Chapter 47: Fighting With My Lover

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I took Matt's phone from him and dialed Sandro's number. Matt carried me down the hall to the bedroom. He sat me on Daniel's bed and I hugged my knees.
"Will you give me some space?" I asked him.
"Yes. I'll be over here if you need me." Matt said.
The line rang twice after I sent the call.
"What do you want?" Sandro growled into the phone as he answered. "My life is falling apart and I don't have time for your bullshit right now."
"Sandy." I said and stopped for a moment to control my emotions.
Don't cry Ana, stay strong.
"Ana?" He asked changing his tone.
"It's me." I said. I closed my eyes and covered my mouth with my hand. "I'm sorry."
"Baby, I thought you wanted to try. I thought you were going to give me a chance to get you back Ana." He said desperately.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what I want anymore but I want more than I was getting."
"Orsetto, I gave you everything you ever asked for. What more do you need? I don't want to lose you Ana."
"I wanted to be more involved in your business Sandy. You don't let me live up to my potential. I'm sheltered. I'm not the little girl who needs to be protected from the world anymore. I needed you to trust that I can take care of myself."
"I didn't want you to get hurt Ana."
"Yeah, well I did. I got hurt because I knew you'd be upset if you knew I was doing dangerous things without you. If you would have trusted me to do them in the first place I would have told you and we wouldn't be where we are now. I love you SO much but I can't do THIS anymore." I said and started to cry.
"Baby don't cry, don't leave me until we've tried to work through this. I don't know if I can live without you." Sandro's voice broke and he started to cry. "You are everything to me and I can't, I can't lose you."
"I'm sorry. I can't live the way I was before."
"Then let me try to make it better for you."
"I still think we'd be where we are now Sandy. There's no fixing something so broken."
"I don't understand this Ana. I don't understand why you are pushing me away." Sandro said sounding almost angry through his tears. "You want to throw away seven years of marriage and destroy our friendship because I wanted to keep you safe?"
"What do you not understand?" I said.
Matt came over to me and tried to take the phone.
"Stop Ana. You are going to regret what your saying to your husband." Matt said.
"No, Matt get away." I pushed him back.
"Fine, Daniel can deal with this." Matt turned quickly and left the room leaving me alone.
"I don't want to be with you anymore and when you say it like that it makes me feel like I'm the bad guy for wanting to be more than I am." I said to Sandro. "I'm tired of being scared of you."
"You have no reason to fear me Ana. I have never hurt you. I have never..."
"You have too." I interrupted. "You hurt me when you faked your death and made me think you were dead. You hurt me when you would leave for weeks and I didn't know if you were still alive. You hurt me when you didn't trust me to have a relationship with Vincenzo. You didn't trust me to have a relationship with Mark or Matt. You hurt me by locking me in a bubble and controlling what I was doing every single day. I don't need you to keep me safe. I don't need you to support me. I love you but I can't do this anymore."
"Do you even fucking hear yourself? You're talking crazy! I had to fake my death, Matteo wanted me dead! When I left for weeks I was doing things that I couldn't risk you being a part of! Those people would have killed you or taken you to get to me! If you wouldn't have been talking to Mark to begin with you would be home with me right now! I could only imagine what talking to Vince would have done! I put you in a bubble to keep you safe Ana! I was protecting you from things you know nothing about! I love you! Do you not fucking understand how scared I am to lose you?"
"I'm sorry Sandro. I can't be with you anymore."
"Fanculo! Fanculo! Fanculo! Fuck Ana! You are going to tear this family apart with your selfishness babe! You are going to break our children's hearts! You are going to tear me apart and ruin everything good we ever had!"
"I can't do this anymore!" I screamed at him.
"Then fucking stay with that Russian cocksucker! I hope you have a happy life being his toy!"
"The month I've spent with him was better than the last five years with you. He has nothing to do with me leaving you!"
"Are you really going to fucking defend him?! He kidnapped you Ana! He's obviously made you think he gives a damn about you! You are a pawn in his game! His family said they would let you go if we paid them. We did. Then your kidnapper, kidnapped you from his own fucking family. Vincenzo and I both paid them to get you back and he took you and the money and vanished. I'm beginning to think you love him and you haven't tried to escape because you want to be with him."
"That's not true!"
"He convinced you that he could love you better than I could and you ran away with him!"
"That is not true and you know it! I wouldn't have chosen to do this!" I screamed at him.
Suddenly Daniel's arms surrounded me and lifted me on to his lap.
"That's it, your done." He said taking the phone from me and putting it to his ear. I buried my face against him. "Thank you for bringing me closer to your wife Sandro. Now she may never want to see you again." Daniel hung up the phone and tossed it to the opposite side of the bed. "Get your phone and get out." He said looking at Matt.
Matt grab his phone and left the room quickly.
"Shh, Baby. It will be okay." Daniel said. "I've got you. Shhh."
"I'm sorry." I said quietly. "I'm sorry for last night."
"It's okay Ana, I forgive you. You're safe in my arms now and he can't hurt you here. Take deep breaths baby. I've got you. I know you won't believe this now, but it will get better. I promise."
I hugged him tight and sobbed against him. He held me and let me cry until I was finished. He didn't ask for explanations. He didn't seem annoyed with me. He leaned against the headboard and he held me tight.
"Are you mad at me?" I asked him.
"Your not going to ask questions?"
"Do you have anything you want to say?"
"I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself."
"You don't have anything else to add to that?"
"No Ana. Do you want to talk to me about what happened with your husband just now?"
"Not really."
"Then let it go. I'm not going to pressure you into telling me. If you want to, I'm happy to listen. Can we go back downstairs? Ron said he was ready to print your journals. He just needs you to login to your email."
"Okay. Are you going to carry me?" I asked not looking up from his chest.
"I am."
"Aren't you sick of me yet?"
"No Ana. I like having you here. You keep me on my toes. Can you do something for me?"
"Anything." I said.
"Look at me."
I looked up at him. He brushed my cheek.
"I love you and you are so special to me. Don't ever let him hurt you." Daniel said and leaned in pressing his lips to mine. "If you want to spend the rest of your life with me, I will make you so happy that you will forget all about him."
"That sounds good to me." I said looking at him with tear-filled eyes.

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