Chapter 40: Complicated

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I woke up in the same position I'd fallen asleep in. There was a strange warm sensation between my legs. I reached down and felt it. A thick, warm, wet goo coated my fingers. I lift my hand up.
"Daniel, Daniel I'm bleeding." I said starting to panic.
"What?" He said turning quickly.
"I'm bleeding."
He ripped the sheet of me.
"Fuck." He got up quickly going to the door and stepping out in to the hall. "Ron! Ron I need your help!"
He ran back to me, grabbing the shirt I'd been wearing before and putting it on me and covered my legs with the sheet.
"What?" Ron asked running in the room with his gun drawn. "What's wrong?"
"I need the medical case out of my car."
"Got it." He said grabbing Daniel's keys off the dresser and taking off out the door.
"Daniel what's wrong?" I asked.
"I think I ripped your stitches." He said. "Can you stand?"
"I think so."
Daniel helped me stand. A gush of fluid came out of me dripping down my legs and splashing on the floor.
"Your not walking." Daniel said wrapping the sheet around me and lifting me quickly. He ran down the stairs with me in his arms cling to him.
Ron was just coming back inside with Daniel's medical case as we rounded the bottom of the stairs.
"Dining room." Daniel said.
He ran in the dining room and set me on the table.
"Ron run an IV. Give her ketamine-midazolam. I popped one of her stitches. I'm going to have to open her up and fix them."
"Dan, Stop." Ron said. "Your freaking out a little bit. Your to close to this. Go put some more clothes on. I can take care of her while you take five."
"I'm not leaving."
"You are or I'm not helping you and she's going to bleed to death."
Daniel looked at me with glassy eyes and then back at his friend.
"Don't let her die." Daniel said and quickly left the room.
"Your going to be okay Ana." Ron said coming back to me much calmer than Daniel was. "How long ago was your c-section?"
"Maybe three weeks. I was sedated for a while so I don't know exactly."
"Can I look inside and see if I can find where the blood is coming from?"
"Yes." I answered.
"Do you feel any pain?"
"There is a sharp pain in the right side. It feels like someone is sticking me with a knife."
"I'm going to see if I can feel anything that doesn't belong there. Then I'm going to look and see if I can tell where the blood is coming from."
I nodded.
He put a glove on and inserted two fingers in to my vagina.
"Breathe Ana. If I hurt you Daniel would kill me. I don't plan on dying anything soon. Relax."
He finished feeling and then he looked inside my body using a speculum.
"There you are." He said.
He went to Daniel's medical case and pulled out a couple items.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"The good news is your not dying. You may have had a small tear in your uterus that could have happened during your c-section. It looks like it got infected. While you and Daniel were having sex earlier or right after, the infected pocket burst. Think of it like a pimple. You put to much pressure on it and it popped. I'm going to clean you out and stitch the tear together. I'll have Daniel pick you up an antibiotic in the morning to help kill any left over infection."
"Where did you go to school?"
"MIT then Harvard med with Daniel. We've been friends since we were kids."
"Why would you choose this over being a doctor?" I asked.
"Because my friend needed me and I wasn't about to let him down." Ron answered.
"Why did Daniel choose this?" I asked.
"He didn't. His dad told him he didn't have a choice." Ron replied. "He must have been going at you hard. I can see the bruises forming where he had your legs."
"Are you almost done?" I asked embarrassed.
"Just about. Let me see your hand."
I gave Ron my hand.
"Hold this. Don't pull." He said placing the needle between my thumb and forefinger.
He stood up going back the the medical case and picked up a small pair of long steel scissors. He came back to me, took the needle, and cut the thread.
"This dissolves by itself. If you feel any major pain let us know." He said pulling out the speculum. "No sex for a few days. Do you think you can walk?"
Ron helped me off the table and on to my feet. I wrapped the sheet back around me and took a couple steps.
"Does it hurt?" Ron asked.
"Yes. A lot." I winced.
"Let me take you upstairs."
Ron lifted me and carried me back up to the bedroom. There was a young brunette in the room that was making the bed. A blond girl was cleaning my blood off the floor. Ron walked to the bathroom and set me on the counter.
"I'm going to grab you some clothes."
I nodded and waited for him to come back.
"Is she okay?" One of the girls asked.
"She will be fine. She just needs to rest and heal." Ron said.
"She lost a lot of blood." The first girl said.
"There was more on the bed then there was on the floor." The other said. "It looked like Daniel sacrificed a small animal."
I chuckled and shouted. "He did. It was my dignity."
The girls laughed.
"Finish cleaning this up so I can put her to bed and go find Daniel." Ron said.
He walked back in the bathroom with clean clothes for me to wear.
"Do you need help?" Ron asked handing me the clothes.
"I think I can manage it." I said.
"I know it not glamorous but you should probably wear a pad to catch any extra blood for a couple days. Under the sink. Let me know if you need help."
He left the bathroom and I stood up dropping the sheet to the floor. Pain radiated through my belly. I opened the cupboard under the sink next to me and pulled out a pad. I put it in the bottom of the underwear he'd brought me and put them on. I took the shirt I'd been wearing for days off and dropped it on the floor. I put on the pajamas he'd given me and carefully walked out of the bathroom very slowly holding on to the counter as I went.
