Chapter 43: Old Mistakes

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We walked in to a large living room. Ron spun me around in to him so my back was against his chest. One of the girls turned a radio on. The song that came on was Daddy's Home by Shep and the Limelites.
He spun me out and pulled me back in so we were belly to belly. The girls watched us dance together.
"Bonnie, I thought you were gonna kick my ass." Mark said coming in the room a few minutes later.
"I'm sorry. You weren't worth remembering. Ron give me just a minute." I said.
I went over to Mark and quickly knocked him down with four quick movements. He laughed as I stood over him.
"You've still got it Ana." Mark said.
"I told you I could kick your ass." I said to him turning to walk away.
He quickly reached over and grabbed my ankle, tripping me and making me fall to the floor. I turned quickly kicking his hand off and pushing up so I was standing. I kicked my shoes off.
"If you want a real fight get your ass up." I said slightly pissed off now. "No rules."
Mark got back up and came to stand in front of me. He didn't take any extra time. He swung at me as soon as he was close enough to hit. I caught his hand and turned his wrist sideways. I kicked him in the stomach. He stumbled backwards. I kick at him again my foot barely missing him. He spun kicking up. I could feel the air from his foot as it sailed in front of me barely missing my face.
He quickly swung a fist at me. I ducked and punched his stomach with my left hand and brought my right up punching his jaw. I turned quickly kicking his shin. He kicked again hitting my thigh at the same time. I stubbled backwards and he feel to the floor. He quickly pushed off the floor so he was standing in front of me again. I swung at him and he swung at me. We were lost in a storm of fists. I dodged, hit, then blocked in a rapid secession. I kick his shin again that spun the opposite way and kicked him in the chest. He took a few steps backward trying to catch his breath.
He came closer to me squaring up his shoulders with mine again. I punched him in the jaw knowing he wasn't quite ready. I kicked at him. He leaned back. I swung my fist at his face. He blocked me. He punched at me. I smacked his hand away and tried to kick him in the face. He leaned back again. As he came back forward I grabbed his arm and the back of his head, bringing my knee up in to his stomach three times before he twisted out of my arms.
He spun around swinging at me and landing his fist on my jaw. I turned back quickly and hit him in the nose. He stumbled backward. We went back at each other getting lost in a tornado of fists and feet until I crouched down and kicked his feet out from under him. I stood back up and brought my foot down hard on his stomach. He rolled over and while he was still crouched I kicked him in the face. He fell back and turned to get back up at the same time I tried kicking him again.
He caught my leg spinning me around and throwing me to the floor. He came back at me I kicked him in the stomach. I knocked him back enough to get back to my feet. We squared up again, hands up and breathing heavy.
I kicked at him and he ducked under it. I punched him as he came back up. He kick with his right leg, I blocked him. Then he kicked with his right. I took the opportunity to speed bag his stomach making it so he didn't land his blow. He swung his left fist at me. I wrapped my arms around his, setting my hands on his back and brought my knee up in to his chest using my weight to push him down. I struck him three times and then I swung one of my legs over his head while the other hooked under his arm flipping him to the floor and leaving me on my feet.
I kicked him in the face and swung my fist at him. He grabbed my fist and hooked his arm around my leg lifting me on to his shoulders. Then he carelessly tossed me to the floor. I rolled to my feet and ran at him. He swung his fist at the same time I kick him square in the chest. He was knocked backward. He kicked me knocking me to the floor. I sat up and punched his square in his man business. I stood up using his shoulders to help me. Our heads collided. I wrapped my body around him again using the momentum to throw him across the room. We rolled and flipped around until I was on his back with a legs wrapped around his neck. He twisted and turned trying knock me off him. Finally he leaned forward hitting the floor three times.
I released him and stood off his shoulders just as Daniel walked in the room. I noticed that we'd drawn quite the crowd. I turned offering Mark my hand. He took it.
"How does it feel?" I asked.
"How does what feel?" He said.
"To know you got your ass handed to you by a girl that wasn't at full capacity."
"You got fucking cocky Angel"

