Chapter 63

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Don turned over to snuggle up to his wife, something he often did in the early morning hours. They always fell asleep in each other's arms, then in their sleep, they would each move to their side of the bed, with one of them gravitating to the other early in the morning. To them, it was just a sign of how much they depended on the other, even in their sleep. A sign that they wanted to know they weren't alone, and as soon as they felt the other, then they would fall back asleep. However, on this morning, Don wasn't going back to sleep because his wife was no longer in bed with him. He looked over on his bedside table at his alarm clock and saw it was only 4 am. He couldn't find the baby monitor that they still used for Henry, and so he figured she had taken it with her wherever she had disappeared to. He knew she was still worried about him recovering from his infection and getting enough rest. Don grabbed a t-shirt and padded downstairs in his t-shirt and pajama pants to see where his wife was. He wasn't surprised when he saw light streaming from the kitchen. As much as she was looking forward to having everyone to their new home for Thanksgiving, and to be hosting; he also knew how stressed she was about it which became even more clear after their heart to heart the night before while Henry was playing in the bathtub. Don tried desperately not to laugh when he entered the kitchen. He saw a turkey AND ham, vegetables, fruit, baking supplies, yeast rising, and so much more spread all throughout the kitchen. In the middle of it was his beautiful wife who had her hair up in a ponytail, and was wearing only his t-shirt that came to her knees, which was the only thing she wore to bed as well. She was utterly adorable, he always found her sexy, but this morning she was sexy and hot and adorable and irresistible all in one. She was walking from the cookbook back to the ham looking at it, then back to the cookbook. He walked up behind her as she was leaned over the kitchen table looking at the cookbook and wrapped his arms around her waist and spoke in a fake accusatory voice. "You left me."

"Oh, hi, my Don Man." Meryl said as she turned her head to give him a quick peck on the lips.

Don pouted at her. "That's all I get? A chaste kiss on the lips?" Don laughed as she pulled out of his hold. "Come on, come back to bed. This can wait until later. You've been working yourself mad, everyone won't be here until the afternoon. We have PLENTY of time."

"Don, I have to cook a Thanksgiving lunch for 8 adults and two toddlers. I only have 10 hours until everyone is going to get here. Look at everything I have to do. I have to cook the ham, cook the turkey, peel potatoes, make salads, make casseroles, pick out something for you to wear, pick out something for Henry to wear, oh he is so excited about the parade this year and I really want him to be able to wat.." The feel of her husband's lips on hers, forcefully sucking her tongue into his mouth stopped what she was saying, but only for a moment. "Don...I need to cook...I need..." Meryl somehow managed to say in between kisses.

"You need to shut up." Don whispered as he continued to kiss her breath away while he pushed her up against the counter.

At that moment all of Meryl's willpower and strength to refuse her husband was gone. She raised one knee so that it rested on his hip. He knew what she was silently asking and smiled at the fact that she could never refuse him. He picked her up and walked a few steps to the kitchen table; while he set her down with one arm, he swept it clear of the peeled potatoes that were lying on it with his other arm.

"Don, the potatoes!" She exclaimed in his mouth but refusing to let go of his lips with her own.

Don moaned as they each responded to each and every kiss. "I will go buy more as soon as the store opens and peel them for you. It's more than worth it, hot stuff."

Meryl moved back onto the table as she took his head in her hands, refusing to break their bone-melting kisses. Meryl's hands immediately went to his pajama pants, pushing them down his legs as he then pulled his shirt she was wearing off her perfect body and quickly rid her of her lace panties, he was so glad that she wasn't wearing a bra. He should have known since she never slept in a bra except for when she was nursing Henry. Their encounter was quick, just as they both wanted. They had made love just a couple of times since he had been released from the hospital, but the pace they were making love tonight was just what they both needed to take the edge off. Don leaned her back against the table as she raised her knees and he skillfully glided into her. Meryl threw her head back in ecstasy, closing her eyes at what her husband was doing to her.

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