Chapter 30: Rules

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Half an hour later Daniel had calmed me down enough to cuddle against him laying on the bed. Both of us were almost asleep when a knock at the door pulled us out of our slumber.
"Oh I'm sorry." A woman said coming in the room.
"What." Daniel said annoyed.
"Master, dinner is ready." She said.
"Don't call me that, Tiffany. I'm not your master. Next time you need to wait for me to answer before you come in." Daniel said in an almost discussed tone. "We will be down in a minute. You can leave."
The woman walked out of the room looking like she was about to cry. I smiled against Daniel's chest trying not to laugh. He looked down and must have seen my smirk.
"Come on then, let's have it." He said.
"Master?" I giggled.
"Tiffany was the last one that I brought up here. That was almost a year ago. The new girl always stays with me until I feel I can trust them or someone new moves in."
"Oh, I see, I disrupted her norm."
"For more than just her." He said.
"I'm sorry gatekeeper. I'll try to be more obedient." I smirked.
"That's just as bad as master. If you're going to give me a nickname you should call me something sexy like daddy." Daniel said with a smile on his face. "Let's go eat and then I will show you around my house before we go to bed."
I held on to his arm and walked with him very slowly out of the bedroom and down the hall.
"Upstairs is all bedrooms. The second floor is offices and more bedrooms. You're not allowed in the basement unless you're in trouble and I put you there. If your put there you won't be allowed to leave." He explained. "All the girls have to stay with the guard they are assigned to. Any fighting with me, escape attempts, or disobedience and you will go directly to the basement." We stop walking at the top of the stairs. "Do I need to carry you down?"
"Yes, I don't think I'm ready to do it on my own." I answer.
Daniel scooped me up in his arms quickly causing me to scream. He chuckled at me.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't ready for you to do that." I said slightly embarrassed.
"I didn't mean to scare you, but it was worth it." He laughed. "Do you want to walk when we get to the bottom?"
"Yes, I'd like to try." I replied.
"There are two staircases to the main floor. This one and the other comes down in to the kitchen." He said.
We reached the bottom of the stairs to the main floor and he set me on my feet.
"That is the front door, it's guarded by two men on the inside and four on the outside. I also have two dozen guys patrolling the grounds and more at the gate. Don't get any ideas about going through that door or any other that goes outside without my permission. The stairs float over the hallway, and as you can see, the hall splits down both sides. The first door to the left is the den, the second door is my office. We will be spending a lot of time in there. On the right the first doorway is the entrance to the ballroom the second one is the entrance to the dining room. The doorway centered beneath the stairs in the back is the entrance to another living space. There really isn't anything in there but a piano and pass that is the second entrance to the dining room, another entrance to my office, and the entrance to the kitchen. In the kitchen there is a door on the left out into the garage and on the opposite side is the door to the staff quarters. You are not allowed in the staff area. In the dining room there is an entrance to the Terrace that leads down into the yard. Don't go outside without me. That's the basic layout of the house. There are guards randomly positioned inside and outside the house. There are at least four views on the cameras in every room. And like I said before you have to stay with me at all times. So if you go to the bathroom I go to the bathroom. If I take a shower you take a shower. You sit next to me at the dining room table, you sleep next to me at night. When I have to work in my office, you will be there with me. When I leave the house you will stay with one of the guards until I trust you enough to take you with me. You and I just became inseparable best friends, I hope you can adjust to it quickly because I am a very busy man. Questions?"
"Where is the entrance to the basement?"
"Under the staircase in the kitchen. Anything else?" Daniel asks.
"What's for dinner?"
"Let's go see." He smiled.
I held on to Daniel's arm as we walked slowly to the dining room. He matched my pace and didn't try to rush me.
"Your medicine must be working. You're walking a lot better and standing up straighter than you were before."
"It still hurts." I said.
"It's going to hurt Ana, you were basically cut in half and sewn back together less than a month ago. You also haven't use your muscles in a long time. You're healing."
We walked down the hall almost to the dining room.
"I don't think I can walk much further. It's really starting to hurt."
"I can carry you the rest of the way. You did really well for not really moving for weeks. Ready?"
I nodded and he scooped me back up in his arms. I leaned against him and yawned sleepily.
"After we eat we can go up and go to bed if you need. I have some work to do on my computer and you can sleep while I'm busy." He said.
I covered my mouth and yawned again while nodding. He turned slightly when we entered the dining room and walk to the end of the table setting me down on the left side.
"What's your name?" Tiffany asked snottily from across the table.
"Ana." I answered.
"I can't believe a piece of gutter trash like you replaced me." She scoffed.
"Tiffany..." Daniel said starting to yell at her.
"No, Daniel stop." I said to him and turn back to her. "First, Tiffany, I am not gutter trash. I'm a fucking mafia queen. Second, I have enough money that I could buy the loyalty of almost all the men in this room and have them help get me out of here. Last, If you insult me again we're going to have problems, and I promise you, even in my current state,  I'll win."
She stood. I stood taking a defensive stance. She walked around the table and stopped right in front of me.
"Prove it." She said snootily.
I looked passed her for a moment, seeking Daniel's approval. He nodded once before I focused back on her.
I brought my left hand up like I was going to slap her. She turned enough focus on my hand as she blocked it, for me to punch her square in the face with my right. She fell back landing on her right hip. For a moment she looked like she was going to cry and then anger took over. Ultimately that was my goal, fighting angry does two things. One, it wears the person out faster and two, it blinds the person or clouds their mind so they are distracted. I knew after she was angry she do something stupid. She stood up and lunged at me. I didn't swing at her. I didn't try to block her. All I did was step to my left. However that was all it took for her to slide across the dining room table and end up on the floor on the other side. This infuriated her even more. I noticed Daniel's smirk as she rolled off the table and hit the floor. He knew that I was just toying with her and he seemed to be enjoying it. She stood up and looked at me.
"I'm going to fucking kill you!" She screamed.
"Good luck." I chuckled.
Tiffany grabbed a steak knife that was next to her on the table and threw it at me. She didn't however, expect for me to catch it and throw it back. The knife cut a line across her cheek as it sailed past her. She screamed in pain. Then she grabbed a second knife from the place setting next to her and dove across the table at me. She knocked me to the floor but I quickly rolled, flipping her on her back and took the knife from her.
"Enough ladies."  Daniel said sternly.
I thrust the knife downward into the wood floor underneath her, so the knife was flush with her face. She panted heavily and her eyes grew wide.
"Next time, I'll fucking kill you." I said with no emotion.
I climbed off of her and went to stand slightly behind Daniel.
"Dillion help Tiffani clean up this mess. Ana come with me." Daniel said and began walking back out to the hallway.
I followed him slowly. After I got in the hall Daniel smiled and threw me over his shoulder before walking into his office and kicking the door closed with a slam.

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