Chapter 16: Problems

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I cuddle in to Vince as we walk slowly through the house. I missed having him around. He's always made me feel special even when I didn't deserve too feel that way.
I missed years of his dumb jokes and sweet smile. I would never want to do that again. This time would be different. I would keep him this time. In my mind it had only been four years since he left me in my bed and disappeared. I missed him.
Finally after walking through the entire house, we found the doctor while receiving weird looks from most of the people we passed. Most of them Vince and Sandro's families I assumed. My grandma smiles at me as Vince left me standing awkwardly in the doorway to the den.
Vince spoke in hushed tones so he could keep the conversation private. I watched several sets of curious eyes look over at them. Until the doctor's expression became worried and he looked up at me. Suddenly all eyes were on me. I took a few steps backward and turned around the corner in to the hallway. I pressed my back to the wall and waited.
Several seconds passed as I listened for the sound of Vince's shoes against the marble floor. I grew impatient quickly and peeked around the corner in time to see the doctor stand and walk toward me on Vince's heels.
"What's wrong?" Micheal asked.
"I'm bleeding." I said shyly.
"Fuck." Micheal said running his hands over his face. "What did the blood look like?"
"It's thick, dark red." I answer.
"Are there clots?"
"I want to take a look and see if you may be miscarrying."
My heart sank as soon as he finished his sentence. Miscarrying? The thought terrified me.
Dr. Micheal may have been Sandro's employee but from what little I remembered about my guards, he would keep details held back because he was my doctor. He rarely told Sandro anything more than I was healthy; that much I did remember. If there was a problem I didn't know about, he talked to me first. Like so many others, he had my back.
I didn't understand why the guards were so scared of Sandro. He was so loving to me and the kids. Even when he didn't agree with the ways we punished them.


"Orsetto, they need a swat on the butt. Not this go sit in the corner and think about how you feel crap." Sandro had told me. "If it happens again, I don't care what you say, I'm going to punish them the right way. No man reflects on his feelings before he kills someone. One day all of the kids will be faced with the decision to either be a pansy and think about it, or take care of business and end someone who threatens the family. If they choose wrong they will be killed."
"I don't want our kids to do what you do. I want them to make an honest living." I told him.
He laughed at that remark. He knew better than I that it was difficult to move away from this life. It follows you everywhere you go. Death was the only way out. I understood that. I had talked to him, my father, and Lucia. They had all told me the same things. Even with death this life follows you.


