Chapter 44: Trouble in Troy

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I don't remember falling asleep. I don't remember Daniel carrying me downstairs. When I woke up I was laying in Daniel's arms on a couch in an office. I didn't open my eyes at first, I just cuddled in deeper and listened.
"I don't think it will help." Ron said. "Roman was in his home with his family. He had dozens of guards."
"I don't care. We need to increase our security Ron." Daniel said. "I can't lose Ana."
"You are not part of Roman's family Dan." Ron said. "The loss of your mother was tragic but that doesn't mean you are next."
"My brother is missing. What makes you think we are any safer than he was?"
"We don't know that it was a related incident. Besides no one has ever found us here."
"If whoever massacred Romans family looks hard enough they could potentially find us. They killed my mother. I don't want to risk it with Ana."
"You won't lose her. You are safe here. This house is not a place they would look."
"I can't lose her Ron. I love this girl more than I loved Anastasia."
"That's fucking insane Dan. You and Anastasia were great together. You knew her for years before you asked her on a date. You spent twenty years with her and your willing to compare your perfect relationship, with the girl I dated before you, to the one you have with a girl you've only know for maybe a month because she looks like the wife you lost? That's fucking stupid."
"I don't care what you think of me. I love Ana and see her similarities to my late wife; but I love Ana for who she is. I'm not going to lose her. I want our security increased. Until we find out where my brother went and who killed my mother we are on high alert. Get everybody in place."
"I'll make the arrangements but I don't think we need them. What do you want me to do with the twins?" Ron asked.
"I was going to let Ana decide but I can't have them making her this upset again." Daniel answered. "I want Mark off the property as much as possible. I'm not sure what to do about the brother yet. But I think we should keep him separated from Ana as well."
"Mark left some bruises that will be there for a few weeks. I would hate to see what Matt would do to her."
"I'm not going to give him the chance to hurt her." Daniel answered sternly. 
I moaned and started to stir.
"What are we talking about?" I asked barely opening my eyes and sitting up a little.
"Nothing important babe." Daniel said. "How did you sleep?"
"It was a good nap but I hate falling asleep during the day. I feel like I miss important stuff. I didn't even feel you move me. Where are we?" I asked.
"In my office." Daniel said.
"Why are there two desks?"
"The other desk is Ron's. When I'm working I'd like you to stay in here. Wandering the house alone could be dangerous."
"I'll do whatever you want." I said. "Do you care if I go outside for a while? I have a killer headache and I'm dizzy, I think the fresh air would do me some good."
"I have some work to do. I can give you something to help the pain." Daniel said. "I feel like you've done more today then you've done in weeks."
"If you think it will help, but I'd still like to go outside." I said.
"Your not going to let it go, are you?"
"No. I really want some fresh air. I haven't sat outside for over a month."
"Okay Ana, fifteen minutes. I want someone with you, better safe than sorry."
"Thank you." I said leaning in to kiss him.
I got up and walked out of the office with him. He walked with me until we got just outside. It was so pretty. The leaves were just starting to change colors.
"Do you see those two boys throwing the football?" Daniel said.
"Yeah, are those your kids?"
"Simon is the smaller one and Yurok was my first." Daniel said and looked at one of the guards. "Zavior!"
The man that came toward us was huge. His shoulders were easily three times as wide as mine. He was bald and looked scary, his face covered in scars.
"Yes boss." He said when he got closer.
"This is Ana. I want you to keep your eyes on her. Keep her safe. I'll be back in about fifteen minutes to get her. I'll give you instructions in your earpiece."
"You got it boss."
"Don't do anything to get hurt okay." Daniel said to me in a hushed voice putting his big hands on the sides of my face. "Stay safe."
"I will." I said.
I walked down the steps in to the yard towards Zavior. On my way down I spotted a wood swing tied in a tree. At the bottom of the stairs I turned to walk toward it. A glance back showed me Daniel had gone back in the house. I sat on the swing and watched everyone interact. Zavior stood close enough to watch me but stayed far enough away I didn't feel smothered. I turned my head quickly and looked behind me as someone set their hands over mine and pushed me forward. I took a breath in and almost screamed.
"What the fuck Matt." I said breathing heavy as I looked back at him when he caught the swing.
"Sorry. I wasn't trying to scare you." He smiled.
"What do you want?" I asked hostilely.
"I want to talk."
"About?" I asked.
"I don't agree with the way my brother is handling his current situation."
"Then why are you here?"
"He's my little brother and even though I think he's a moron, I love him. He's my only family and I can't turn my back on him."
Matt walked around me and knelt on one knee. I gave him a confused look.
"Don't worry Angel, I'm not going to propose."
"I would have said no if you did." I interrupted.
He smiled and continued. "I'm not going to ask you to forgive him. I'm not going to ask for you to trust him. I'm done with him. I would do anything to change how I've allowed him to behave. I just wanted to apologize, to say that I'm sorry for how things have happened. So, I suppose the best way to say it is; I'm sorry that I stood by and let him hurt you Angel. I should have stepped in months ago and put a stop to it. I'm so sorry for the way I've hurt you Ana. If you will allow it I would like a chance for us to be friends again."
"How do I know your telling the truth?" I asked skeptically
"You have to take a leap of faith and hope I am."
