Chapter 61

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"Baby!" Henry was jumping up and down in his father's hospital room. "Baby!

Meryl looked at Don as she helped him get in the wheelchair. "Maybe I should have had my parents take him to the cafeteria with him. I don't want him to hurt you."

"Baby, he's fine." They had disconnected Don's IV so he could be pushed in the wheelchair, down to Maeve's hospital room. "I don't even need this damn wheelchair."

Meryl gave Don a look as she picked up Henry. "Hal says that you need the wheelchair, so deal with it. I am not going against doctor's orders, I'm not taking any chances with you."

"Okay." Don said simply as he gave her the Don Gummer smirk, he knew how scared she had been, so he didn't push her on it. He then held his arms to Meryl. "I'll take him, he can ride with me."

Meryl gave Don a weary look. "Are you sure? He's pretty wiggly."

"Come here, Bubs." Don said taking Henry from Meryl. "I'll be fine. You insist on pushing me, so let me help with this wiggle worm."

Henry looked at his father. "I no wawm, Daddy."

"Sorry." Don covered Henry's ear with his hands, as he looked back at Meryl who was now standing behind his wheelchair. "Someone is a little sensitive today."

Meryl laughed at her two boys, who really were two peas in a pod, and looked so much like each other it was almost uncanny. "I guess he is, Daddy!"

"Tush us, Mommy!" Henry said excitedly. "Baby!"

Meryl leaned down to kiss the top of both Henry and Don's heads. "Okay, my boys, here we go."


"Baby?" Don turned back towards Meryl as she pushed him and Henry up to Maeve's door, while also trying to control a wiggly Henry. "Are you sure you're up for this?"

Meryl smiled softly at him as she stroked his cheek, and walked around to kneel in front of him and Henry. "I really am, Don Man, but thank you for your concern."

"Always." Don smiled at her. "You're our girl, right Hen man?"

Henry nodded and gave his mother the Gummer smile. "Guwl."

"Thanks, my boys." Meryl winked at them. "Okay, Henry, I need you to look at Mommy." Meryl waited until she had Henry's undivided attention. "You stay right with Mommy and Daddy. We have to be very careful with baby Abe, and Aunt Maeve and Uncle Third are very tired."

Henry looked at his parents. "Aways pway thith me."

"He's no longer the baby of the family." Don smirked at Meryl, they wondered how Henry would react to no longer having all of the Streeps' undivided attention. Don then turned Henry's face towards him. "Not today, buddy. Uncle Third, Aunt Maeve, and baby Abe all need their rest and for us to not be very loud. Then you will come back to Daddy's room with me and Mommy, then you get to go home with Grandma Mary and Grandpa Harry and play."

Meryl smiled at the sweet look on Henry's face. "Gippy, are you going to use your inside voice and do what me and Daddy say?"

"I good, Mama." Henry smiled at his mother. "I pwomise."

Don ruffled Henry's hair. "We know you are, Bubs, we just have to be careful around the baby."

"You are always good, Gippy." Meryl kissed Henry's cheek. "Okay, let's go visit the newest Streep."


"He is absolutely beautiful." Meryl cooed as she sneaked a peek at her nephew who was sleeping in his mother's arms. "How are you feeling?"

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