Chapter 76

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"Irfday, Daddy!" Henry was jumping up and down excitedly with a little sign he had made for his father. "Irfday pwize!"

Don laughed as he bent down and picked up Henry while looking around as everyone naturally migrated towards the living room. Their apartment had been transformed with Birthday decorations as well as food and drinks all over the counters in the kitchen. He then looked to see who was there besides Henry, Harry, and Mary. Their apartment was full of friends and family: Larry, Liz, Suzie, Sammy, Mike, Maggie, Third, Maeve, Abe, Dana, and Mary. Suzie was jumping around excitedly like Henry had been. Don's favorite jazz music was playing through the speakers. There was only one person who could pull this off with all the details he was experiencing at first glance, and that was the woman whose arms he could feel around him. "You! You did all this?"

"I didn't do it all." Meryl laughed with a huge smile on her face. "Everyone here helped."

Lizzie shook her head. "She planned every detail."

"Thank you, baby." Don said as he kissed his wife. "So much."

Henry handed his father the sign. "I hewp."

"I bet you did, Bubs, thank you." Don kissed Henry's cheek before going to greeting everyone and finally getting to his chosen parents, Mike and Maggie. "What are you guys doing here?"

Larry patted Don on the back. "How much did you have to drink at supper? This is your surprise party. I believe that is what they are doing here."

"Such a smart..." Don noticed the kids were listening. "Person."

Larry threw his head back and laughed as he ushered the kids to the living room. "Nice save."

"We came to celebrate our son." Maggie said with great emotion as she kissed Don on the cheek. "We wouldn't miss it."

Mary Streep pulled Meryl back and whispered in her ear. "I need to talk to you."

"Okay." Meryl said hesitantly and nodded to the kitchen. "In there."

Don hugged Mike. "I can't begin to tell you how much it means to me that you came all this way just for me."

"You are our son." Mike said strongly. "Of course we would be here."

Maggie nodded with a smile. "We were so glad Meryl invited us, though she wouldn't let us do a damn thing. She insisted that she arrange everything and get everything ready. We just helped Harry and Mary set everything out once the coast was clear."

"Of course she did. This is why she has been cleaning and organizing like crazy lately." Don laughed with a huge smile on his face, and he turned around to thank his wife. Not only did the party and everything she did mean so much to him, but that she made sure everyone who was important in their lives and their journey in life together was there for the celebration. He wondered where she had run off to. She had been by his side as everyone migrated through the dining room towards the living room. He looked towards the living room and saw everyone was in there except for Mary and Meryl. "Where did she disappear to?"

Mike shrugged with a laugh. "You know your wife. She is probably pulling something out of the oven or making drinks or doing something to make sure this day is perfect for you."

"That's what she has been telling everyone." Maggie pointed out. "How she wanted everything to be perfect for you."

"It is." Don beamed as he hugged his chosen parents once again. "I want her to enjoy all of this with me and Hen. I am going to drag her cute ass out here if I have to. I'll be back with my wife."


"Was everything okay with Henry when we were gone, Mama?" Meryl asked with great concern. "You seem really upset."

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