"If you betray me again Matthew, I swear to you I will kill both you and your brother. Do you understand?"
"I won't hurt you Ana. Please give me a chance to prove it to you."
"You get one chance." I said to him.
He smiled and stood. "Can I hug you or is it to soon?"
I stood and wrapped my arms around him, laying my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and pressed his lips to my head.
"Thank you Ana." He whispered.
"Don't make me regret this Matt."
"I've missed you."
"I'm going to be honest. I don't remember much of our time together." I said.
"That's to bad. We had fun. Maybe I can help you remember."
"Maybe." I said. "Is this going to get you in trouble with Daniel?"
"As long as I keep my hands to myself I should be fine. If not I will take the consequences for my actions."
I stood there in his arms silently listening to the kids play and the wind going through the trees. I felt a slight peace about it and for the moment, I believed that I could trust him. In that moment I didn't feel as alone as I had recently.
I pulled back and looked up at him. He looked different then the Matt I remembered. He'd cut his hair and dyed it darker. He also had a distinct scar by his right eye. It would be hard to mistake him for his brother anymore. I brushed my fingers in his hair over his ear.
"I like what you've done with your hair. It's more defining."
"I got bored and decide it was time to change it after we got here."
"I like it." I smiled.
"Good, maybe I'll keep it like this."
"Where did you get this scar?" I asked brushing my fingers over it.
"I got in a fight with your husband. I went to talk to try and talk to you about eight months ago. It was the Monday after we'd seen you in the park. I wanted to warn you and tell you what Mark, Cedric and Roman had agreed to. I wanted to apologize and see if we could rekindle our friendship. I asked for you but Sandro was the one who came in the room. He told me he would never allow me to speak to you unless the courts were involved. We got in a huge argument that he obviously won."
"My Sandro did this to you?"
"He broke my arm, my face, and kicked my ass. I have scars on my arm from where they had to go in and reattach my bone with a screw." He said turning his arm over to show me.
"I'm sorry Matt." I said running my fingers over the scar. "If you wanted to warn me then why did you come with them?"
"I wanted to make sure my brother didn't die. When I saw Lila shot you that was the end of it for me. I pulled Mark in the car and we left. I was pissed and I was sure that I'd lost you."
"Ana." Zavior said. "It's time to go inside."
"Can Matt come with me?" I said.
"Don't worry about it Ana. We can talk more later." Matt said before Zavior asked. "I'll come find you when I'm done with my watch in a few hours."
I gave him a disappointed look.
"Sorry Angel. Daniel is my boss and this is my job."
"That's stupid."
"The money he pays me makes it less stupid." Matt smiled.
"Come find when your done then." I said letting Zavior lead me away.
We walked slowly back in the house to Daniel's office. I knew I'd be bored the rest of the night, so I kicked my shoes off and made myself comfortable. Daniel and Ron both typed silently on their computers. I'm not sure what they were working on but from the couch where I spent the next four hours, it looked boring and unimportant. I was close to falling back to sleep when I finally broke the silence.
"Do I really need to be in here with you? Can I go watch a movie or something? I'm so bored."
"I don't want you wandering the house alone Ana. It's not safe." Daniel said not looking away front the monitor.
"It's your house. Are you telling me your family isn't safe in your house?" I scoffed.
"Not my family Ana. Just you." He said.
"Why just me? Why is it so unsafe for me to go do something?"
"I don't want to argue with you. I don't have to explain my decisions. The answers I give you are final." Daniel said sternly not looking away from his computer. "You don't get to wander around. You need to stay here with me."
"No, it's not final. I'm not going to just..."
"Enough Ana!" Daniel's voice boomed over mine as he finally looked at me. "I said you're staying with me. That's the end of it."
"Go fuck yourself." I said standing and quickly running out of the room.
"Ana stop!" Daniel shouted as he stood up to chase me.
In that moment I want thinking clearly. My emotions took over and I ran as fast as I could out of the house. Having him yell at me for the first time was terrifying. The only thing I knew is I wanted to get as far from Daniel as I possibly could. I ran barefoot through the yard with tears streaming down my face and disappeared into the trees before anyone could stop me. I ran until I couldn't run anymore. I walked until the sun blinded me through the trees as it began to set. I realized some time later that I was walking in circles and I had no idea where I was.
I sank to the cold ground and began to cry. I wrapped my hands around my feet trying to warm them. The moist dirt dried slowly covering my feet above my ankles. I brushed my hands off on my dress and curled up in a ball. Now I knew I'd really messed up.
I sat there crying and I screamed. I threw a rock at a tree trying to help ease my frustration.
"You're so stupid." I said to myself. "Why'd you take off and get yourself lost Ana? Daniel wouldn't have hurt you. That was the first time he's ever yelled at you and it's because you were acting like a child. You're so stupid, stupid, stupid. Uggh!"
I hugged my knees to my chest and let my head fall back against the tree. The sun was almost gone and it would be dark soon. It was getting cold and I knew sleeping out here was a bad idea. It would be my luck if I came across a skunk or worse, a bear.
I couldn't think like that. I needed to keep moving. I needed to find my way back to the house. I stood up, shaking in the cold air and decided on a path.
I walked slowly trying to protect my feet from the sharp rocks that littered the ground.
"I'm so over this day." I said defeated.

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