Chapter 20

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The next morning, the Browns and Gummers were gathered in Don and Meryl's hotel suite. It was decided that Don and Meryl would leave for the airfield that morning instead of going to the hospital first; as the kids weren't allowed to go back to see Mike and Maggie, and also because Don and Meryl had said their goodbyes to Mike and Maggie the day before. They also thought that it might be easier on Suzie with leaving her parents that way. Henry and Suzie were sitting at the coffee table in the living room of the suite coloring, happy and entertained, while Don and Meryl were visiting with Larry and Liz; Liz giving instructions and pointing to her suitcase. "There should be plenty of clothes and pajamas in here since we were prepared to stay for a week or longer."

"I'm sure there is more than enough." Meryl smiled. "If we run out, which I seriously doubt, we will wash her clothes. We have plenty of toys for her. We will set her up in the guest bedroom. She will be fine."

Don nodded. "She's used to our apartment, Lizzie."

"I know." Liz smiled softly. "In her My Little Pony backpack is her blankie and care bear she always likes to have when flying. I also have snacks in there for her and Hen. There are juice boxes on the plane for them. I have her books and coloring books and other toys in there."

Meryl felt for Liz; knowing exactly how she was feeling. "She will be fine. I promise. I know how hard it is."

"I know she will be." Liz smiled at Meryl. "Besides our parents, there are no 2 people I trust her with more than the two of you. I know you love and care for her just like your own."

Don winked at his childhood friend. "She's our Suzie girl; of course we do."

"Are you sure you two are okay with this?" Larry asked his best friend and his wife. He and Liz had talked the night before about how they were so grateful that Don and Meryl offered to take care of Suzie, but they were afraid it might be too much after everything they had gone through with Mann and William. "It's not too much? I mean you two have been through hell, and I know how important it is for things to return to normal for the 3 of you."

Meryl smiled as Don pulled her to his side. "Guys, we wouldn't have offered if we didn't want to do it; and we weren't sure. She is a wonderful little girl, and we love having her. She is no trouble at all."

"She entertains Henry." Don said making them all laugh. "Right now, this is our normal-Hen and Suze. I really think she's helping him, and she's helping us. We are family, we WANT to do this. I promise she is COMPLETELY safe."

Liz reached out for Don and Meryl's hands. "We know she is as safe with you as she is with us; that's not what we mean. I just don't want her to be too much."

"Not being able to help you all would be too much." Meryl said honestly as she saw her husband nod in agreement with what she was saying. "I promise."

Don kissed the top of his wife's head. "What my beautiful wife said. Besides, it will only be a day or two. We will hang out at the apartment and go to the park. It will be low key; which I think is what all three of us could use."

"We appreciate it more than you know." Larry said as his wife nodded her head and smiled in agreement with her husband. "You have a key to our apartment if she needs anything."

Don laughed at Liz and Larry. "You two are as bad as us." He teased with a smile. "Yes, we do and she will be just fine."

"We'll call this afternoon." Liz smiled. "Thank you so much. We have just never left her while we were in another state."

Meryl and Don looked at each other and then she looked at their friends. "It's incredibly hard, but it does get a little easier."

"That's good news." Larry teased his wife and them kissed her cheek. "Honey, we need to get to the hospital and they need to get to the airfield."

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