Chapter 11: Alive

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Giorgio's POV

It's been months. Ana hasn't improved. Her wounds are healing but she is still in a coma. Sandro refuses to take her off life support. The reason for that? Ana is pregnant. Letting Ana go would mean he would never meet the child she is carrying. That's something he refuses to do. He won't let her go until after the child is born. I think he's being selfish. What will happen if Ana wakes up with no memory of how she got pregnant? What if she doesn't remember who her husband is or who she is? What then? She'll freak out.
I've never seen such strong men get pulled down so far. All four of them. Leo, Vince, Sandro, and Dante. Not to mention our brothers. Having sweet Ana get shot has almost ruined us all.
We all take turns sitting with her, hoping she will wake up. Our wives and children are in Italy. When I spoke to my wife I could tell she was jealous but she claims she understands. If Ana wakes up we want someone to be there for her. Tonight it's my turn. Vince will sit with her in the morning. The rain and thunder outside mirrors my mood. I sit by her bed now talking to her and crying. I'm crying because I feel guilty for the way I treated her. I've never hated Ana, but I know I treated her unfairly when we were children. I was so mean to her. There were times that she could have faced the wrath of my father if my brothers hadn't protected her. She was always a friend to me, even when I mistreated her. I miss her so much.  I miss her smile, her warmth, her laughter. I loved this woman. She was my family. She was like my little sister. I've prayed to god she would wake up.
I know she won't respond but that hasn't stopped me from talking to her the past five months. I'm not the only one. I've walk in her room her at her grandfather's home countless times when one of my brothers, Dante's, or Sandro's were talking to Ana. She's become a silent therapist. We all tell her about our lives and problems. The Doctors say she hears us and I've wondered if it was actually true.
"I'm so sorry Ana." I said to her, leaning on my folded arms that are resting on bed whilst looking at the floor. "I'm sorry that you've had the life you did. I'm sorry that I was such a jerk to you. I wish you'd wake up princess. You will never know how much we all miss you. We need you. Please wake up. Please come back to us and be you."
"Um. What?"
I shoot up instantly and look at Ana in the darkness around us. She just responded. Did she wake up?
"Ana?" I ask standing and leaning over her.
"What?" She asked sleepily and yawned.
I smile and started kissing her face repeatedly.
"Your awake." I exclaim excitedly through my tears. "I'm so happy your awake."
"Ew. Gross." Ana said trying to push me away with her eyes still closed. "George stop. I'm trying to sleep."
"I'll be right back." I said readying to run out of the room and tell everyone.
"No. Stay. Come fall asleep with me." She said catching my hand. "I won't tell my dad you're in my room. I just... I don't want to be alone."
I stop and look at her as she speaks. She looks genuinely afraid. I look up at the flash of light outside followed by the booming of the thunder. I look back to Ana as a tear slides down her cheek.
"Please George." She begs, her eyes open a little wider and her lip quivers slightly before she breaks in to full sobs that break my heart. "Please stay with me."
"Of course preziosa, of course I'll stay." I said moving back to her and sitting on the bed. "But you've been asleep for a long time. Your family and friends will want to see you."
"Can't it wait until morning?" She asks.
"Yes I suppose it can." I said giving in to my sweet crying baby.
"Fall asleep with me?" She asks.
The heart monitor next to the bed flashes as her heart beat slows back to a steady pace. We'd had the doctor mute the beep after the first two weeks. It was making us all crazy.
I kick my shoes off and cuddle in to her side, kissing her cheek as I lay beside her. I lie on my side and press my lips to her shoulder. I lean my forehead on her cheek. She cuddles in to me as I slide my hand under her head to pull her in. She turns so she is laying half on her side with her back to me chest. Then slowly we begin to fall asleep together.
Just before she falls asleep she asks. "I thought I was going to die when I hit my head. Where are we George?"
"We are at your grandpa's home just outside the city."
"Where is Vinny?"
"I'm not sure, but he'll be here in the morning."
"And Sandro?"
"He's across the hall sleeping in the guest room."
With that she let's go and falls peacefully asleep in my arms as I cheer triumphantly in my head. Our baby, the Benedetti's baby has come back to us.

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