Chapter 52

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The next several days went by quickly. Don and Meryl got into a good routine with Henry and Suzie, and just as it was time for Meryl to go to the set for a few days Suzie went back home. After almost a week in the hospital, Samuel Michael Brown was given a clean bill of health and was released to go home with his parents. Liz and Larry thanked Don and Meryl over and over for taking such wonderful care of their girl to which Don and Meryl reminded them that they were family. Don and Meryl then got back into a routine as a family of three, with Meryl and Don working. They were looking forward to the next couple of weeks. First, would be Suzie's birthday and then a week or so after would be Henry's birthday then Meryl would be on a break for over a month due to Thanksgiving and Christmas. The only cloud hanging over the Gummers, well mainly Meryl, was that she still wasn't pregnant.


Meryl walked into the home office she shared with Don, smiling when she saw him sending out bills for some sculptures and paintings he had recently shipped. "There's my brilliant artist."

"Hey, Darl." Don looked up at his beautiful wife, standing up to greet her. "You look breathtaking. I think you're a little too sexy for a 3-year-old's birthday party."

Meryl looked down at what she was wearing and laughed at her husband. She was wearing a purple cashmere sweater turtle neck with a gray peacoat, and her jeans which were tucked into her boots that she knew Don loved. "I'm glad you think so, but I think you're delusional."

"Most gorgeous woman in the world." Don said as his hands cupped her ass, pulling her close to him, while tenderly kissing her lips. "No man better make a pass at you before I get there."

Meryl smiled as she shook her head at him. She was going over to Liz and Larry's townhouse early while Henry took his afternoon nap so she could help get ready for the party, and help them with Samuel. Both Liz and Larry wanted to give their daughter the birthday party they missed out on the week before due to being in the hospital with Sammy, however, they were both worried about so many people being around Samuel due to him being born early and being so little. Meryl was happy to help take care of her and Dons' godson while also helping get ready for the party. "Unless that man is our 1-week old godson then I think you're fine."

"I can take him." Don winked at her making her smile and laugh. "Seriously, be safe."

Meryl tenderly kissed his lips; knowing it would still be a while until either of them weren't worried about the other out in New York City due to Kevin Mann and Sigourney Weaver. "I'm taking a cab, baby. Then I'll ride back in the car with you and Gippy."

"You better." Don said as he put his hand on the small of her back, leading her out of their office, and towards the elevator. "Soon as he's awake, we will be over. If you guys realize you need me to pick something up, just let me know."

Meryl placed another kiss on her lips as she grabbed the gift. "Hen is pretty excited about the party so I'm sure you will have your hands full with him. Call me if you need me. I'll see you both soon. I love you."

"I love you." Don said as the elevator opened for her. "Remember, hot stuff, you're mine."

Meryl winked at him. "Same goes for you, handsome. See you soon."


Meryl smiled as she walked into Sammy's room to find his mother changing his diaper. "Knock, knock. Aunt Meryl reporting for duty."

"Oh, thank you." Liz turned relieved eyes to her best friend. "I can't tell you how happy I am to see you."

Meryl smiled as she walked over to where Liz was finishing up changing Sammy's diaper and she rubbed her back. She remembered the exhaustion of having a newborn home. She knew that Larry was a great help but had a very demanding job; which made her even more thankful how Don always managed to be there for her and Henry, even if he sometimes woke up in the middle of the night to sculpt. As soon as Liz and Sammy were released from the hospital, Larry had to go back to work, as they didn't grant parental leave to fathers. While it wasn't an issue for Meryl and Don, she hoped that would change. Meryl was sure that Liz was even more exhausted than Meryl had been when they brought Henry home with little Sammy having to stay in the hospital for a week and then, of course, having Suzie at home. Meryl was so glad that Liz was letting Meryl help. "Changing little boys diapers are different than little girls, huh?"

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