Chapter 14: Head pain

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Ana's POV

I can not express how confused I am in words. If the man I thought was Vince really was Sergio, I had no choice but to trust him.
The man who stood before me now in silence looked sad. Dante had said he was Sandro. But Sandro died. I watched him get shot.
"Who are you?" I asked after they all had gone.
"Sandro Montorini." He answered.
"How is that possible? You were shot."
"I faked my death to keep you safe. Matteo Benedetti wanted you to be with his son and killing me was the only way to make that happen."
"And your my husband?" I hesitated.
"I am."
"For how long?"
"We've been married since you were seven, but we've been together almost eight years."
"We have kids together? And this one is yours?"
"To my knowledge, yes the baby your carrying is mine."
I sigh frustrated and bury my face in the pillow on my lap.
"Ugggh. I'm so confused."
"I know Orsetto. I'm sorry that I can't help you remember."
Sandro sits on the bed across from me. Neither of us say anything. There's nothing but awkward silence.
"Do you have access to my journals?" I ask breaking the silence. "I remember I used to email them to you."
"I have all of your journals until after we were married. You said you felt weird having me read them and need to keep somethings private so you stopped sending them to me."
"But I kept sending them to Sergio?"
"Yes. He never judged you for what you wrote or asked you about what you put in them. If you wanted to talk about your journals you would, but only with him."
"When I have questions about things can I ask you?"
"You don't have to ask if you can ask. I will answer whatever questions you have." Sandro answers lovingly.
"What if I decide I don't want to be with you after I read my journals?"
"I don't know Orsetto. I don't know if I could let you go." Sandro sighs.
"So even if I don't want to be with you I have to be?"
"I will do my very best to help you however I can. If I can't get you to love me the way you did six months ago, then we can consider divorce. But I want you to try really hard to remember Ana. I don't want you not to love me. The first step is remembering the way I love you."
"So what now?" I ask.
"Now you talk to everyone and then Sergio will take you to his place. We still have to be careful and keep you hidden. Vince will stay with you at Sergio's. If he thinks your not safe there, you will leave with him. He is going to take care of you while I finish ending all the people who hurt you six months ago. Please don't fight him Ana. Vince is the only one I want you with if I'm not around. He is the one who I'm willing to trust to keep you safe."
"What about Dante? Also what happened six months ago?"
There is a knock at the door that interrupts our conversation. Slowly it opens and Vince walks in with George.
"I think it's best if you read your journals before you ask to many questions." Sandro answers looking back at me. "I'm glad that you finally woke up baby bear. I was beginning to worry that you never would."
Sandro stood and took a step toward me. He leaned down to kiss my cheek. I turned in to him and his lips hit mine instead. His lips were soft, warm, and salty.
It took a few seconds but I closed my eyes and there were flashes of my life before this. I remembered kissing him at our wedding. I remembered him holding me while I cried. I remembered looking at a baby in my arms and then looking up at Sandro. I remembered slow dancing with him on the bed in our home. I remembered the faces of my children during a family photo shoot. I remembered trusting him to keep me safe. I remembered how it felt when he slid his hands up my thighs and the intimacy that followed.
Tears stung my cheeks as I continued to kiss my husband and remember little details of my life. My head felt like it was being crushed by a steam roller. I pulled away from Sandro and pressed my hands to my head. My brain felt like it was going to burst. I leaned forward and screamed.
"Ana," Sandro said trying to comfort me. "Ana what wrong?"
"My head hurts so bad." I cry. "Make it stop."
"Vince where's the doctor?" Sandro asked looking up at him.
"George, go." Vince said run to aid Ana.
"I'll get him." George said bolting from the room.
"Ana." Vince said as he reach us.
He pulled me against him and held me tightly. I screamed against Vince's chest. They both sat with me trying to console me and make the pain end. But it didn't.
Minutes passed before the doctor ran in the room and came to me.
"Ana, Ana, Ana, Ana. Hey look at me." The doctor said running in the room and sliding to a stop, almost falling.
He shined a light in my eyes. I felt like it burned my soul.
"I'm going to help you okay. I need you to tell me what's happening."
"I was remembering. It hurts to remember. Make it stop. My head is going to explode." I cried.
I turn back in to Vince and continue to cry and scream with the pain. The doctor pulled a syringe and a small brown bottle out of his pocket.
"Okay honey, your going to be really groggy when you wake up from this but it will help make your pain stop." Micheal said. "Your going to feel a pinch and a little bit of a burning sensation. Then your going to get really tired. Don't fight it okay? Just breathe and relax."
"Okay." I nod.
"I'm going to count backwards from three. Ready? Three, two, one."
Michael pressed the syringe into my forearm. Everything he said was true. It felt like I was stung and then my arm started to burn.
"Ow!" I said pulling away from him.
"I'm sorry sweetie." He said sincerely. "Now relax and sleep."
I started feeling woozy. The room started to spin.
"Woah." I said feeling more and more dizzy.
I grabbed Sandro's shoulder and tipped my head into Vince's chest.
"Don't fight it Ana." Micheal said. "Can you count to ten for me."
"Um, one, t-two, three, four, um..." My vision blurred and I forgot the next number. I tighten my grip on Sandro. "I don't remember."
"It's okay sweetie. Start over." Dr. Micheal said brushing my hair back out of my face.
"One, two, Th-three, f-f-fo-ur, se-seven, fi-ve, n-n-n-ni-nine."
That was it, that was as far as I could go. I felt my head fall back on Vince's arm. I could still hear them but they were getting further and further away. Then there was nothing. Nothing but darkness.

