Chapter 20: Dreams

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I was moved shortly after the babies had finished feeding. I fell asleep promptly after. Micheal had told everyone to leave me alone so I could sleep off the anesthetic. I was told by Sandro that I'm going to Sergio's after I wake up.
I remember more every time I interact with anyone. That's a good thing I suppose but I didn't remember my life completely. I remembered it in small fragments. The thing I didn't expect to remember while I slept was the time I'd spent with Dante months ago and having Antonio walking in on us while we were doing something we shouldn't have been. I'd never thought I would turn into my mother but I seemed to be more and more like her everyday. I cheated on my husband and I had an unbelievable amount of guilt because of it.
When it happened I was looking out the window. Sandro was supposed to be home from a job. I was worried about my husband and rightfully panicking because it was dark and he was very late.
"Where is he?" I asked myself
"They got held up, don't worry. I'm sure he's fine." Dante answered.
I remember how Dante wrapped me in his arms. He'd come up behind me setting his hands on my hips slowly sliding them around and kissing the back of my neck as he got closer.
"Dante no. Sandro would kill you if he walked in on us." I said pushing his hands off and turning to face him.
"He won't be home tonight. Something came up outside the office. There was a problem with a client that he's trying to resolve."
"Are you referring to something illegal?" I asked.
"I don't suppose you'd tell me what he is doing."
"I would but then I'd have to kill you." He said smiling while leaning in to whisper in my ear seductively. "There are less problems for both of us if I don't tell you."
Then Dante nibbled at my ear and kissed my neck, taking me back in his arms. My head tipped back and my hands rested on his chest, slowly sliding down to his hips.
"Dante," I whispered. "This is wrong."
"But do you like it?" He said crushing my body to his.
I was scared to answer. "Yes."
"Let me then."
He pushed me against the wall beside the window still kissing my neck.
"I don't want my husband to walk in on us Dante. It's a bad idea. He'd kill us both. Please stop." I begged.
"Ana he's in a different state. He WILL NOT be home tonight." He said whispering, his hot breath brushed my neck.
"Its a bad idea." I said not resisting like I should've been.
"I don't think so." He said, his hands going to my ass.
"What if he walked in on us?"
"He's not coming home." He said pushing up my skirt.
"He'd kill us both."
"Only if we got caught but I already told you, he's not coming home."
Dante preceded to part my legs and then pushed my underwear aside plunging a finger deep in my center. I moaned at the intrusion. My body deceiving me as my hips rolled in to his hand. I grip the cloth of his shirt and suit coat in my closed fists as he pumped his finger inside of me and continued to nip at my flesh.
"Dante." I moan.  "Please stop."
"No." He said and smiled at me.
He looked up at me and his eyes met mine. His pretty hazel orbs were dark with lust. Then he locked his lips on mine as I reach my climax, muffling my moans.
He quickly dropped to his knees after it had ended, ripping his mouth from mine. He sucked my juices off his finger and pushed my skirt up further to gain more access. He put my leg over his shoulder and push my lips apart, holding my underwear aside with his other hand. He began kissing and sucking my flesh.
"I love the way you taste." He whispered before pressing his face back to my center and licking the length. He came to rest on my clit and began making circles over the nerve filled nub. He began sucking and nipping me with his teeth.
After my second climax he carried me to Sandro's office and kicked the door closed before laying me on my husband's desk. We fucked hard and fast. Then we did it again on the couch a couple of different ways, losing our clothes in the process. I was straddling Dante, riding his cock, at the beginning of another climax when the door opened and Antonio walked in.
"Get out!" Dante yelled at him. "Ana, up."
I couldn't move. I was stuck in an intense climax that didn't want to end and I had no control of my body.
"Dante, oh god." I moaned burying my face at the base of his neck. "I can't, I can't move!"
"Fuck Ana, I'm gonna come if you don't stop."
I felt Dante's length seize as he began his own release. I couldn't move. He fisted my hair, holding me so I couldn't move away and turned his face in against mine. Finally our climaxes ended. I kissed him one more time before I climbed off and started searching for my clothes.