Ron offered me his arm as I exited the bathroom. I breathed heavy. The pain was excruciating. I leaned him until I got half way to the bed. Then I stopped and shook my head. He quickly lifted me and laid me in the bed, covering me. Ron left the room. The girl that clean the floor went in the bathroom to retrieve the sheet. The other girl that made the bed sat by my feet.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"I'll be okay." I said. "What's your name?"
"Margret, everyone calls me Maggie."
"It's nice to meet you Maggie." I said offering her my hand.
"Nice to meet you as well."
Maggie smiled softly at me. She brushed her long brown hair behind her ears.
"How long have you been here?" I asked.
"Daniel brought me here five years ago, right after I turned twelve."
"Your only seventeen?"
"I will be in a few days."
"Has he slept with you?"
"When did he," I paused.
"After I turned sixteen. I wanted to do it to say thank you. Daniel has been good to me. If he hadn't found me when he did I'd be dead or wish I was."
"He took your virginity?"
"Yes. I was a little scared in the beginning but he went slow because it hurt at first. He made love to me like the do in the movies. He was super gentle."
The blond girl walked back out of the bathroom holding the bloody sheet I'd been wrapped in.
"Maggie we aren't supposed to talk to her." The girl said.
"What's your name?" I asked her.
"How old are you?"
"Has Daniel slept with you too?"
"Yes. I was fourteen when he brought me here last year. I ran away from home because my uncle had been raping me when my aunt would leave to work. I hit him with a skillet and left him in a pool of blood. Being with Daniel was different then being with my uncle because I wanted him. Daniel is nice to me."
"Valerie has been here the longest. About fourteen years now. She was only ten when she got here." Maggie said. "Amy just turned twenty one. She's been here seven years. Julie is twenty seven. She been here ten years. Barbra has been here for twelve years she's twenty six years old. Misha has been here thirteen years. She got here when she was four."
I closed my eyes for a moment trying to hold back my tears. Daniel had taken these girls when they were barely teenagers or younger. He taken their innocence. I looked at them like they were my own daughters. Like they were my Rosie, my Ali, My Natalie. Tears escaped my eyes as I opened them.
"I'm sorry." Maggie said. "I didn't mean to upset you."
"No, it's not you honey." I lied. "I'm just in a lot of pain. Do you know where Ron is?"
"Probably in Daniel's office. I've never seen him so upset before." Abby said.
"Can you two help me get there?" I asked.
The girls exchanged looks.
"Yes." Abby said.
The girls helped me up. I put my arms around their shoulders. We slowly walked to a room at the opposite end of the hall. Maggie knocked on the door and opened it slowly.
Daniel sat behind a large desk with a glass in his hand. Ron sat opposite him with a glass of his own. Both of them looked up at us as we came in the room.
"Ana?" Daniel asked. "What is it baby."
"Can you give me anything to help with the pain." I asked.
"Do we have any tramadol?" Daniel asked Ron.
"I do. I think I have a couple penicillins left also."
"Let's give her those so we can go back to bed." Daniel said.
They both stood. Ron walked past me leaving the room.
"I've got her girls. Thank you for your help. Go back to bed." Daniel said walking over to me.
After the girls left the room he leaned in to kiss me. I turned my head away. He sighed.
"I'm sorry I hurt you Ana. Please don't be mad at me." He said.
"I'm not mad at you for hurting me. I'm mad at you for taking children and fucking them like they were adults." I said angrily.
"Ana the all agreed..."
"No. They are minors they don't get to make those decisions. You are old enough to be their father. How would you feel if you had a daughter and someone did to her what you are doing to them."
"I do."
"Have a daughter." Daniel said. "I have a daughter and two sons. Their mother died in child birth five years ago."
"Where are they?" I asked.
"Here. Ron takes care of them for me. I haven't seen them for two months. I doubt they know I'm here yet."
"Can I meet them?" I asked.
"Yes. In the morning."
Daniel leaned in again tried to kiss me again and again I turned away. He sighed and looked down defeated. When he spoke again his voice took on a sadder tone.
"Ana please don't be mad at me. I can't change the past. I can only control what I do in the future. I promise you that you are the only one I want. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. You are my life now. I love you."
"Can we please just go to bed?" I asked turning and trying to walk away.
"Let me help you Ana."
Daniel lifted me off my feet before I could protest. Ron met us halfway to our room at the door of his own. He gave me two pills and a bottle of water. I took them and with a nod he disappeared in his room and shut the door. Daniel laid me in his bed and climb in behind me wrapping me in his arms tightly.
"I love you Ana." He whispered.
I didn't respond. He sound sincere but as much as I might like Daniel I knew what he wanted wasn't going to happen the way he wanted. The only way for him to keep me in his life was for my whole family to be killed. The chance of that was almost nonexistent.
A part of me loved Daniel, but that part wasn't big enough to want to forget about my husband or my life. I would do what he wanted for now. I would heal and pretend to be his perfect little wife. Then when the time came I would escape. I would disappear from his life as fast as I entered it.

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