Chapter 57: Makeup sex

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I woke up wrapped in Sandro's arms the same way we'd fallen asleep. A sharp pain bit at my leg. As I attempted to move the pain got worse and Sandro's arms locked my in tighter.
"Ow." I whined clutching my leg.
"What's wrong Orsetto?" Sandro asked half asleep.
"I have a Charlie horse in my leg and I can't move."
Sandro loosened his hold on me and turned us to his right side rolling me to my back. He climbed on his knees and pushed my hand away, gently grabbing my leg to massaging the muscle. He worked at it softly until the pain finally dulled out and disappeared.
"Is that better?" He asked.
"Yes. I'm sorry and thank you." I said, looking down at him.
"It's not a problem Ana. I'm your husband. I like taking care of you and keeping you safe." He said.
He slowly slide his hand up and down my thigh where the pain had been. He smiled at me.
"What?" I asked him.
"I think I see somewhere else that hurts."
He leaned forward and gently kissed up my thigh. He parted the lips of my vagina and pressed his mouth against it, sucking my flush in.
"Sandro stop." I protested.
"Why? You like this." He said. "And I want to make you come again."
He pressed his mouth back in not breaking eye contact with me until my clit was between his teeth. I put my hand in his hair and moaned as he pulled at my flesh. He focused his attention back on my center. His facial hair tickling my skin as he moved. He held my hips down, refusing to let me control what he was doing. The sensation built quickly. He knew exactly what I wanted him to do. Both of my hands went in his hair and my body tensed around him. Sandro stoped and crawled over me quickly sliding his hard length inside to finish me off. As my husband pumped his hips against mine slapping our bodies together until I half screamed.
"Sandro, oh! Oh!"
I came hard against him, clenching him tightly between my legs. For a moment everything around me melted away and he was all that was important. He pushed in hard and fast locking his eyes on mine. He took heavy breaths with a quivering lip. He closed his eyes tightly and fell into me as he had his own release coming to a stop. He laid on top of me silently trying to catch his breath. His sticky sweat fusing our skin together.
"I could fall asleep right here." He said completely relaxed against my body covering me like a blanket.
There was a knock on the door that pulled his attention away from me for a moment.
"What?" Sandro said loudly not moving.
"I'm sorry to be the asshole that interrupts this." Vince said walking in the room. "But Zeke is having a tantrum asking for you and Emma was to embarrassed to interrupt."
"How many time did she say he was the spawn of satan?" Sandro asked still laying over me unmoving.
I felt him smile against my neck.
"At least once every five minutes. He's been screaming for the last three hours. I could hear him two houses away with my head under a pillow. Emma was in tears and refused to let me or anyone else help her when I finally went to see what he was so pissed about. I sat with them trying to convince her to let me help for over an hour. I'm to a point now where I give up."
"Ok. Give me two minutes and I'll go take care of it."
Vince turned to walk back out of the room.
"Hey Vince." Sandro said catching his attention and causing him to turn back to my husband. "Don't go anywhere."
Vince gave him a nod and ducked out of the room closing the door as he went.
Sandro kisses me and climbed off the bed.
Sandro quickly pulled his clothes back on staring at me while he got dressed. He only put on what was important then he climbed back over me kissing me a few more times.
"I'll be fast." He said pulling away. "I'm going to have Vince sit with you until I get back."
"Okay. Don't be too long."
"I'll be maybe twenty minutes." Sandro said kissing me. "I already want you again."
"Go and come back fast." I said pushing him back.
Sandro climbed off the bed and left the room quickly. Vince walked in a couple minutes later.
"Sandro is kind of an asshole." He said.
"Why do you say that?" I asked with a giggle.
Vince gives me a look and puts on a mocking voice. He walked over to the bed and sat on the side.
"Will you sit with my naked wife and not imaging being between her legs even though you desperately want to touch her. Fucking asshole."
"Do you?"
"Do I What?"
"Want to touch me?"
"You know the answer to that Annie."
