Chapter 67

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"Am I dreaming?" Meryl asked laying on the sofa the Saturday morning after Thanksgiving as Don brought a mug of coffee to her. "Are we really lounging on the couch with coffee on a Saturday morning?"

Don laughed as he sat down next to her and kissed her forehead. "Usually we are being told to play or go to the park or watch cartoons."

"I can't believe he is still asleep." Meryl absolutely loved Saturday mornings filled with coloring, playing trains, watching cartoons, and going to the park with her son; but she also loved downtime with her husband without the television or radio on. "It's so peaceful in here."

Don nodded with a laugh. "It's usually only like this at night once he's asleep."

"He's our active little guy that's for sure." Meryl said taking a drink of her coffee. "Do you think it's strange he's still asleep?"

Don shrugged his shoulders as he wrapped a free arm around her, holding her close. "A little, but he's had a big couple days. I mean with everyone over here for Thanksgiving and playing with Suzie; then all the Browns here yesterday playing. He's had a big few days, and didn't take a nap either of those days with all the activities."

"That's true." Meryl said thinking back to how tired Henry was the night before. "I mean when was the last time he fell asleep in the bathtub like he did last night?"

Don shook his head with a laugh. "Not for a long time. He goes and goes and goes; he goes even when he's tired."

"Well, let's take advantage of the quiet." Meryl said with a kiss to Don's cheek as she reached for the New York Times Crossword Puzzle. "I'm going to beat your cute ass, Gummer."

Don reached for two pencils in the drawer of the end table next to his end of the couch. "Okay, Mrs. Gummer, you're on!"


"This smells delicious." Meryl said to her husband as walked into the kitchen once they finished their crossword puzzle. "Don's famous omelet?"

Don winked at her as he flipped over the omelet. "But of course, my love."

"Smells so good." Meryl then saw the other pan with cheesy scrambled eggs. "Cheesy eggs for Henry?"

Don nodded with a laugh. "I also have some sausage. I figured with all the sugar he has had the past couple of days then the last thing he needed was pancakes with syrup."

"Thank you." Meryl smiled. She tried desperately to control Henry's, as well as Don's, sugar intake. Wanting her family to be as healthy as possible. "He has. I don't want him to have chocolate milk today, only regular milk and juice and water."

Don nodded as he went to retrieve a bowl from the refrigerator. "I was also going to put some of this fruit salad on his plate. I'll top it with a cut up banana knowing he can't resist those."

"That is a brilliant idea." Meryl said as she walked over to Don and laid her head on his shoulder. "I don't think Henry is the only one who is tired. My whole body feels exhausted."

Don knew the feeling. He kissed the top of her head before dishing out their breakfast onto plates. "You have worked yourself to death for Thanksgiving, and it was wonderful, but today is going to be a down day."

"Sounds like heaven to me." Meryl looked up at the clock in the kitchen. "I don't want Hen to miss breakfast so I'm going to go wake him up."

"Good luck." Don laughed knowing how much his son hated to be woken up, but he also knew he needed to be. "Tell him he better hurry up or Daddy is going to eat his food."

Meryl shook her head with a laugh as she headed over to the large wood and wrought iron staircase that led to the open upstairs area of their loft, leaning over the railing to talk to her husband. "I'm sure that will get him going. Just don't eat my omelet, Gummer!"

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