Chapter 23

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"I can't believe you did this." Meryl said grabbing Don's hand in hers from across the table. "Tavern on the Green. We've never been here before."

Don picked up Meryl's hand up in his and brought it to his lips to kiss it. "Well, I have never been here before; and there is no one else I would come here with except for you."

"Me either." Meryl beamed. "I have a feeling tonight will be one for the record books; but why did you go all out? It's not like it's a special occasion."

Don smirked at her. "Every night with you is a special occasion."

"Sweet talker." Meryl said making him laugh. "'re as frugal as I am."

Don nodded; he knew that was why they didn't have to live on credit and were as financially stable as they were. He knew they were both glad that money wasn't an issue in their marriage, but they never wanted to live to where it got to the point where money was an issue. "It's been a lot of crap lately, and this is our first official date since everything. I wanted to make it special and memorable. Besides, you deserve the best of everything."

"I have it, I have you." Meryl winked back at her husband. "Things have been a little crazy since we got back to New York, but I really loved having Suzie with us."

Don let go of her hand as he poured them both a glass of wine from the bottle he had bought. "It was fun; I think Henry likes her better than us."

"That boy." Meryl shook her head with a laugh as she drank from her wineglass. "I loved having two kids in the apartment. Full of life and love and laughter. It's like that's how our lives always were supposed to be. We were always supposed to be together and raise a family together."

Don loved the thought of that. "I think you are absolutely right; we have a good start at it."

"We do, but I can't wait until I have our next baby." Meryl smiled dreamily. "To introduce Henry to his brother or sister. To learn how to be a parent to Henry and the baby with you. To have another child in our hearts and in our homes. It can't come soon enough in my opinion."

Don absolutely agreed with her, but he worried that she talked like it would automatically happen. "Baby, it might not happen overnight; and if it doesn't, that is okay. I mean your body has been through so much. It's okay if it takes a little while."

"I got pregnant with Henry and William pretty quickly when we weren't even really trying." Meryl wasn't sure where this was coming from, but it scared her. "Don, if you don't want us to try yet..."

Don didn't want her to think that, not at all. He quickly knelt down in front of her and held her head in his hands. "Baby, that isn't what I'm saying, not at all. I can't wait to have more babies with you, but your health is more important to me than anything. Your body has been put through the wringer so it might not happen the first month; I have no doubt in my mind that it will happen, though. What I'm trying to say, though not well, is I don't want you to put a lot of pressure on yourself. I want you to enjoy this time of trying; if you know what I mean."

"I do; I always enjoy it." Meryl couldn't help but laugh at the playful tone in her husband's voice. "I don't want you to put pressure on yourself either. Thanks for always looking out for us."

Don placed a tender kiss on her lips. "Just as you do for us. We're okay?"

"Of course, baby." Meryl smiled tenderly at him. "Thanks for being so concerned about me."

Don decided to change the subject a little. "We are still going to be practicing tonight."

"Damn straight we are." Meryl lifted her wine glass to his. "I think we need to practice every night."

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