Vince's POV

"What did you give her?" I asked the doctor.
"Midazolam. It helps relax the brain and nervous system. She's going to be groggy when she wakes up but she'll be relaxed. What happened to her to cause that much pain?"
"She kissed me." Sandro said.
"She said she remembered something." I said looking down at her.
"What did she remember?" The doctor asked.
"I don't know. She was fine when I walked in the room. Then she kissed Sandro and a minute later she was screaming." I answer.
"I think it would be best if everyone kept their hands off of her for now. She may have tried to remember too much at once and overloaded her brain. She needs memories in small doses. When she's reading her journals she needs to be limited to an hour at a time."
"I understand. I will do my best to keep her  on a schedule." I answered. "What do I do if this happens again?"
"I will give you some prescriptions and written directions on when to use them. I understand that you may leave the city unexpectedly. If that happens I want you to have everything you need to make Ana comfortable for as long as possible. There may come a day where she starts to remember everything. If it comes before she's ready there isn't much you'll be able to do for her. She will be in pain and you won't be able to help her."
"I can't just let her suffer."
"You won't have a choice Vince. Let's hope you don't have to face it alone."
I looked down at my little angel sleeping in my arms. She looked so peaceful cuddled into my chest. Sandro still sits beside us looking more broken than I could describe as he stares at the shell of his wife. I hope she wakes up happy. I almost don't want her to remember anything that happened today. I'm sure this has been one of the worst days of her life.
I don't know where I'm taking her yet but I know I'm taking her as far away from here as I can. I could run away with her and disappear forever. We could build a new life together. My Ana and I could be happy thousands of miles away, where no one would ever find us. That wouldn't be fair to her though. I couldn't keep her from her children and expect a clean conscience. When she finally remembers I will ask her what she wants. There's a chance that she wants to be with me. There's a chance she doesn't want any of us. If that's the case I will hide her from this world. I will make it so she is safe from everyone.  No one will ever be able to touch her.
I tip my head back on the headboard and close my eyes with Ana laying on my chest. I fall asleep with her in my arms. It was unintentional. I normally wouldn't have fallen asleep hours after waking up and so early in the morning. But when I'm with Ana everything is backwards. She makes everything in the world turn upside down. She is my best friend and my worst enemy.
After she wakes up we will go to Sergio's apartment for a few days. Then we are going somewhere far from the city. Maybe I'll take her home for a bit to see if we can jog some memories. Then I want to take her to do something fun.
I want to call it a second honeymoon, without it actually being one. She always told me she wanted to travel. I know she's never got the chance. Sandro took her to Paris for their honeymoon. To my understanding it was cut short and she didn't even get a chance to see the Eiffel tower. They had dinner and flew home. Something about a sick child that needed mommy to feel better and they never took a second trip.
I'm going to take her everywhere she's ever wanted to go. We are going to do everything she wants to do even if that means jumping from a plane or off a bridge. For my Ana, I would do anything and I'm going to prove it to her. I want her to live every experience she can and she's going to do it with me by her side.

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