive. Hold her arms up. We need to stop the bleeding."
Leo grabs Ana's wrist tightly. I put my fingers on her neck and feel for her pulse. I can't find it. I put my ear to her chest. Nothing. She's not breathing. I immediately start CPR. I'm scared that she doesn't have enough blood left in her body. I'm scared that she's already gone.
My younger brother, Frances has been studying to be a doctor since he delivered my children years ago. He just got his first job at a community hospital. I hope to god he knows what to do, because we are still stuck down here for the next twelve hours and that's if we didn't have to clean up the mess outside. My brother rushes in to the kitchen carrying the towels I asked for with several other people offering their aid. I'm thankful Rosie and Aldo don't come back in.
"We need to clear the island and move her up." Frances said. "No one argues with me and we do exactly what I say, the first time I say it. Got it?"
Antonio doesn't respond or wait for the others to help him. With one arm he sweeps everything off the counter and it clatters to the floor opposite our lifeless angel.
"You couldn't have just moved everything could you?" Ana's step brother Paul asks.
"We don't have time." Tony answers in a panicky tone.
"No arguing. She is important to all of us." Frances said sternly. "We are going to lift her up then someone needs to trade Dante and do chest compressions."
"I'll do it." Issac said stepping forward.
"We need help to lift her." Antonio said.
I take Ana's wrist from Leo to help lift.
"Keep her arms up. On my count. Three, two, one, lift." Francis counts.
We get Ana situated on the counter as the kitchen door swings open. Ana's father and step-mother Donna come in the room both with tears on their faces. Issac hops up on the counter and straddles Ana as he begins chest compressions. Donna rushes around the counter and begins checking for a pulse.
"When I get a pulse you need to stop chest compressions." Donna said through her tears. "How are we going to give her blood?"
"Ana and I are the same blood type." I answer. "We've traded blood more that I'd like over the years."
"Donna was an ER nurse for over forty years." Ana's father says volunteering information he knew would help us in this situation.  
"Good I'm going to need her help." Frances said nodding at Ana's father. "Can you set up a transfusion with what I have in my bag?"
"Yes. I can move the blood directly from Dante in to a bag for Ana. You need to sit down though Dante, we only need one patient. We don't need him collapsing and ripping needles out."
"How is she." Sandro said from the doorway.
"Not good." I answer leaning in to give Ana more air from my lungs.
"Are you going to help us?" Frances asks.
"I can't see her like that." Sandro said sadly. "But I'll get you whatever you need."
"Do you have a doctor that lives with you?" Frances asks.
"Yes. Micheal Capps works for Ana and I. I'll call him and get him up here. He has his own office down here with an exam room one floor down. I don't know if it's safe to move her but it's a full functioning office."
"We can't stop chest compressions until we have a pulse." Donna said. "Go find your doctor and have him ready to help us keep my daughter alive."
With that Sandro nodded and left. Issac continued to pump Ana's heart. While I filled her lungs with air. Every five minutes we would trade off giving Ana chest compressions. Issac, Sergio, Francis, Dimitri, Vance, Giorgio, Adriano, Antonio, Leo. All of us in a loop with me giving her air and holding her wrist up to slow the bleeding. Our family watched as we struggled to bring Ana back.
"Sergio, I need you to switch off with me." I said trying to stay strong. "Breath for her."
Sergio took my spot breathing for Ana giving me a knowing look. He knew I couldn't take anymore. I went to the corner of the room and broke down while I downed as much water as I could. Almost half an hour later Donna said the four magic words we'd been waiting for.
"I have a pulse!"
"Let's move her to Sandro's doctor's office. Quickly. Keep her arms up." Frances said.
We all followed them down. When we go downstairs Dr. Capps was ready. He had me sit down in a reclining chair by my Annie.
"We are going to fix you." I whispered to her and kissed her forehead before I took my seat.
He had me lay back and relax while they took my blood. He said we were lucky. Ana had missed the artery on both sides. I watched from my chair as he and Frances fixed her up.
"It's a waiting game now. We have to wait for her to wake up." Dr. Capps said.
They moved both of us into a bedroom to let us sleep. Antonio practically carried me. I laid with my poor sweet angel, so broken beside me on my side holding her hand and crying as I fell asleep beside her.

When The Wrong One Loves You Right 3: Forever And Alwaysحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن