Chapter 18: Afternoon nap

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The room was silent while we ate. No sound but the cutlery on our ceramic dishware. Sandro and Vince sat on opposite sides of me but kept exchanging looks and making small gestures like they were having a silent conversation.
"Don't do it." I said looking at my plate as I spun the pasta around my fork to take another bite. "Whatever your planning don't do it."
They exchanged one more long look and then focused on their plates.
"Rosie eat." Sandro said looking from her to the untouched plate while taking a bite of his own food.
"No. I'm not hungry."
"Rose listen to your dad." Leo said.
"He's not my father, Uncle Leo." She said snootily whilst folding her arms over her chest and sneering. "Dante is and I don't have to listen to Sandro."
"You'd better listen to..." The man said.
"May I be excused." She said cutting him off.
"Leo, leave it." Sandro said. "No Rose, you can sit with us until everyone is finished. As of this moment your grounded. When you leave the table I'm keeping your phone until you decide to respect my rules and lose your attitude. I've had enough of your bitching and drama over the past couple weeks and it needs to stop."
"Fine." She said snootily rolling her eyes and throwing her phone across the table at him.
"She's just like me, must be my daughter." I said giggling and smiling, accidentally thinking out loud. Vince and Sandro were the only ones who heard me. They both smiled at me.
By the time lunch had finished, I was stir crazy. I desperately wanted to get out of this stuffy house. Everyone left the room. Sandro, Leo, and Vince left to talk about some business that I didn't need to know about. Rosie, a boy that looked just like Dante, another teenage girl I couldn't place and Myself were the only ones left. They watched as I moved slowly around the dinning room looking out the windows.
"Do you remember me?" Rose said looking at me hopefully.
"No, but based on your behavior you'd have to be mine. Let's call it an educated guess."
"Why would you guess that?" She asks.
"Nobody talks to Sandro like you just did, nobody. That kind of disrespect gets people killed. You don't bite the hand that provides your living." I answered.
"I guess I'm lucky your my mother then."
"I guess you are." I smiled at her and looked at the boy. "How about you, are you mine too?"
"Yes." The boy said quietly.
"What's your name?" I asked him.
"How old are you?"
"Sixteen, we are twins and this is Isadora or Issy. She's our friend from school."
"Aldo was your grandpa's brother's name. Did you know that?"
He shakes his head no.
"You don't talk a lot do you?" I asked him.
"No, Rose does enough of that for both of us." He replies with a smirk.
"I do not." She protests.
"Rosalia was Dante's first girlfriends name. She was like a sister to me. She was beautiful and always so happy. I always knew he'd name his daughter after her." I said
I smile and then I turn my attention back outside. The sun was bright and I could feel the heat through the window. I wanted to go outside and read.
"If you'll excuse me." I turned from the window and walked to my grandpa's library.
I pulled a random book off the shelf before making my way outside before anyone could stop me. I walk the half mile down the path to the gazebo and climbed on to the day bed swing on the shaded side. It was so nice out.
I remember doing this all the time. Normally I had someone with me. Some one like Dante who would sit with me and read poetry then ask me a million questions about it. But he wasn't here. I sure made a mess of things earlier. I open the book and begin reading some Grimm brothers version of a classic story. In this version it was no fairytale, much like my own life it was more of a nightmare.
Before long I could feel my eyes getting heavy. The combination of the heat from the sun, the light breeze, the absolute quiet made me quickly doze off.


How long I was asleep I couldn't tell you. I know it was much longer than I'd anticipated. I woke to heavy footsteps coming toward me. I listened as the owner spoke to someone else.
"Hey, I found her." He said pausing. "Yeah, she's in the gazebo and she's sleeping. Do you want me to bring her inside or should I sit out here until she wakes up?"
I opened one eye to look at the man. His back was turned. I didn't recognize him or his voice.
"Yeah, I got it. I'll be there soon." He said.
He moved me slowly and lifted me bridal style to carry me back to the house. I could see the sun over his shoulder starting to dip behind the ridge. I moaned in protest before I spoke to him.
"Who are you?" I asked yawning sleepily.
"I'm sorry Ana, I didn't mean to wake you. My name is Ian. I work for your family. I use to be your bodyguard. I need to take you to the house before Sandro has a coronary. He's having a panic attack because you disappeared."
"Ian? Paul's friend Ian right? The one that does tattoos?" I asked.
"That's right Ana. Let's get you inside okay?"
"Okay. Don't drop me though."
I wrap my arms around him. One arm under his own and the other over his shoulder so I could cuddle in and hold on tight. I buried my face against him and fell back asleep until I felt him begin to climb the stairs.
"No, don't take me upstairs." I say lifting my head off his shoulder.
"Where do you suggest I put you then?" He asks stopping on the stairs.
"I don't care, but not in my room."
"Do you want to stay asleep or wake up?"
"I want to sleep Ian. I need to sleep. I'm so tired. Will you take me to your room? Please?"
"Your going to get me in trouble." He said turning and walking back down the stairs and making his way to the basement where the staff stayed.
He laid me in his bed and covered me up. He turned the lamp by the bed off and I heard him begin to walk away.
"Ian?" I said sitting up on my elbows. "Will you stay with me."
"Yes Ana. Let me call and tell Leo your down here. I'll be right back."
I smiled and lay down in Ian's bed. A few minutes later I heard him come back in the room and close the door. I hear the rustling of fabric as he moves around.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Getting comfortable." He answers. "It's my room."
"Are you going to lay down with me?"
"Yes Ana, that was the idea." He replies.
I scoot over making room for him on the bed. He lays down next to me and I cuddle in to his side, laying my head on his bare chest. He holds me tight as we lay in silence. I listen to his steady breathing and heartbeat. I start thinking about my life and wondering what all I don't remember. Slowly I drift asleep.

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