Chapter 31: Phone call

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Once we were in the office he sat me in a chair in front of his desk. He took my locket out of his pocket and opened it. Then he walked around to the other side to sit in his own chair.
"Am I in trouble?" I asked.
"No, I told you it was all right before you did it. If you have to defend yourself I don't mind the fighting. Whoever instigates the fight is the one that will be in trouble. In this case it's Tiffany. I will punish her accordingly but first I have to ask, where did you learn to fight like that?"
"I don't remember. All I know is that I know how to fight." I reply.
"Why didn't you protect yourself on the plane? You could've easily grabbed a gun and got free." Daniel asked.
"I was distracted. I was exhausted and in pain. I didn't think that I could fight or get free. So I let them take me." I answered.
"When you say you don't remember, do you mean you don't know how you learned or you really don't remember?"
"I hit my head about six months ago. I seriously just woke up from a coma, saw I was pregnant, freaked out, and I have no idea what has happened in my life since I was a child."
"Amnesia?" Daniel asks.
"What's the last thing you remember?"
"I remember two weeks before my 12th birthday. We were on our way to a party for one of our friends and we got in a car accident."
"So you only remember up to that point?"
"Yes. When I woke up I didn't know who anybody was and I had a giant pregnant belly and no idea how it happened."
"You have no idea." I said rolling my eyes.
"So who was on the phone with you? The phone I found in your bra after I sedated you."
"Vincenzo." I said.
"Yes. Do you know him?"
"Yes. Why would you call him over your husband?"
"Because I was supposed to leave with Vince last night. I was supposed to disappear with him so Roman couldn't find me. Other obstacles prevented me from doing what we had originally planned. I thought I would be safer on my own with somebody that I used to trust and wasn't so close to the situation. Obviously I was wrong. My friends and family are suffering because I was wrong."
"Is Vincenzo planning to come and save you?"
"Probably, He was planning on trying to save me from myself, but he doesn't know where I am because I wouldn't tell him."
"Did he know that Gray was involved?" Daniel asked.
"No, he believes I haven't spoken to Grayson since I was seventeen. He'd have no reason to suspect him."
"Call him." Daniel said handing me his cell phone. "Call Vincenzo."
I dialed Vince's number and then hit send. Daniel took the phone and put it on speaker.
"Pronto Daniel." Vince said after the line thrilled several times. "I swear to god, if you called me about some new girl you just got I don't have time to hear it. I'm busy."
"Vincenzo. Your going to want to hear this. I believe I have something of yours. I want to discuss how to return it before Roman takes it somewhere else. Say hi Ana."
"Vincenzo. Were you in an accident? Are you okay?" I ask quickly as my heart pounds in my chest.
"Ana? Is that really you?" Vince asks.
"Yes. It's me. Are you okay?"
I hear several voices in the background, that I recognize as Vince's brothers, asking me questions over one another.
"Shhh! Everyone quiet!" Vince said to his brothers. "I'm fine, a little scratched up. The Porsche is totaled though." Vince said. "Ana?"
"Yes." I answer.
"Can you finish this." Vince asks. "Siamo un'anima." (We are one soul.)
"Io e te." (You and I.) I respond.
"One more. Forever and always." Vince said.
"No matter what." I reply.
"Am I on speaker?"
"You have my attention Popovich. What do you want for her?" Vincenzo asked.
"I don't want anything for her."
"Why would you just give her back to me?" Vince asked.
"We are friends Vincenzo. Is it so horrible to believe I want the only person I've called a friend in my life to be happy and be with the girl he loves?"
"If you give Ana to me and stick around your a dead man. Roman will kill you."
"Look, I have it good here but Roman has me doing things I don't want to do. You told me that this would happen when we were still teenagers and our fathers did business together. I want Roman out of this family or I'm going to disappear. I had plans to take off and take whichever girl I was supposed to be babysitting. Right now that girl happens to be Ana and I know you don't want her here because you know what she's going through, but if I leave with her you will never see her again."
"Who did it?" Vince asked angrily. "Who hurt her?"
"Roman and Igor."
"Igor?" Vince asked.
"He's Roman's brother. His right hand. Roman knew Ana would fight and I wouldn't do what he wanted."
"I'm gonna kill them both." Vince growled.
"I'll help." Daniel said seriously.
"How did you know she was my Ana?" Vince asked.
"I remember how you described her. When she started checking all the boxes in features of Vince's Ana I figure she was yours. I also remembered going with you to buy this tracking locket she has. Your face is the one inside it. Which means you know where she is and I wouldn't be surprised if you were sitting outside right now."
"If I wasn't sitting on a hospital bed right now, I would be. How do you propose getting Ana back to me?" Vince asks.
