Chapter 64: Adjusting

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Ana's POV

I woke up on my right side drooling on Matteo's chest. I could feel his arm lying heavily across my back. He held my left hand on his chest. My vision slightly blurred as I opened my eyes slowly. Lucia's smiling face stared at us from where she sat on the side of the bed.

"Momma?" I asked smiling back at her.

I sat up moaning involuntarily in protest and mopped across my cheek trying to dry my saliva.

"Good morning Piccola Stella." She chuckled offering tissues from the night stand.

Matteo stirred and opened his eyes. He smiled up at her.

"Ciao bello uomo." Lucia said to her husband gently resting her hand on his face. (Hello beautiful man)

"Ciao a te mia cara." Matteo said returning the gesture and pulling her in to kiss him. (Hello to you my dear)

"And That's my cue to leave." I say moving to climb off the bed feeling like a rather uncomfortable third wheel.

"You can stay if you want Ana." Lucia giggled. "I'm going to take a shower. It was a long flight."

"I wouldn't want to spoil your reunion." I said standing and walking to the door. "Thank you for letting me sleep in here Matteo. Welcome home momma."

"Thank you sweetie." Lucia smiled.

I closed the heavy wood door behind me as I backed out of the room. I glanced at the window at the end of the hall. The sky had started to light up. The sun reflected orange and purple streaks on the clouds in the distance. I turned and leaned on the wall slightly to walk back to my room. My ankle hurt a little with every step. I would be staying off it if at all possible today.

I made it to my room and limped to my bed. As I dropped myself on my soft bed the door to the bathroom opened and Maliki walked out shaved, showered, and almost ready for the day.

"Good morning." I said as I unwrapped my ankle.

"Yeah." Maliki said coldly walking to the end of the bed.

"What's that tone?" I asked. "What did I do?"

He didn't say a word but gave me a look that said volumes.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked.

"A little bit." He said picking his tie up and walking to the mirrored dresser to watch himself tie it.

"Why is the bed crooked?" I asked.

"Vince came to check on you last night after the storm started, but you weren't here."

"Oh, did you get in trouble?" I asked looking up at him realizing why he was being so cold.

"Not yet but he was pissed last night when he kicked the bed to wake me up." Maliki turned to walk toward me. "I'm sure he's going to take me in the office to yell at me for it at some point today."

"I'm sorry. I walked across the hall and Matteo stopped me."

"You weren't supposed to leave the room Ana. I had strict instructions that you were not to leave my side under any circumstance." He said pulling on his suit jacket. "You should get dressed before you get me in trouble for that too. I'll be in the hall."

Maliki turned coldly and left the bedroom pulling the door closed behind him. I sighed and laid back on the bed.

I didn't need this today. Maliki had no right to speak to me like that. As soon as Sandro got here I was going to ask to go home. I wasn't going to stay here if Vince's bodyguard was going to be a dick to me. I wasn't going to be part of the drama today. I finished unwrapping my ankle and went to get in the shower.

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