Chapter 68: A Sick Game

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I ate in silence not looking up from my plate. I wasn't really listening to the conversations that surrounded me. I was lost in my thoughts. The sound of a crying baby is what pulled me from my mind.

I stood quickly scooting the chair back and dropping my cutlery on my plate without a word running to the entryway to greet my husband. As I crossed the ballroom into the entryway his back was turned to me as he spoke to his mother lifting my baby from the car seat. I threw my arms around him hugging him from behind. He stood and turned in my arms wrapping me in a tight hug. He kissed my forehead.

"You didn't miss me did you Orsetto?" Sandro asked smiling in my ear.

I didn't respond to him. I held him tight and began crying, overwhelmed with my emotions. He wrapped his arm around me tighter. I felt his mother, Pia rest her hand on my back.

"I'm going to take Paolo in the dining room honey. Join us when you're both ready." Pia said before turning from us lifting the car seat from the floor.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked me. "You look worse than you did last night when I left. What did they do to you?"

"I had Francis take Daniel's baby out." I sobbed.

"Oh my god. You should have waited for me to come back. I couldn't imagine how terrifying going through that must have been." Sandro said with concern in his voice. "Please tell me you had someone with you when you did it?"

"No. I left alone with Francis. I didn't even tell anyone I was going. I feel asleep in the car on the way back."

"Enzo called me this afternoon to ask if I'd heard from you and I could hear Vince freaking out in the background. I'm surprised he hasn't had an aneurysm or heart attack yet." 

"He was pretty upset when Francis brought me inside. He stayed upstairs with me and let me sleep. He told me we are going to let the Popovic's take me again. I'm basically going to be bait."

"He wasn't supposed to tell you that yet. I wanted to work out some of the details first."

"So it's true?" I asked.

"Yes. We are going to let them take you but it won't be Daniel. It's going to be Alister. Franco has been doing business with them for years. He said they've been cutting corners and making business difficult. When he heard that Roman took you  he was ready to end his business ties with them to help me find you." Sandro answered and pulled back slightly shifting the crying baby. "Can we discuss this later with Everyone else?"

I nodded. "How is he?" I asked taking Gino from my husbands arms.

"Fussy. He's been screaming at me for the last two hours. Nothing I do helps."

"Have you tried to feed him?"

"Yes, But he won't take the bottle."

"Come in the dining room and eat while I try to feed him."

We walked together into the dining room with the crying baby. Everyone had shifted down to make room for Sandro and Pia to sit with us and eat. Dante's fiancé held Paolo staring at him with baby hungry eyes as she held the pacifier in his mouth and smiled at him.

Sandro pulled out the chair for me to sit back down and took off his suit jacket holding it over my chest while I tried to get Gino to latch to my breast. After a few minutes of trying to get the angry baby to attach I was frustrated with it.

"Sandro, He won't latch. Do you want to see if you can get him to do it." I asked.

He nodded at me. I took the jacket and held the collar to keep it from sliding down glancing at the baby in my arms. Sandro stood behind me sliding his hand around to hold my breast and Gino's head pushing his mouth gently against my nipple until he finally latched. Sandro let go of my breast to take the jacket from me.

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