Chapter 38: Sorry, not sorry

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Daniel's POV

The jig was up. Game over. Elias knew she had lied to him. He was convinced Ana needed to go home. He'd also made it quite clear he wasn't leaving without her.
I wasn't ready to give her up, but I knew we couldn't stay here. Ana was mine and I'd be damned if I was going to just take her home. She'd told me she loved me. She said it to me before I said it to her. We'd been sleeping together. I was going to put my child in her belly and runaway with her. We were going to be a family. Whether she wanted to be or not. She was mine and no one else's. I needed to convince her to go with me and never leave.
I decided my coupe was the best car to go in for three reasons. One, it was small. Two, I didn't have to stop very often for fuel. Then there was the most important reason. Three, it only had two seats, so no one else would be coming with us. I would be in the car alone with Ana.
She was sitting beside me now. Holding my hand as I followed Elias to the interstate. I would follow him on and when he exited I would keep going. I would only stop when I ran out of fuel.
Ana was going to be upset. That I knew. I'd brought my medical case with us. I knew I'd need it at some point. I would need the sedative. Ana wasn't one who would go quietly. No, she'd fight me every step of the way. I'd need to take He somewhere secluded.
I had the perfect place. With one of my fake Identities I'd purchased a cabin lost in the mountains of Montana. The nearest neighbor was a 30 minute drive away.
Perfect. Quiet. Secluded.
It would be pretty there this time of year. The leaves would be starting to change. Ana would not be able to leave. She be stuck with me. I'd hide my car keys outside the house in the electrical box. No one would think to look there. This was going to work.
"What are you thinking about?" Ana said cutting in to my train of thought.
"Sandro is going to kill me." I said.
"He won't touch you." Ana said.
"Would it be crazy to not go back? Don't you feel trapped?"
"Yes. I'm married. The whole institution of marriage is a trap. Something that can be easily done in thirty minutes but when you want to undo it takes months even years of your life. I don't like the idea of marriage. It's a piece of paper signifying ownership. But even though I don't like it, I love my husband and I want to go home to him."
"Would you be upset with me if I didn't take you home?" I asked.
"Your not going to take me home, are you? You are going to take me somewhere else." Ana said getting tearful. "I knew I shouldn't trust you with this. I knew I shouldn't have got my hopes up."
"Ana please baby, don't cry. I want you happy but I'm human and I want to be happy to. We are going to a new home. A place where you will be safe from everyone and we can be together." I said to her. "I'm sorry Ana but I'm not sorry. I love you and I want more time with you."
"If you'd loved me you take me home to my family." She said angrily through her tears.
"I am your family for now Ana. You can go back to your husband after I know you will be safe."
"Daniel, please take me back to Sandro."
"I'm sorry Ana. I can't." I said.
Elias exited and I continued straight. I watched him get stuck at a light as I passed the exit.
"I will do anything you want me to if you take me home to my family." Ana said pleading.
I didn't respond to her. It would be easier for her to yell at me this way and that's what she did for the next forty-five minutes. She screamed at me and called me every name there was to call me. Then she cried silently until she fell asleep.
I was thankful when she finally did. It gave me a chance to let my emotions out without her seeing. I cried a single tear, grinding my teeth together. I'd just made her hate me. I was angry at myself. I was stupid to leave her with Alastair. I knew he'd pull some shit like this. I loved my older brother but he was a major moron.
Ana shifted, turning to lay on my arm. She laid there for a long time. Her breathing steady. Her body relaxed. Her long red hair partially covered her face. I'd noticed before we left that she put on my clothes. They were way to big on her but I liked how she looked in them. I wonder if she still had that white and black lacy lingerie on under them or if she'd changed into something more practical.
I needed to stop thinking about the way Ana looked in her lingerie this morning. It was making me hard. I don't think shes in a place where she wants to sleep with me. I'm not going to force myself on her either. If we have sex again it was going to be her choice. I was going to let her decide when she was ready.
The gas light on the dash dinged breaking me from my thoughts and causing Ana to stir.
I pulled off on the first ramp in to Hubbard Ohio. The change in speed caused her to wake up.
"Where are we?" She asked yawning and cuddling closer to me.
"Ohio." I said.
"How long have you been driving?" She asked.
"About six hours."
"What time is it? Are we almost there?"
"Just after midnight. We aren't even close yet. Go back to sleep Ana."
"Why are we stopping?
"We need gas." I answered.
"Can we get some food? I'm starving."
"Are you going to freak out and draw attention?"
"No, I'll be quiet. I'm hungry and my head is killing me."
"Why does your head hurt?"
"The alcohol is wearing off."
"Ana when were you drinking?" I asked concerned.
"Before your brother chased me down the stairs. I got it out of your desk."
"Will you let me put an IV in your arm?"
"I guess."
"It will make your head not hurt so bad and it will sober you up. If you'll let me put a catheter in you it will make for less bathroom stops and we will get there faster."
"Whatever you want to do is fine with me."
I pulled in to a gas station.
"Any requests for food?" I asked her.
She shook her head.
"Stay in the car." I commanded.
