Chapter 54

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"My mother is here." Don said as he pulled Meryl into the hallway out of the kitchen and away from Henry. "I only said she could come up because I want to find out what the hell she is up to. There is a restraining out on her after all. Listen, you stay with Hen and I will get rid of her. She can't come up here until I buzz her up anyways"

Meryl was conflicted. After the phone call from Jane the day after their anniversary, she could tell that Jane was really trying; and after the subsequent conversation with her husband, she thought she had gotten through to him about giving her a shot. Yes, Meryl felt like she wasn't good enough for Don when she was around Jane. However, she knew her husband didn't feel that way at all, and she didn't want to be the reason that Don didn't have a relationship with his mother and Henry didn't have a relationship with his grandmother. She would put up with anything for the two of them, but she also knew how fiercely her husband protected her and Henry from his family. "Baby, she might be here for Henry's birthday. You might not like this, but if she is here to visit then we should hear her out and let her stay here."

"Here with you and Hen?" Don was shocked. "No way, not after the way she treated you after you were raped and I was in my coma. She tried to take me and Hen away from you. She defends HIM."

Meryl held both of Don's hands in hers. "I know, baby, but you won't let either of us get hurt. We talked about how eventually we would need to let something like this happen. This might be the next step. Her grandson turned two today. We can't just kick her out on the streets. Please, Don Man, this is really important to me. I want this for you and Henry more than anything."

"I know you do." Don sighed as he stroked her cheek with his thumbs. He knew they would eventually have to take this step, he just wasn't completely ready. He also knew his father was in jail and would be nowhere near his family. Just the thought of his father coming anywhere near his wife and son shook him to his core. "I can see how important this is to you. Okay, but I am laying down some ground rules for her. The first misstep and she's gone. If you feel uncomfortable at all..."

Meryl tenderly kissed his lips as she ran her fingers through his hair. "I have a feeling my husband isn't going to leave mine or Henry's side."

"Your feeling is correct." Don sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair, something he always did when he felt out of control and overwhelmed. He knew Meryl was right. "This might get bumpy."

Meryl winked at her husband. "Baby, it will be bumpy. However, as long as I have you and Hen I can handle any bumps that come our way."

"Me too, love." Don pulled her into his arms for a long and silent hug, pulling away when he knew he needed to let his mother upstairs. "Okay, I need to let her in. Why don't you go in with Henry and I will talk to her, laying the framework."

While Meryl wanted to be with her husband through this, she also knew she needed to keep her son busy while Don talked to Jane. "Good idea. I love you, Don Gummer, so much."

"I love you, baby, more than anything." Don pressed his forehead to hers. "No matter what my mother says and does, I really need you to remember that."

Meryl pulled away slightly as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She knew how worried he was that because of his family that he would lose her; though she would never ever let that happen. "I know that, baby. Listen, no matter what your parents or anyone else does, NOTHING and NO ONE is ever going to get me away from you. I really need YOU to remember that."

"You're right." Don placed a tender kiss on her lips as he took a deep breath. "Okay, I guess it's go time."

Meryl squeezed his hand with a kiss to his cheek before she turned to walk into the kitchen to occupy their son. "I love you, I'll be right in there if you need me."

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