"Its not my fault my dick is bigger than yours Marcus. I'm the same person I was when I knew you, but you never knew the real me." I said. "The difference between now and then is I don't give a fuck about you anymore."
"You should." He said.
"Why?" I asked.
"You hurt our kids by pushing me out." He said.
"It's not my fault you couldn't accept my past."
"You were the one running from your past." Mark said looking hurt.
"You were running from yours too! You lied to me about Lila! You told me she was dead!"
"I didn't know Lila was alive! When we were together I thought she died the night I crashed my bike. I was trying to protect you from my past."
"You pushed me away by doing it!"
"You lied to me about who you were Angel! I was right not to fully trust you! You slept with my fucking brother!"
"Your brother didn't lie to me."
"My brother was dangerous! I didn't want you around him. The only reason he wanted you is because I had you and he always wanted my toys."
"You are the one who was giving me mixed signals. Matt knew what he wanted. It's not my fault that we broke up every other day and he took advantage of it."
"If you would have just listened to me Angel he wouldn't have been able to!"
"Stop calling me Angel. I told you a long time ago, I wouldn't be controlled Marcus! This is the same broken record you've been playing for five years. Don't you understand, I wanted to be with you. I wanted you to want me and talk to me. You wouldn't open up to me even when I tried my hardest. I wanted to marry you and disappear. If you would have opened up to me we wouldn't be where we are now."
"Ana I'm sorry things end up the way they did."
"Your fucking ex-girlfriend shot me Mark! She almost fucking killed me! My brain is bleeding! I don't remember most of my life! And all you can say is your sorry? Fuck you. Okay, fuck you and her. I told you I don't want anything to do with you anymore. I hope my husband kills you and your fucking brother too. I'm done with this bullshit ass relationship that we had! Goodbye Mark."
I turned away from him angrily and pushed past everyone to get to the stairs so I could go upstairs. I was about half way up when I glanced in the living room. Daniel had walked up to Mark and punched him square in the jaw. Mark collapsed to the floor. Daniel looked up at me and gave a single nod before turning his sights back to Mark.
I went upstairs the rest of the way and went in Daniel's bedroom. I walked in the bathroom and scrubbed the makeup from my face while I cried. After my face was scrubbed to the point it was raw and red, I took my frustration out on one of the pillows on the bed. I screamed into it letting out all of my anger and frustration. I cried and screamed until I was an empty shell of myself, laying on the bed tired and emotionless.
I heard the door open behind me and the sound of their shoes on hard wood floor. When he got closer I could smell his cologne. Daniel sat on the bed behind me. He gently set his hand on shoulder.
"Ana, I'm here if you want anything. I'm not going to push you to talk, when your ready I hope you will come to me. How can I help you baby? I don't like you being so sad."
"Did you kill him?"
"No. I only hit him once. He's passed out in one of the guest rooms."
"He hurt me."
"How did he hurt you baby."
"He and his brother played me. They got me tangle in their web of lies, deceit, and manipulation. I loved them both. All I could think about for the longest time was how I could have been so stupid."
"They were life lessons Ana. We all have them at some point. The only way to move on is to take what you learned and use it to make sure you don't do the same thing again."
"I learned I can't trust the people I love."
"I think the lesson was more, you can't trust people that don't open up to you."
"Why is he even here? I thought we ran away from Roman by coming here."
"Mark isn't part of Roman's organization. He came here before I had any knowledge Roman wanted you. He asked to be part of my team because he wanted to do something different. His brother is here too. I didn't know who they were to you Ana. I'm sorry. I would have never put you through that if I'd known."
"Why did you want me?"
"You looked like you might die when we took you Ana. Greyson asked me to take care of you and get you well again. He told me you are special and you meant a lot to him. He said if he could help you get better he would have, but the state you were in scared him. When I sedated you on the plane, you looked up at me with the saddest look in your eyes and you asked me to help you. I didn't know who you were at first but I loved you before I knew. The way you held me and trusted me when you had no reason to, it made me see the kind of person you are. You are kind and giving, you accept only what you know you can't change. I fully intended to let Vince take you home in a couple weeks but in the short time I've known you, I got attached. You stole my heart Ana. I love you and I would do anything for you. Your are my forever. Tell me what you need love."
"I need you."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Stay with me."
He didn't say anything he laid down behind me and wrapped his arms around me tightly. He pressed his lips to the top of my head. I cuddled back in to his arms. I started crying again knowing I was going to break his heart when I left but in that moment he was comforting me and I needed him.
"Let it out baby. I'm here for you." Daniel said pulling me a little closer.
I turned over to lay on his chest. He turned to his back and I nestled in to him. He held me while I sobbed.

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