I got out and set the pump up. I walked inside and grabbed a bunch of random junk food off the shelves. I knew I'd need new IDs for Ana at some point and wanted to make sure the cabin was stocked. I pulled out my phone after I paid and walked back outside. The phone rang three times before my guy answered.
"This better be good." The man said in Russian.
"Ron, it's Daniel. I need you to make sure the cabin is stocked for me and one other person. I'm on my way now. I should be there in the afternoon sometime Sunday."
"Will do boss. Do I need to move the girls?"
"No just make sure they know the rules. They are there to cook and clean. They are not allow to speak to the girl that I'm bringing with me unless she speaks to them."
"I will make sure to remind them and have everything ready."
"When I get there I'm also going to need a new identity for the girl I'm bringing. Birth certificate, Social Security number, drivers license, passport, all of it."
"What is her name."
"Anabeth Gianna Montorini. I want you to change it to Annabel Maria Mikhailova."
"Who is she supposed to be, your sister?"
"She's my wife."
"Should I prepare a marriage certificate as well?"
"Consider it done."
I hung up and walked back to the car. I was almost surprised that Ana listened. I gave her the bags of food.
"Eat babe I'm going to grab some stuff from the trunk."
I went around the back of the car to opened the trunk. I dug through my medical case to find tubing I would need along with IV fluid, needles, and the sedative that I put in I left inside pocket of my suit jacket. I got back in the car and got back on interstate 80. I pulled to the side about ten minutes later.
"I'm going to set up your IV Ana. I'm also going to give you a pain killer. It might make you really tired."
"That's okay, I just don't want my head to hurt anymore. Its making me crazy."
"Give me your arm babe." I said as I opened everything.
She turned her arm over. I cleaned the spot where I'd insert the needle and got everything set up. I hung the bag of fluid on the hanger hook on the ceiling and started the drip. I looked away from the Iv bag for a moment and I noticed Ana watching me closely.
"What?" I asked.
"Your really sexy when your using that big brain of yours and playing doctor." She said chewing on her lip.
I leaned in close to kiss her. She didn't pull away like I thought she was going to. She kissed me back.
"Can we have sex in the car?" She asked between kisses.
"If your careful with the IV we can." I answered.
She pulled away and pushed her pants off before she climbed over the center console to straddle my legs. I was pleased to see she had left the lingerie from this morning on. I pulled my shirt off of her, exposing her body more.
"You are so sexy." I said raping her body with my eyes.
I brought her lips back to mine. She pressed her body against me. She moved her hand down my chest unbuttoning my shirt before moving her hand to my groin. She rubbed the length from outside my pants while she kissed me. I finally got to a point where I couldn't take her teasing me anymore and pulled my dick out.
"Put it in." She panted grinding her hips against me.
I pushed my hips up and found her entrance. Her tight little fuck hole stretched around my cock just right. She felt so good. She slowly started grinding her hips against me until she could fit me inside all the way. I moved my hips up into hers as she moved.
"Ana." I growled as she picked up the pace. "Oh fuck Ana."
"Daniel, oh my god." She moaned. "I like the way you feel inside me."
I grabbed the top of her bra pulling down and exposing her bare breasts.
"Fuck me hard Ana." I said before burying my face in her chest.
She picked up her pace coming down over my cock hard and fast.
"Are you close?" I asked trying to hold back the eruption that was building inside me. "I'm gonna cum Ana."
"No, I'm so close. Hold on." She said panting hard.
I tried to hold back. Just a little more. She bounced over me ten more minutes before I felt it.
"Oh, oh, oh." She moaned. "Oh my god, Daniel. Now. I'm coming. Daniel."
Her body tightened over me and I let go a little fucking her from underneath as she stopped moving. I held her ass moving her on my dick to keep the sensation going. She fisted my hair tightly as I sucked and bit the flesh of her breasts. Just as quickly as it happened, it was over.
I tipped my seat back. Ana laid her head on shoulder. Her breasts were crushed to my bare chest.
"I love you." She panted. "I love you so much."
"I love you too baby." I said putting my hand on the back of her head.
"Never leave me."
"Never." I said holding her a little tighter.
We laid there together breathing heavy. I closed my eyes and relaxed with her laying over me. Both of us trying to catch our breath.
I opened my eyes sometime later and glanced at the time on the dash. I must have fallen asleep. My five minute stop had turned into a two hour and forty five minute stop. I wasn't complaining. It was a good stop. I would stop like this as many times as she wanted. But I still had a schedule to keep. I looked down at her sleeping on my chest. 'God she's beautiful,' I thought.
"Ana." I said adjusting under her. "We need to go. Here put your shirt back on."
I grabbed the shirt off her seat. She grumbled as she sat up still half asleep and pulled it on. She clumsily climbed back in her seat and fell promptly back asleep. I pulled my suit jacket out from behind me and pulled out the sedative. I reached across and hooked into the tube the IV fluid was dripping in. I injected it and waited for about ten minutes before I got out of the car and went around to her side to get the catheter set up. I put her pants back on and fed the tubing down her leg. After inserting the catheter I got back in the car and we were on our way again.

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