Chapter 2

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"Do you think your mom heard?" Don asked as he wrapped his arms around Meryl from behind and kissed her neck.

Meryl moaned at the feelings he was stirring within her all over again. She closed her eyes and lifted her hand to run her fingers through the hair on the back of his head after she cupped it. "I really don't give a shit. That was amazing."

"Which time?" Don smirked when he talked about their hot session in the shower.

Meryl smiled as she turned in his arms and pecked his lips. "All 4." She said referencing the times he brought her to ecstasy.

"You're amazing." Don said with a kiss to her forehead. "I have missed you so damn much, and I don't mean us making love though that was out of this world. I've just missed my wife."

Meryl stroked his cheek as she blinked back tears. "I've missed my husband. I don't know how to thank you for your love and patience; for not giving up on me no matter how far away I pushed you."

"I." Don began as he kissed her forehead. "Never." Kiss to her nose. "Will."

Meryl moaned as he crushed his lips to hers and she regretfully pulled away. "I could take you right here, right now."

"Later." Don smiled. "We have our whole lives."

Meryl beamed at him. "Yes, we most certainly do. So, how long was mom planning on staying?"

"Just a night or two." Don sighed. "Though I think we both knew it wouldn't happen. I don't think I could have walked out those doors even for a night or two."

Meryl smiled softly at him. "I'm glad. Don Man, I am so incredibly sorry you thought you had to leave our home, leave Henry. Just the thought of you going through that literally breaks my heart and that I was the cause is even harder. I don't know if I can ever forgive myself for that...."

"Shhhh." Don said kissing her lips. "We were just hurting because we want the best for each other. For me, the best is you."

Meryl smiled as she ran her fingers through his curly hair. "The best for me is you."

"I guess we should go talk to your mom." Don said tightening his hold on her.

She smiled at how his actions betrayed his words. "Since she was planning on staying a night or two let's take advantage. After Henry wakes up then the 3 of us could have some much needed time together. Then tonight, I can take my handsome and perfect husband out to dinner. Just the two of us. We can come home and put our boy to bed, together."

"Then I can put my beautiful wife to bed." Don smiled with a kiss to her forehead. "Sounds perfect."


Meanwhile, Mary Streep was downstairs folding laundry in the living room trying to ignore the pleasured screams then the shower and more pleasured screams she heard wafting down from her daughter and son-in-law's bedroom. As much as she didn't really want to hear that; she was also so glad that they were back to being themselves after a hellish spring and summer. She tried not to blush as Don and Meryl walked into the living with their arms were wrapped around each other and Meryl's head was leaning against Don's arm. Mary smiled at both of them and looked at Don. "I take it you're not going to the city for a few days?"

"No, he's not." Meryl said learning up to kiss his cheek. "Thank God."

Don gave Meryl a quick peck as they sat down on the couch across from where her mother was sitting in a chair. "I seriously don't think I could have gone through with it."

"I know you couldn't have." Mary smiled softly at them. "You were doing what you thought was best for my daughter and grandson, and I love you for it."

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