I moved closer to Vincenzo, pushing myself up on my knees. I let the sheet fall away from my breasts and pressed my lips to his. Vince set his hand on my back and turned to face me laying me back on to bed and crawling between my legs kissing my lips hard. I snaked my arms around him reaching down to untuck his shirt. As I began to pull, Vince grabbed my hand and pulled his lips from mine tipping his face away from me.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Ana, I can't do this with you."
Vince looked up at me with glassy eyes.
"Your married Ana. You love Sandro and he loves you. You need to try to fix what you have with him before we do anything." A single tear feel from each of his eyes. "I will not rush into anything with you until I know I can have you. I don't want to share you Ana. I need to know that you're mine. I'm sorry to say it Ana but I can't do this. I meet someone six months ago."
"Did I misread this?" I asked feeling sad and confused. "I thought you wanted this."
"I do Ana, but only if you belong to me."
"I do Vince. I belong to all of you."
Vince moved off of me and laid on his side next to me.
"I can't share you Ana. I get jealous too easily."
"So where does that leave us?" I asked sitting up. "Are we still friends?"
"I don't know where that puts us Ana. Any relationship between us will be uncomfortable and awkward. I'll always remember what's it's like to hold you, kiss your lips, to touch your skin. I will always want to relive the past and I won't be able to. There will always be temptation. A hug here, a brush of your skin there. Stolen kisses and heavy breath silences." Vince pauses and his eyes wander behind me. "I will alway be your friend Ana, but I don't know if we will ever get back to how we were."
"Vinny I'm sorry." I say as my eyes get wetter. "Your mine, forever and always. You are my best friend. I don't want to lose you."
"You will never lose me Ana, but I can't wait for you forever. I'm forty one and I haven't had an actually relationship with a woman since I was a teenager. I would do anything to be able to runaway with you, but I need to be able to look past being with you and find my own happiness with someone else."
"Who is she?" I asked him feeling immense pressure in my chest. "You said you meet someone."
"You don't know her Ana. Her name is Sophia Bormio."
"Is she Italian?"
"How old is she?"
"Thirty four."
"What does she look like?"
Vince sits up and turns to face me.
"Light brown hair, brown eyes, high cheek bones, strangely large ears that she hides with her hair. She's really pretty. Her voice is soft and she doesn't say much."
"Have you slept with her?"
Vince chuckles. "Not yet. We are taking in slow."
"Do you love her?" I ask with a lump in my throat.
"I wouldn't say that. Not yet, but I do really like her. When we get home you can meet her. I think you might like her too."
"I doubt that." I say under my breath.
Inside I'm ready to explode. As selfish as it makes me, I'm upset that Vince found someone else. I want to cry and scream. I want to throw something so hard it breaks. I'm suddenly so cold that I'm shivering. My lungs feel heavy. My chest aches with a pain I haven't felt since I lost Vince as a child. I know the next few days I'll be spending tremendous amounts of time crying over what I just learned.
Just as I speak the door opens and Sandro comes back in the room.
"What's wrong?" Sandro asks looking back and forth between Vince and I.
"Nothing." I lie.
"Do you want Vince to stay?" Sandro asked.
"No. I'm sure he has other things he'd rather do." I say, not missing a beat.
"Are you mad at me Piccola?" Vince asks sounding confused.
"It may make me sound selfish, but yes I am. I'm angry and my heart hurts." Tears stream down my face.
"Ana, I'm..."
"No. I don't want to hear anything else you have to say. Please just leave."
Vince took a deep breath and looked at the floor. There was hurt on his face. He didn't say anything as he got up and silently went to the door. He stepped out into the hall and turn back to me for a minute.
"I'm sorry Ana." He said and disappeared down the hall.
As soon as he was out of sight I ran in the adjoining bathroom and locked the door behind me. I didn't want Sandro to watch me fall apart.
"Ana what's going on?" Sandro asked through the door.
I didn't answer.
"Come on Orsetto, talk to me?"
"I can't. Go away." I said sobbing. "Please leave me alone."
"I love you Ana. I'll be here when your ready to talk."
I sat on the floor sobbing. I felt like somebody had put my heart through a food processor and an elephant was sitting on my chest. I sat there feeling greedy, jealous, and selfish. I sat there screaming and sobbing until finally I found peace and drifted into the darkness.

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