Chapter 49

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The next morning, Meryl woke up before the rest of the house and began cooking breakfast. She was so grateful that Don picked the apartment up and cleaned the night before while she decorated. She was even able to set out the paper goods for Suzie's little Streep and Gummer party that day. Don was glad that he had talked Meryl into ordering pizza for everyone for lunch for Suzie's party, so it was less that she would have do. The day would be busy enough making sure Suzie had a good birthday, taking her to see her parents, her impromptu birthday party and then trick-or-treating that evening. Meryl smiled as she was looking through the pantry and the refrigerator, gathering the ingredients to make a birthday breakfast. "One birthday special, coming up."


Don rolled over in bed and reached for his wife, disappointed that she was no longer in bed with him. He was hoping that they could have some special alone time since they were both exhausted the night before. Don got out of bed, threw on a shirt over his pajama pants, and padded through the upstairs hallway looking for his wife. He smiled that when he peeked into the room Suzie was staying in only to find she was still asleep, and then he found the same with Henry in his room. He smiled as he looked over the railing upstairs and could see his wife standing in the kitchen, cooking, wearing his Knicks t-shirt she slept in the night before along with her pajama pants. A sly smile crept to his lips when it looked like she was putting breakfast in the warming oven, and was cleaning up her mess. He quietly made his way downstairs and snuck up behind her as she was loading the last of the dishes in the dishwasher. "What were you thinking leaving me all alone in bed?"

"Morning, baby." Meryl smiled as she turned into his arms while he closed the dishwasher, and that was when she noticed the mischievous glint in his eye. "Were you missing me?"

Don placed his hands under her ass and lifting her to the counter, smiling as she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. "So much." Don whispered as he bent down to kiss that spot underneath her ear that always managed to get her going. "Though, I don't think you missed me."

"I miss much." Meryl breathed as she wrapped her fingers through his curly hair and threw her head back as his lips became insistent against her neck. She didn't just mean that she wished she could have stayed in bed and done THIS with him; she had just recently finished her period and wanted him to make love to her, desperately, but they really hadn't had much alone time since Lizzie went into labor and they were taking care of their Suzie girl. "Had to get...her birthday breakfast ready."

Don bent down to push his shirt up his wife's amazing body and was placing tantalizing kiss after tantalizing kiss on her flat stomach; smiling against her skin as it made her squirm in delight. "Is it ready now?"

"Yes..." Meryl moaned; not sure if she was answering his question or reacting to what he was doing to her. Meryl then grabbed his head by her hands, burning it up to hers so she could attack his mouth with her own. "And so are we."


Suzie stretched as she woke up, looking around the room, getting scared for a moment before remembering that she was at her Uncle Don and Aunt Meryl's house. She then remembered what her Uncle Don told her as he was putting her to bed the night before, that when she woke up it would be her birthday; and that he and her Aunt Meryl had a special birthday morning planned for her. Suzie excitedly ran out of her room at her aunt and uncle's apartment. "Irfday! Irfday!"


"You taste..." Don was losing himself in long drugging kisses with his wife. "So good."

Meryl's hands were wild over her husband's body as she wrapped her legs tighter around his waist and pulled him as close to her as possible. ""

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