Chapter 30

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Don and Meryl had a pretty low key evening in the hospital; which was a good thing considered they had both been on a roller coaster ride that day. Neither of them felt like eating anything, and Dr. Abbott didn't push it considering what they both had been through. However, he told them that he wanted them both to start off slow the next day; and them eating and building up their strength would be crucial to getting them released and home to Henry as soon as possible, which they were both eager to do. Don and Meryl slept a lot, and when they weren't sleeping they held onto each other as if they were afraid once they let go then the other would somehow disappear into thin air.


The next morning Meryl woke up before Don; she was grateful she did, because she was able to ask the nurses quietly to let him sleep, and they were able to take blood from him through his IV. She knew she had been through a lot the day before, but in her mind, her husband had gone through much more than she had. He had been accused of trying to kill her. He had saved her life twice, once while trying to assure their almost 2-year-old son. He had stopped the person who wanted to kill her from doing so, and then he was given a dangerous cocktail of narcotics. To her, he had gone through much more than her husband. She was brought out of her thoughts when their nurse walked in. "Hi, Lacy."

"Hi, Mrs. Gummer." Lacy whispered back. "Here is breakfast for you and Mr. Gummer, we are going to start slow with some very soft oatmeal and jello for both of you."

Meryl nodded with a smile as she carefully sat up without disturbing her husband, while the nurse pulled the hospital tray over to her. "Thanks, Lacy. I really want Don to sleep; could you put the lid over his oatmeal and put it to the side so he can have some when he wakes up?"

"Of course." Lacy nodded with a smile as she did as Meryl asked, and then set her up with her food. "Is there anything I can get you?"

Meryl looked at her tray and gave the nurse an appreciative smile with a shake of her head. "I can't think of anything. Don and I are still bed ridden?"

"So far." Lacy said with a nod of her head. "We'll see what Dr. Abbott says later."

Meryl sighed; as she then agreed with the nurse, as she knew that was probably what was best for her and her husband. "Whatever is best, thanks." Meryl looked at the food and she wasn't hungry, but she knew she needed to eat. She knew the sooner she and Don both got their strength back then the sooner they would get home to their son. Even though the sight of food made Meryl nauseous, she took a deep breath as she took a bite. "This is for my guys even though eating is the last thing I feel like doing."


Don woke up when he thought he heard a noise, and he couldn't believe what he saw his wife doing. He immediately took the spoon out of his wife's hand. "What in the hell are you doing?"

"Don?" Meryl didn't know he was awake; and she was shocked by his outburst. That wasn't like Don. Especially not to her. He was always so loving and tender; well, unless she thought she or Henry were in danger. "What was that?"

Don's eyes got big. "Where in the hell did you get this food? Was it tested?"

"The nurse brought it in; and she brought a tray for you as well. We told Hal we would try to eat today." Meryl was completely perplexed by her husband. "What in the hell is wrong with you? What do you mean tested? Since when do you get upset when I eat and take the fucking utensil out of my hand? You are always telling me how I need to eat more. Maybe you need to go back to sleep and wake up later; because whoever this is isn't my husband."

Don was shaking. "The last time you ate some I found you in our fucking living room not breathing; and your damn heart wasn't beating. How do we know that this is safe? So yeah, forgive me for wanting to make sure my wife was fucking safe."

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