We dressed quickly. My shirt was ruined, Dante had literally ripped it off. I held it up and he smirked as he picked his shirt up and tossed it to me.
"Put that on. Don't say anything to my brother." Dante commanded. "Go straight upstairs. I'll handle it okay."
"Not a word from me." I said happily agreeing to run away and not face Toni.
I followed a shirtless Dante and stood close behind him. I held my shoes and destroyed shirt close to my body as I coward behind him.
"What the fuck are you guys doing?!" Antonio asked as soon as Dante opened the door.
"What the fuck did it look like!" Dante said with angry sarcasm.
"You must have a death wish, because when Sandro finds out, he's going to be pissed. You're a dead man." Antonio looked at me. "And you, what the fuck were you thinking? Where the hell are your guards Ana?"
"Ana, go." Dante said softly before turning back to his brother and changing his tone completely. "Don't you fucking yell at her. It's not her fault. It's mine. You don't have room to talk. You were stupid to try to befriend the Russians. Sleeping with his daughter was your mistake. You're going to get us all killed with that little stunt you've got planned with Diego."
"How is that even relevant to this?" Toni yelled back.
"You don't get to judge me and my actions when you've done the same thing and far worse!" Anyone yelled.
I quickly slipped past Dante ignoring Toni as Dante continued to yell at him and ran barefoot through the house and up the stairs, taking them two at a time. I ran to my bedroom and close the door. Then I dropped my things falling backward on the center of my bed before my mind started racing.
Where were my guards? They really should have been here somewhere. Ryder had gone with Sandro, Uri was visiting his family but Shadow, Max, And Henry should be here. They should have stopped Dante.
I hadn't wanted it at first, but when he kissed me like he always did I'd thrown cation to the wind. Tears saturated my pillow as I lay in my room silently sobbing. Guilt consumed me. I should have walked away. I should have fought back. I didn't want it, but I did. I said no but I was actively participating. Sandro would, no doubt, look at the cameras when he got home. When he saw what Dante and I had done he would be so hurt. In seven years this was my first slip. What had I done?
"Hey." Uri said.
He climbed on my side of the bed behind me and wrapped an arm around my middle.
"I thought you were at your mom's house." I say mopping my tears up with my hands.
"I was. She told me to tell you she misses you. You should have gone with me. She sent me to come get you."
"I really should have." I agree.
"Why do you say that? Ana what happened." Uri asked me concerned.
I turn to lay on my back and looked up at him.
"I did something horrible." I said as I begin sobbing again.
"Come here honey." Uri said pulling me closer to his chest, turning to his back so I could lay on his chest, and he could kiss my forehead. "Tell me what happened."
"I cheated on Sandro." I sob.
"With who?"
"Dante. I told him no at first. Then he was kissing me and I got confused. I wanted it and now I feel so guilty. It's going to break Sandro's heart."
"That must be why they are yelling downstairs. It's going to be okay love. I'll fix it, okay? Sandro will never know. I want you to relax and try to sleep. In the morning it will be like it never happened."
We laid together in silence while Uri hummed Sinatra, lulling me to sleep.
Uri had fixed it. He'd covered for me. He'd replaced the camera footage somehow and had Sandro's office cleaned. When I went downstairs the next day Sandro was just getting home. I hugged my husband tight and held him for a long time. I felt so safe in his arms, but not from the guilt that consumed me.
"Ana what's wrong?" Sandro whispered to me.
"Nothing, I just missed you."
"I missed you too baby."
"Daddy!" Multiple voice yelled.
I let go of Sandro as our kids ran to tackle him. I stood aside and watched affectionately. Uri came in and stood behind me with his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder.
"They are so cute together." I said.
"Sandro is a good father. Your lucky to have him in your life Ana." Uri agreed.
I looked at Dante as he entered the room.
"Why does Dante have a black eye?" I asked.
"I don't know." Uri smiled.
I turned to face him.
"Why did you do that?" I asked angrily.
"I didn't say I did, but now you won't have to do it yourself."

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