Moments later I was laid on the guest bed at the top of the stairs. The doctor sat on his knees and did his exam. Vince sat with me and held my hand with my head laid on his thigh. I looked up at him and chewed on my lip. He looked down at me smiling and brushing my hair back behind my ear, over and over.
"Okay Ana. From what I can tell, you may have placental previa." Micheal said after what felt like forever.
"What is that?" Vince asks not looking away from me.
"The placenta is too low in the uterus. It's partially covering the cervix." Micheal answered.
"Is it dangerous?" Vince asks.
"Yes, it can be. I would suggest Ana remain in a relaxed environment with limitations. I'm going to begin giving her steroid shots to help the babies develop quicker. I know you have been against having a c-section with your pregnancies Ana but this time we may have no choice. If I think something is going wrong I will do an emergency surgery. As much as I know we all want the babies to survive, Ana you are my top priority."
"So you would risk the babies to save me?" I ask.
"I would do whatever I had too, to insure all of you made it out alive" Micheal answered. "But for now you need to just lay down and relax. I'm not suggesting that you stay in bed until the babies are born, but we need to limit your moving to only what is necessary. Walking to and from the restroom, possibly down to the dining room and den, no strenuous activity. Just take it easy."
"What about traveling?" Vince asks. "Short trips, in the car an hour or two at a time?"
"I wouldn't recommend too many of them but I know you have plans to take Ana and disappear for a while per Sandro's request. I will be going with you unless you leave suddenly. In that case I would have to meet you somewhere. With Ana having so many issues it would be best for me to be there if there is a problem." The doctor answers.
"Can we not tell anybody about this?" I ask. "I don't want anyone to worry."
"Of course Ana." Vince answers. "There is no reason to tell anyone else. We can keep it hushed until Sandro is finished playing Master General and finds the Vasquez's."
"Who?" I ask.
Vince smiles. "You'll learn who they are again in time. I want you to focus on you. We need you to finish this pregnancy and get better."
"I'm going to leave you two to talk. I also want to mention that this will get much worse if you don't remain abstinent. It's very, very important that you don't attempt to have sex." The doctor looks at Vince. "Ana could die."
"I understand the danger Micheal. Besides, she's married. I won't be touching her, you have my word." Vince said annoyed.
"You can get dresses Ana." The doctor said.
The doctor stands and leaves the room. Vince and I watch as he leaves. After he's gone I hold on to Vince's shoulders to balance myself as he kneels I front of me.
"I'm exhausted." I said with a yawn "Can I go back to sleep?"
"If you'd like after lunch you may. I'm sure today has been stressful for you and being pregnant is difficult enough with no complications." Vince said from the floor where he was kneeling in front of me with my panties held open. "Step in. When you were twenty-three you told me that you loved it. It gave your life purpose, and you always wanted a big family."
He was silent for a moment while I stepped in to my panties and he pushed them up on his fingertips while his hands ran up the length of my legs. I shiver at the sensation. I remember how much I like him touching me. My breathing increases and my heart begins pounding hard in my chest as the random flashes of memories bombard me.
"You really don't remember anything else after the car accident?" Vince asked.
"I remember some things, but they don't make sense. I can't explain what I remember until I understand what I'm explaining." I look down at his sparkling eyes and brush his hair back. "Does that make sense?" I ask.
"It does."
"Can I ask you a question Vinny?"
He looks up at me and nods.
"Are the babies yours?" I ask shyly.
He sighs then looks down.
"No, they aren't. It's best for you to remember what happened before you ask anyone about it." Vince smiles at me and rest his hands under my panties on my bare butt. "Okay?"
"Okay." I answer.
"Are you hungry Piccola?"
"I'm starved." I smile and bite my lip. "Hands, please. Off."
"Yes ma'am. Let's have lunch and then we can go to Sergio's so you can relax. The doctor will meet is there." Vince smirks and takes the skirt of my formfitting dress pulling it down where it should be.
"Will Sandro and Dante be there, Vinny?" I ask as I smooth the material.
"If you'd like them to be there it could be arranged." Vince said standing and making me look up at him.
I'm not sure why I felt sad suddenly but I felt the tears well in my eyes as I looked at him. He pulled me in tight against his chest. His arms encasing my body. I ball my fists and set them on his chest on either side of where my head leans against him. I snuggle in as close as I can like putty I tried to form my body to his.
"You are so beautiful Ana. I'm so happy you're okay." I heard Vince's voice crack as he spoke before his wet tears fell from his face on to my hair and hands. "I was so scared I was going to lose you Piccola."
It broke my heart to listen to his soft sobs. We stood together crying silently and held each other tightly. I missed him so much. I remember all the years he was gone.
A soft knock on the door startled me slightly.
"Just a minute." Vince said.
His voice sounded like he hadn't been crying but a glance up told me otherwise. He looked down at me and his eye bore in to mine.
I loved his blue eyes. There were so many shades in them. They were dark in the center around the iris and faded as you moved out. On the outside was a dark grey blue ring. They were whirlpools of color, I could get lost in them. They were so beautifully marbled.
He blinked and pressed his lips to my forehead breaking the sudden trance I was in.
"We should get you fed so we can go to Sergio's." He said pulling back to look at me again.
There was another knock on the door and it opened slowly.
"Is everything okay?" A man asked.
I couldn't place his voice. Who was this person? A Benedetti for sure but which one was beyond me.
"Who are you?" I ask holding Vince tightly.
"Isaac." The man answered.
"No way." I say not believing him and turning to face him, still wrapped in Vince's arms. "What happened to you?"
"What do you mean?" Issac smiles at me.
"You're huge. Your biceps are the size of my head. Why do you need to be that big? You know steroids are illegal right?"
"You know why I look the way I do and nothing in our lives is legal."
"Why?" I ask again.
"You know the life we grew up in. Part of my 'size' is for intimidation but I wanted to be able to protect my family."
"Oh, I understand." I said before taking a step away from Vince. "Whoa!"
My knee gave out and I grabbed Vince's arm to stop myself from falling. Issac was by my side holding me when I looked up.
"Maybe I've overworked meself today." I said.
"Do you want me carry you." Issac asked.
I looked at Vince.
"Don't look at me like that. I can't do it Ana. I tore my rotator cuff a few days ago. Helping you get dressed hurt. Even though I want to carry you, I can't. If you don't want to walk, Isaac will have to help you. I will be right behind you. He won't hurt you I promise, it's okay."
"I didn't realize, I'm sorry Vinny." I say more than a little uneasy.
"I'll carry you Ana." Issac said. "Just relax."
Isaac took my hands in his bringing them to his shoulders. My heart felt like it was in my throat as I obeyed stealing a glance at Vince.
"Relax Ana." Issac smiles at me. "Take a deep breath. He won't hurt you."
I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Suddenly I'm swept upward off my feet. I grip his shoulder tight and a small squeak escapes my lips as I hold myself against him.
"What was that?" Isaac chuckles.
"That was scary." I said half hyperventilating.
"That wasn't scary, this would be scary."
Issac lifts me higher and suddenly and drops me so I fall back into him arms. I scream.
"Issac!" Vince scolded. "What are you thinking? She is already having problems with the babies. You're going to make it worse you moron."
"I'm sorry." Isaac said to me. "I wasn't thinking."
"It's okay just please don't do it again." I smile.

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