Chapter 25

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"You're doing so good, baby." Don said as he sat in a chair next to Meryl's bed in the Emergency Department of New York Presbyterian Hospital, holding her hand and kissing her face. "I am right here, Darl, and I'm not going anywhere. Hal is running some tests to figure out what's happening; but I promise you, baby, you are getting the best care. I'm making sure of it. Henry is with Lizzie and Suzie, and Larry is trying to figure out what the hell happened. Something isn't right, baby; I just had this feeling you were in trouble. Somehow you must have gotten something you are allergic to, but how, baby? I want you to wake up for so many reasons, but mainly so you can tell me what happened."

Larry took a deep breath as he walked into Meryl's room. "We're getting to the bottom of it."

"Well?" Don asked. "Any idea?"

Larry thought it would be best if Don heard it from him. "We found some chocolates not far from where she had collapsed on the floor in the living room. Several of the pieces were gone from the box."

"Chocolates? She's not allergic to chocolates, chocolates don't contain Penicillin." Don was trying to wrap his head around what had happened. "You think someone tried to poison her?"

Larry took another deep breath. "We are having the chocolates analyzed right now; Don, did you send her any chocolates recently?"

"Me?" Don was shocked as he shook his head vehemently. "You think I would have..."

Larry immediately put his hand on Don's shoulder. "No, brother, NOT AT ALL. I know you would give your life for her and Henry, and you have so many times. But Don, there was a note with the chocolates and it was from you. Saying she was your sweet treat so you were giving her a sweet treat. However, it wasn't your handwriting."

"Larry, it wasn't me." Don was starting to unravel as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Someone is after my wife and trying to set me up. I would never hurt her, Larry. My god, she is everything to me."

Larry's heart was literally breaking for his best friend. Not only was his wife fighting for her life; but he was being blamed for her situation. "I know she is, buddy; and I told the detectives that. They are analyzing the chocolates, maybe it wasn't even Penicillin."

"God, I hope not. She was perfectly fine this morning." Don said as he leaned down to kiss Meryl's lips. "Come on baby, please wake up."

Larry patted Don's arm. "I hope it's okay, but I called Harry and Mary, but they weren't home and I didn't want to leave a message like that on their machine."

"Thanks." Don nodded as he wiped away his tears with his free hand. "I will try calling them again later, but hopefully my girl will be awake soon and she can call them."

Larry's head shot up when he saw police walking into the room. "What the hell is going on?"

"The chocolates were all laced with Penicillin, and we checked Mrs. Gummer's medical records and she is severely allergic." The cop walked over to Don. "Donald Gummer, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Mary L. Gummer."

Don tightened his hold on his wife. "What in the actual fuck? She is my wife! The love of my life. There is no way in hell I would hurt her, and I sure as hell am not leaving her side when she needs me most."

"Don, don't say anything." Larry said quickly. "If he is under arrest then I assume you will read him his rights."

Dr. Abbott walked in at this moment. "What in the hell is going on?"

"Donald J. Gummer, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Mary L Gummer." The cop looked at Dr. Abbott. "He laced her chocolates with penicillin."

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