"She needs to stay here for awhile. I don't want to stir suspicion. I'll let her call you once a week so you know she's safe and I'll let you know when I have a time and place for us to hand her off."
"When you say awhile, how long are you thinking?" Vince asks.
"Six months." Daniel replies.
"No, six months is to long." Sergio's voice chimes in angrily from outside the conversation.
"Six months is to to long. You have two weeks or I'm going to come take her and leave a trail of bodies behind me." Vince said over Sergio.
"What I have planned requires at least three months." Daniel said.
"I guess your going to have to come up with a new plan then." Vince said.
"I'll let you know what I come up with."
"Let me talk to Ana, Daniel." Vince commands. "Off speaker phone."
"Vinny?" I say taking the phone from Daniel. Is Everyone okay? Was Sandro arrested?"
"Ana, are you okay. What did they do to you?" Sergio said.
"Stop Sergio. Ana answer yes or no only." Vince said. "Are you off speaker phone?"
"Sandro hasn't been arrested. He is taking care of everything the way he always does. I assure you the kids and the babies will all be fine. Dante flew the coop and no one has heard from him since he left right after you disappeared. We assumed he was the one that took you. Did they hurt you?"
"Was it Daniel?"
"Was it Igor?"
"And Roman."
"Did Igor hit you?"
"Did he do more than that."
"Were you raped?"
"By both of them?"
"Did any of your stitches open."
"No, I mean I don't think so."
"Yes or no only Piccola. I don't what him to know what we are talking about."
"Do you need me to come get you now?"
"Do you think Daniel will hurt you?"
"Are you comfortable being there for a few days or weeks?"
"Ana I need you to just listen. After I get done I want you to say, see you then. Got it?"
"Yes." I replied.
"I can't come get you right now. As much as I want to, I can't. I can't get out of this bed and even if I could, my leg is broken. It will take six weeks just for the bone to heal. Then there is therapy after that. If you start to feel unsafe, you tell me when I call you. If you need me send someone to come get you immediately you need to say the words pitch black. If you don't need help immediately but you feel you are unsafe with Daniel say, rules are rules. Do you understand?"
"I love you Ana."
"Let me talk to Vince." Daniel said.
"I love you." I said and paused. "Daniel wants to talk to you."
"Give him the phone." Vince said.
"Ok. See you then." I said.
I handed the phone back to Daniel. He put it back on speaker.
"Vince?" He asked.
"What is it Daniel?"
"Did Ana lose her memory? She was telling me she was in a coma from a brain injury and when she woke up, she believed she was twelve."
"That's true. She hit her head on the driveway after she was shot. She almost died. I thought she had. Her dad saved her and until a few weeks ago she was in a coma." Vince answered.
"Was that when she had the babies?"
"Why twelve? What happened?" Daniel asked looking at me.
"She had a lot going on. She'd felt abandoned. She thought that I didn't care about her anymore. We suspect that was the simplest time for her to go back to."
"What happened after twelve?"
"When she was thirteen she ran away. I was the one who found her. I started pushing past her father to get back in her life. She tried to kill herself when she was fifteen." Vince said. "She was in a weird place. Her dad was just starting cancer treatment. She was having problems in school. When Dante got her pregnant it only got harder. She had to be homeschooled after that. Dante's mom and mine would take turns. She graduated early because she worked through the summer. She'd finished school by the time she was seventeen. That's when she came to live with me."
"When she was fifteen she slept with Sandro the first time." Sergio chimed in.
"What?" Vince asked his brother.
"Ana told me that she slept with Micah before she'd had the babies. She slept with Dante then with Sandro." Sergio said.
"She was suicidal before she slept with Dante and there was alcohol involved on both sides." Giorgio said. "When she was with Vince she believed her dad had just passed away. The bad memories helped her to make good ones."
"She made a lot of bad decisions. All of us help her make them." Adriano said. "After she ran away she and I tried to have a relationship."
"Yeah, And after she ran away from Vince when she was seventeen she met Enzo Montorini. He had his fair share of hurting her and his family kidnapped her."
"Guys," Issac said. "Ana has had a shitty life. Why does she want anything to do with any of us. She has had nothing but hurt?"
"You are all she knows." Daniel said looking at me as I started to cry and looked away from me as someone knocked on his office door. "I'll call again later this week Vin. Maybe we can set something up. A meeting or something. Yeah?"
"Yeah. I'll be waiting to hear from you." Vince said. "Ana?"
"Yes?" I asked trying not to let him hear me crying.
"Remember what I told you."
"I love you." I said.
"Forever and always."
"No matter what."
"Ciao Bella. See you soon." Vince said.
Daniel ended the call and said loudly. "Voyti." (Come in.)
"tvoy otets zdes." A man said opening the door. (Your father is here.)
Daniel nodded. Raising his hand and waving them in as he stood.

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